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Everything posted by BigD145

  1. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25823-0-23-0-23-5-TAC-Fuel-Balancer-v2-3-22Dec
  2. Remove ModuleManager 1.5.6. Use 2.1.0 or even 2.1.5. Do not ever have two or more versions of ModuleManager in your gamedata folder.
  3. I was just going to see about testing 1.13. 1.17 did indeed fix it. I just noticed that the mass of the vehicle that had disappeared had a MechJeb embedded inside the part before the disappeared bits.
  4. I'll see what I can do. Not a lot of time at the moment, and it will take time to track down what disappears. Lots of pictures will come. I *think* the last time I really played before 1.13 was 1.09ish. Not sure. Offhand the parts involved came from LLL, Interstellar, Squad, and ScanSat. It's possible it's the modulemanager cfg fix for Interstellar nodes. Not too sure. Probably a project for tomorrow. I know I can copy the save. It's just unnerving to see a 40 part satellite get stripped down to an unusable glitchy lump of structural parts that almost thinks it's still whole.
  5. It exists, you just haven't seen it. I forget which mod offhand.... It's another one that has KAS support.
  6. Definitely not save game compatible. Invisible parts both mod and squad (in vab and in orbit) which leads to weirdness from dll's. It's probably a node thing OR a modulemanager thing because I went from a few hundred patches to almost a thousand. Could be conflicts there. Removing TweakScale fixes everything. No crashes and it didn't seem to harm the save. I'll get a log when I feel like risking my save again.... The kraken is scary.
  7. KAS parts, very nice. Although the jetpack weight seems OP for what it contains.
  8. Still the best way as you would recycle the entire thing or refuel it without leaving the safety of Kerbal Command.
  9. PartCatalog RC2 is catching duplicate parts and shoving them into a sort of "uncategorized" category. Seems like a feature and not a bug.
  10. I only caught it because the newest PartCatalog caught it. It was getting confused by the duplicate and calling it uncategorized.
  11. This is true but RemoteTech has major game crashing problems that need fixing. You might as well drop it and pick it up later.
  12. In GameData\LLL\Parts\FuelTank\2-50m\HeatTile There are two tanks with identical cfg's (same name and title and everything) and different folder names: Circ25fuel and Circ25fueltankht. The plain version has two tanks and the heattile version has three.
  13. B9 has been updated to .23.5, just not officially. There are at least two collections of the fixes.
  14. I should have installed this awhile back. It should be helpful in planning landings on the dark side of a body.
  15. Yes there is a way and it's in the forum. Short answer: open the cfg and swap the two modules that track the sun. It probably won't fix your existing satellites.
  16. "The MicroBiome consumes all available waste to produce Nutrients for your plants in the greenhouse. The greenhouse then produces Oxygen and one of the other resources(biomass, food) while consuming CarbonDioxide." Why don't people read?
  17. I wouldn't mind a "pay science to de-grade" button on some reactors.
  18. Very nice. This is quite handy. I can finally make a .625 fuel depot... I'm only kidding. This is quite useful. It can help to keep part count down in large vehicles.
  19. From squad parts: dataIsCollectable = True collectActionName = Collect Data interactionRange = 1.2
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