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Everything posted by BigD145

  1. The reworked parts are now integrated into the main release?
  2. Since this breaks symmetry this is actually a good way to get light pairs properly placed and then change their color independently.
  3. You can if you want to. Make a video if you do it. I want to see how Windows handles his voice. It should work fine. edit: Heh. Hah! HAHAHAHA http://hem.bredband.net/ba6j6333/sounds/picard28.mp3 Soundboard.com is being a slow ******* today. http://hem.bredband.net/ba6j6333/sounds/picard14.mp3 Now I want to make "stand by" the toggle for Voice Commander. Did you try them at the same time? Did you delete the old copy? Toolbar 1.7.1 is all you need. Make sure you don't have an old copy of Toolbar somewhere other than in the gamedata folder. Make sure your game data folder doesn't have some other named folder and a gamedata folder inside it. Make sure you unzip the files in the appropriate place. Make sure......(insert everything about mods ever here) Toolbar and Voice should be installed something like this: KerbalSpaceProgram_023.5\GameData\000_Toolbar\ KerbalSpaceProgram_023.5\GameData\blizzy\VoiceCommander\
  4. It took Squad many months to get to that point. Months of using the parts and getting to know it.
  5. You may also need to update Toolbar, which is quite handily in blizzy's signature. Voice Commander can only really be used from the toolbar while using a vehicle.
  6. Yeah, 1.1.1 and 255 work on my system. I do have one request, if it's possible as this is likely a mechjeb issue, but can you add a command to stop mechjeb from completing maneuvers? If you interrupt the command then you'll end up fighting the vehicle for control. Sometimes a situation calls for a change of plans.
  7. That kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it? Functionally the voice commands free up fingers from keys. Voice commands are an extra finger or two and some time on the key press rolled into one. If I had to press a button to say "SAS" then why would I not just press the SAS button? Perhaps just make a cfg so that's optional? I'm just not seeing the need unless you're in a "talkative" environment, in which case you should not be using speech recognition at all.
  8. No I was not "trolling" you. I was talking about the "other" IR. This forum is really bad about following conversations. Quote stacks can get big, but are useful for following a conversation.
  9. Someone annoyed by corporate logo's? I'm usually against them but I don't mind in a smallish modding community where the logo is on a small handful of parts. Hooligan Labs made these originally and that should be saved.
  10. http://i61.tinypic.com/2ykb9qv.jpg Wow. 255? That is not a very good deorbit burn. You're only.... 600km+ off target. This is from a 100km equatorial orbit. It's a basic craft with an upper stage skipper. http://i59.tinypic.com/fdynw5.jpg
  11. 253 caused KSP to crash when loading physics in a mechjeb vehicle. Here's hoping 255 doesn't do it.....
  12. If you're Scottish you'll have to stop being Scottish. It's the only way.
  13. We don't need bunk science here. Luck is not a factor as every success or failure is easily reproducible. Picking on the pilots' skin color is just racist and speciest. Camaron made entirely valid points.
  14. Excellent mod. Where does the weight balance end up with all the different modules and fuels?
  15. I've always observed them going from open to collapsing when loading physics, even when they are still on. They don't seem to remember what they are supposed to be.
  16. I did a quick search myself. I'll see about finding my dropbox login info. [LOG 12:21:03.171] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'KSPInterstellar' V10.3 [LOG 12:21:03.172] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssemblyDependency 'OpenResourceSystem' V1.1 [LOG 12:21:03.187] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies [ERR 12:21:03.188] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'VoiceCommanderMechJeb' has not met dependency 'MechJeb2' V2.2 [ERR 12:21:03.189] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'VoiceCommanderMechJeb' is missing 1 dependencies [LOG 12:21:03.235] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ConfigManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager.2.1.0' [LOG 12:21:03.237] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarManager' from assembly 'Toolbar' That would be MechJeb2 250 in my case. Try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nqhw8x2l9n3qfn9/KSP.log
  17. There is no "MechJeb" section in the voice commander settings. Only the top bit "used in macros" as seen by my screen shot, "Toggle Listening", and many "KSP: ____". Yes, I updated 1.1.0 by deleting the previous blizzy folder entirely from gamedata.
  18. Yes, mechjeb was active. I know that closing windows in the mechjeb panels turns mechjeb "off" (red light). See my post above for settings.dat. http://i59.tinypic.com/et5n61.jpg
  19. Mechjeb commands don't seem to be working. Right now I'm just trying prograde/retrograde turns. This is with 250. I typed in "turn prograde" into the box. Saying "mechjeb turn prograde" or "turn prograde" just makes voiceserver pick up "brake" at 0.6 confidence. Sometimes it'll use "brake" at 0.90 confidence. Yes, brakes are set to "brake." texts { prograde = turn prograde retrograde = turn retro voiceCommander { toggleListen = listen } ksp { toggleMap = map actionGroupGear = gear actionGroupBrakes = brake actionGroupLight = light actionGroupSAS = sas actionGroupRCS = rcs pause = pause } }
  20. It was my fault. I didn't have a microphone connected at the time I first tested this. It's running now.
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