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Everything posted by BigD145

  1. When Squad stops updating the game you can rest assured you won't have to worry about mods working in the next version.
  2. I opened my dozen fission caterpillar and it rolled off the flightline edge without breaking. The thing did "the wave" in front of me just now on physics load and stayed intact. It lifted it's own height off the ground. Goddamn.
  3. I had to change the grapple claw to an existing tech tree node to use it and still run Interstellar. Here's my solar 400MW+. 53 parts that could easily get cut down considering it's manned.
  4. You lose some of that as you get further from Kerbin. Using two of the Balka's from KOSMOS will get you 400+MW. You can build a 40ish part satellite and even that's probably too many parts. Has anyone else's claw not shown up in VAB career? I suspect treeloader. I think the claw has its own node "actuators". Treeloader is just a dll. Now what?
  5. KOSMOS double Balka panels should give you 200MW each at 300Mm over Kerbol.
  6. I have a couple games with permanent problems like that. Changing updates does nothing. I have at least one game that doesn't generate cards. Steam is by no means perfect. Never trust it with a modded game.
  7. Kinda sometimes broken on .23, so dropping this entirely until old problems are fixed, which it sounds like you've been working on. I look forward to .24.
  8. That does not always work. Steam does what Steam wants to do, which is almost always set "no update" to "F U I'll update and screw up your mods."
  9. That was fast. You came here just for that? /shrug A save from .23 does not work properly but a new career save, which seems to be the only way to get asteroids, will load. The basic Interstellar things show up in VAB.
  10. Oh Majiir. You so funny. @Kerbrud Steam updates have always been broken. It doesn't matter much how you set it. It's a HUGE reason I did not switch KSP to Steam. I mod way too much.
  11. I see no reason not to keep the current line intact depending on where the new parts are in the tech tree.
  12. Isn't the other stock decoupler a tad lighter?
  13. .24 will see a radically different RT2, supposedly. KAS also has OLD known issues with RT2 and disabling the RT2 dll does not fix it. Hopefully that is eventually fixed but until then, Diazo, you should take the reins and push for better code. People use mods that don't freeze their game.
  14. This is what it should look like. I edited the 600 power, making it more inline with stock parts. That was my choice, so it won't look exactly like yours. The key is order of the two module sections. You'll see it when you open your own file. I may tone the panels back down to their inefficient self since two big balka's give 600MW in close proximity to the sun. I'm waiting to see the adjustments coming in .23.5. @Rassa I think there is a career cfg around somewhere that uses modulemanager. The edits are not that hard to integrate, mostly just time consuming. My own KOSMOS techtree cfg is only solar panels, so that wouldn't help you much.
  15. The more moving parts you have the more likely something will break. Humans are fairly cheap. Just pay them minimum wage when you train them and take out a life insurance policy on them. Kerbals are even cheaper.
  16. There's something you can delete to get a new random respawn on a body.
  17. Hyperedit can cause problems if you don't activate/deactivate things that rely on outside influences. That would be relays, solars, radiators, and such. Activate and deactivate things if possible. Basically kick the machine.
  18. I'd love to see this work with the SelectRoot mod, which lets you make any part root on the fly. It sounds like anyone would probably have to set root and never change it before working over action groups.
  19. So. I figured it had to be an issue with the order of the hub and panels in the cfg. I think I fixed it. Just swap the two modules on the big balka in the cfg. They both still track correctly. The module with 0 charge rate should be last instead of first. Just take the whole block from MODULE on down to the second }. You should end up with hundreds of thousands of charge at 300Mm from the sun instead of the tens of thousands or whatever from before. 100's of megawatts now.
  20. The parts are still there and that's what matters. The craft won't disappear. But they (unmanned ones) probably won't work and certainly future craft won't work if you put the dll back.
  21. You don't need kethane to do that with 23.5. You don't need any mods to do that. I'm talking about something completely different.
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