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Everything posted by BigD145

  1. I have the original files, but nowhere to host it that won't be shut down right quick for running out of bandwidth. It's about 140megs for the full and medium res versions.
  2. Doesn't Near Future Tech have these big ones already? What makes these different? forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042
  3. I think some of the alternate "unofficial" models don't do this. -> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77674-Small-MechJeb-touchscreen-case <- More than just this case in the comments. You can add this to your probe core cfg's to get the functionality without the part, but I don't remember if they stay remote or local. MODULE { name = MechJebCore } Other than that you'll have to do more code diving than I care to do at the moment.
  4. It's mostly updated, although the cfg order of sun tracking in the Balka panels is backwards when interacting with other mods.
  5. Mechjeb counts as a local control. It's a Kerbal as far as RT2 is concerned, but RT2 does not dictate this. Mechjeb itself does.
  6. NullRef's are the only thing you need to worry about when clipping.
  7. I would love to see this get updated. The outhouse and stairs alone into the silo are glorious.
  8. Your probe is targetting Kerbin? Which has nothing to receive transmission from your probe except in a very narrow window of time when Mission Control has line of sight to your probe? Mission Control also only has the ability to reach inside its own SOI for communication. You have no network with everything you've built and aimed. You just have a thing in space attempting to talk to the Sun and Duna and a probe trying to talk to the planet Kerbin. Nothing is connected. Communication is a two-way street and you don't even have one way.
  9. I have a Logitech as well. I may move yaw to the hat switches.
  10. All the sizes! Actually, if it works, you could see if the TweakScale mod works on these.
  11. "I end up with no connection to either Mission Control or TelSat 1" Obviously. You might want to hit up the last 5 pages or so of the RT2 reboot.
  12. Understand RT2 before trying to send satellites up. Understand rocket building before sending anything up.
  13. Says you. I'm fine with the box. There's also some other alternate models that look good.
  14. You need a very large rocket for that. Polar orbits are no laughing matter. You also need strong connections in any staging as mechjeb is not kind when turning or thrusting. Other than that, who knows. You haven't given much info. Perhaps a screenshot of your rocket on the launchpad and the mechjeb ascent window?
  15. That bonus video. Hah! I really wish my twist yaw worked properly on my joystick. It has too much free travel one direction with almost no effort. Even with a dead zone it's pretty bad.
  16. Lack of proper radiators would cause them to shut down. You are closer to the sun now. There's a slider in VAB shows heat radiation at different distances from the sun.
  17. It's likely more about the minimum size involved in the engineering OR a different model is being considered.
  18. More numbers are needed. Ranges. Sizes. Diameters. Radii.
  19. Sooooo 5 years to load? 5 seconds? "Long" is completely arbitrary.
  20. Go to github and look at all the issues. Most issues are PEBKAC.
  21. If your Kerbals are stupid, yes. If they are less stupid then also yes but less so.
  22. Huh. Like the hinge on the KOSMOS solar panels? If the washer is shaded it won't budge, assuming you make it like panels.
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