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Everything posted by BigD145

  1. My errors seemed to come from KAS and some version incompatibilities between tweakscale and infernalrobotics branded tweakscale. I have not seen the staging smoke puffs in the vab yet.
  2. Along with all those nullrefs I'm also getting locked out of my "1" key. 2 through 0 works fine. It's just the 1.
  3. I do not use decoupleforx64. Never even heard of it. The problem may or may not be IR's version of tweakscale. I'll get back to you on this if it persists.
  4. KAS and Alarm Clock have been running without causing this problem for two days of numerous wacky missions ala contracts. IR was updated fairly recently and I see there's a problem of some sort there. Not a single KAS or IR part has been used in a vehicle yet except what KAS does to stock parts. I'm only using Near Future Solar which has one dll and I also have not used its panels yet. I'll replace the KSPAPI, see what IR does to its tweakscale.dll, and work from there.
  5. Have at it. This is my current outputlog. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vgzyjni9erw7h6d/output_log.txt
  6. I just got it uploaded. Try these: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5kv3eqhhcj2usl/KSPmorenullrefs.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/pt348r51wzzjxsr/KSPnullreftweakeverything.log I'm getting the camera drift again. TweakScale and TweakableEverything were all that I updated today before nullrefs started going off.
  7. I completely removed all tweakableeverything files. I think it's fixed now. Solar panels seem to have been the cause. TweakableE and tweakscale were fighting over them or something.
  8. I was getting a lot of nullrefs like this until I removed tweakablestaging: [LOG 15:58:27.311] [TweakScale] Rescaling heatProduction. Current value: 400. Base value: 400. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.314] [TweakScale] Rescaling breakingForce. Current value: 22. Base value: 22. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.314] [TweakScale] Rescaling breakingTorque. Current value: 22. Base value: 22. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.315] [TweakScale] Rescaling buoyancy. Current value: 1. Base value: 1. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.315] [TweakScale] Rescaling crashTolerance. Current value: 8. Base value: 8. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.316] [TweakScale] Rescaling explosionPotential. Current value: 0.5. Base value: 0.5. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.316] [TweakScale] Rescaling maxTemp. Current value: 3200. Base value: 3200. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.317] [TweakScale] Rescaling mass. Current value: 0.025000000372529. Base value: 0.025000000372529. Factor: 1 [EXC 15:58:27.318] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [LOG 15:58:27.321] [TweakScale] Rescaling breakingForce. Current value: 50. Base value: 50. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.322] [TweakScale] Rescaling breakingTorque. Current value: 50. Base value: 50. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.322] [TweakScale] Rescaling buoyancy. Current value: 1. Base value: 1. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.323] [TweakScale] Rescaling crashTolerance. Current value: 6. Base value: 6. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.323] [TweakScale] Rescaling explosionPotential. Current value: 0.5. Base value: 0.5. Factor: 1 I was getting decoupler smoke puff animations in the vab which made me think it was not tweakscale. I think the solars may have been at fault. Tweaksolars was still in and was getting nullrefs again until I removed everything tweakableeverything and rebuilt the ship from scratch. TweakScale (using version 1.22) is still preferable for me for how it works with other mods. tweakableeverything I liked for VAB sizing.
  9. 1.22 is throwing a bunch of nullref's in this form: Tons of rescaling messages and then nullrefs. I built a craft from scratch with stock parts and it's doing this. When I fly I get the camera drift problem where your focus changes away from the existing craft after staging. [LOG 15:58:27.311] [TweakScale] Rescaling heatProduction. Current value: 400. Base value: 400. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.314] [TweakScale] Rescaling breakingForce. Current value: 22. Base value: 22. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.314] [TweakScale] Rescaling breakingTorque. Current value: 22. Base value: 22. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.315] [TweakScale] Rescaling buoyancy. Current value: 1. Base value: 1. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.315] [TweakScale] Rescaling crashTolerance. Current value: 8. Base value: 8. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.316] [TweakScale] Rescaling explosionPotential. Current value: 0.5. Base value: 0.5. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.316] [TweakScale] Rescaling maxTemp. Current value: 3200. Base value: 3200. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.317] [TweakScale] Rescaling mass. Current value: 0.025000000372529. Base value: 0.025000000372529. Factor: 1 [EXC 15:58:27.318] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [LOG 15:58:27.321] [TweakScale] Rescaling breakingForce. Current value: 50. Base value: 50. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.322] [TweakScale] Rescaling breakingTorque. Current value: 50. Base value: 50. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.322] [TweakScale] Rescaling buoyancy. Current value: 1. Base value: 1. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.323] [TweakScale] Rescaling crashTolerance. Current value: 6. Base value: 6. Factor: 1 [LOG 15:58:27.323] [TweakScale] Rescaling explosionPotential. Current value: 0.5. Base value: 0.5. Factor: 1 I'm also getting constant puff animations in the vab from decouplers. edit: Hold on a sec. This may be tweakableeverything....
  10. Firspitters main page has already updated its links.
  11. EL does not use alt tech tree. You have a different mod causing problems.
  12. Part count, specifically, but that's physics on every part. It's all CPU.
  13. A mk1 Command Pod would cut your cost by 1,000 and weight by 0.19.
  14. For now just don't push the button unless __inserthouserulehere___ .
  15. None of these are early tech and only one is cheap. This is career mode so you need to be thinking about what tech you have and how much stuff costs. If you time your launch properly you can save a Kerbal with this or something very similar: http://i58.tinypic.com/10o16zc.jpg Adding a battery and doing some part clipping is a bit of a necessity. Four boosters will give you some breathing space. You do not need solars. edit: Here's another simple design that will not only save a kerbal but also make them EARN THEIR WAY HOME. Slackers. Just hanging out in orbit. Yes, it has rescued a kerbal and sent them to two biomes on the Mun before returning home in a single mission that took two days. The craft costs about $58,000. http://i61.tinypic.com/qznbs0.jpg
  16. The KSP stock loading screen lists every part it's loading. What makes the module manager text any different? It shows what's active and what's not. With how fast mods move and how often they use modulemanager it is quite useful to have a number or two changing so you know something happened when you changed your mod mix. For a game that's still in active development it is quite useful to have the game scream "you're using mods so stop sending bug reports to Squad, you moron".
  17. People, stop using 64bit unless you absolutely have to. It has more problems than 32bit. Waerth, you do have a crash report. It's your log file. You just don't have a formal crash file. Your log file is just ksp.log and should be right next to ksp.exe.
  18. Try to nail down what's causing your crashes because you seem to be posting this in every mod on the face of the earth... Perhaps you're trying to run ksp64 on a non64 OS? KSP64 isn't stable in the first place.
  19. You have to invest "dead end" vehicles in order to make bases that ultimately want to be self sufficient. That costs upfront money and rightly so. After that they are doing their own thing. They are effectively your corporation operating off its own raw materials. You're paying yourself to build.
  20. May or may not be a way. I don't remember. If there is it'll be in a cfg somewhere.
  21. Yes, you do need fuel on hand or you've got an empty ship.
  22. I've seen worse here. I've seen the post directly above. ......................
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