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Everything posted by LeadMagnet

  1. I agree with Sirine, the best method is practice. If you're having to walk kilometres, your landings are not controlled enough. I've always used one of the "objects" that are persistent on the Mun (won't say what they are, in case you haven't found them yet ). They never move and are easy to position in map mode. Even when Squad break the game saves, these stay put!! Practice, practice, practice. Hyperedit makes testing landers a bit easier on the time invested. Good luck.
  2. Ahhhhh.....Kerbal Space Program Under The Dome!! Exploration should be short! Have you tried a complete re-install?
  3. It would be nice to make the colors of the pro/retro markers, manuever point, etc configurable. The the color of the ball itself does conform to international standards.
  4. I think you're right, seems I remember a live stream of "Far Lands Or Bust" (FLOB-a-thon) where a Squad member was a guest and he talked about this. I can see the Kerbalizer getting hammered in the Space Center when getting crews ready!! Oh the fun to be had!!
  5. This would be correct bindings for walking. Think of a Kerbal as a "craft" when on EVA. The bindings are appropriate.
  6. aaaaaaannnndddd back on topic! Squad has placed several "easter eggs" around the Kerbol system. If you do not know what an easter egg is, have a look HERE. Some games call them "secrets" or give you "achievements" if you find all of a certain object. You can use ISA MapSat to map a planet to find them. However, a couple are not on the surface of any planetary body! No spoilers!! Personally, I use the second space center to land planes/returning craft, kinda like early Space Shuttle operations with Kennedy Space Center and Edwards Air Force Base . Have fun!
  7. How do you stop a rover? Give it a bone! but brakes work too!!
  8. yup......in fact, I would get the apoapsis to under 50K meters and aero-brake in Kerbina atmo. The purple path will definitely vanish then! If your finding these "extra" path's confusing, you could edit your KSP configuration file to reduce the number of paths projected. Look for the entry CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT. It should be set to 3, I set mine to 5 (more paths). Try a 2 or even 1.
  9. I always thought Kerbals were evolutionary relatives of the muppets!
  10. I hear your pain, and you need a hug! This is particularly difficult when using symmetry on lettuce (I hates asparagus! ) staged rockets. I've often wondered if the option to right-click a part in the VAB (not so much in the SPH) and from a context menu select "Send to stage...", at which point a small dialogue would appear asking for a number. Type "4" (or whatever), then BAM! that part is in stage 4. But, still wondering.....
  11. My entry. manned, no mods Image 1: Take-off Image 2: Dropping the gear Image 3: Glory pass 1 Image 4: Glory pass 2 Image 5: Final result = Highest speed over land 2300m/s HERE is my CRAFT file if you wanna give it a go yourself. I so badly want the 2400 mark!!
  12. Really!? Customizing a Kerbal, for non-KSP use!? OK, that's weird! Seems to me if Squad has invested the time and energy on the Kerbalizer, interfacing it into KSP should be easy. I guess it's a good thing I haven't bought it......yet!
  13. I can't imagine a scenario where you'd need more than 10 action groups. By definition, it's a control command for a "group" of objects. I have problems remembering to set 1 or 2, any more and I'd be writing a flight manual for each launch! Even if you have 3 or 4 separate ships on one rocket, the "group" assignment would still apply after seperation. IE: open solar panels, extend/open antenna, toggle engines on/off, lights, etc. Editing action groups in flight sounds like a bad idea. If I needed to do this, that would mean I didn't give the build/planning stage of the game enough thought. Kinda like driving a car and deciding to change your radio pre-sets, while your driving! Not only a bad idea, but very VERY dangerous!
  14. This suggestion popped up a couple days ago. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/42679-Update-maneuver-planner-for-more-ease-of-use-during-interplanetary-transfers Great idea, again!
  15. I'm steamless! Sorry...should have been more clear. I agree with an updated numbering system.
  16. "shipping" is a verb and applies to all modes of transport, "cargo" is a noun and also applies to all modes of transport! I agree, space shuttle-esk cargo bays for shipping stuff to and fro would be great! I have to use the B9 mod pack for these. gimmee...gimmee...gimmee...gimmee!
  17. most games have a datetime stamp. IE: ksp_screenshoot_2013_08_21_13_30_00.jpg (or something similar)
  18. This looks awesome! Very , VERY well done! *claps* Can you add a parts list and description to the first post, list each part, what it does, how it mounts, possible uses, etc. Like, can the arc reactor be used to power ion engines? Love the mod, keep it up!
  19. Now how cool is that! Didn't even know that mod existed! Like the idea, gonna try it out when I get home. I think leax256 is asking more for a in-game GUI pop-up type thingy. As Beeman points out, their re-working the science stuff for Career mode.
  20. There is a mod called Lazor Cam that does exactly this. Although, it would be cool to have this in game.
  21. It' hard enough getting into syncronous orbit with the MB....but a teapot!! Challenge accepted! Now all I need is the "teapot Mod"!
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