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Everything posted by LeadMagnet

  1. And not to be pedantic......we're talking about different display items on different monitors, and not "monitor spanning". Hehehe......well I do keep telling my kids to stop wasting their time on consoles!!
  2. You need the Spherical Fuel Tanks Pack http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30673-0-21-x-Spherical-Fuel-Tanks-Pack-%28Updated-09-04-13%29 Great mod
  3. . There are loads of LPers that detail this exact mission. And some of them a funnier than hell!!
  4. This suggestion popped up a month or so ago http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27428-place-to-type-text-notes-for-vehicles?highlight=flight+manual And I still think it's great!
  5. This is an industry problem. I've been running dual monitors since they were CRT's!! Now, I run two 23" screen and one 34" screen. Most of my gaming is on the larger monitor, all of my software development is on the dual set-up. For gaming, the problem with adding dual monitor support is what do you do when you need to port it to a console? Now I would love to have dual monitor support on KSP. Always having map view "on" would be just sooooooooo cool! Just worried about suggesting something the dev's would have to drop when the game goes console!
  6. Ditto, although, what if I want a "larger bump"? Can this be configured? Can frequency? Does this affect Kerbals on EVA? Love it! Love it! Excellent work!
  7. The no air physics is actually a game physics suggestion. You are right, kinda, especially where very high part count ships are concerned. You also need to keep in mind that KSP is in BETA and I am sure the devs plan a whole slew of optimization changes that will make the game run far smoother come version 1.0. Your suggestion sounds very much like several post talking about "part welding". There are a couple of mods and PART editing posts talking about this. It may help you out. As for having a machine that can run every game on the market, most of the games I imagine you play process data very differently. More GPU based than CPU. KSP is a very CPU intensive game, very different than others. I too have a machine that can play "anything", and a dual nVidia 660 setup to boot with 32GB of RAM (I run many VM's ) and yet, I have the same FPS problems that people with machines a quarter as powerful as mine (and yours) are experiencing. The devs are very aware of this and, believe me, have correcting this on there list of things to do. Also, as S&M points out, there is a list of things already suggested and a list of things not to suggest. Before you post, have a read. Almost every idea I've had has already been posted in one form or another and nobody likes beating a dead horse! Also try to limit your posts to a single idea. It makes it easier for other users to search for. As for mining, sounds like you have checked out the Kethane mod. Loads of people love it to pieces and would love to see it added to the game. Including myself, but it is on the list of things not to suggest (even though it's uber cool). Hope this helps! M2CW
  8. Now that's my kind of LAG!! I would put that in orbit with 10 launches and I'd add a small tug to move the parts around. Nice one!
  9. Behaviour like this, while irritating, happens what you start using mods. Admittedly, what you describe should hold together, although I have never used this specific combination of parts nor have I tried to build a carrier. Have a gander at Macy Dean's carrier builds using stock only parts. Might give you some idea's.
  10. Yup...this is an old "feature" Although, my orbits are rarely THAT circluar!!
  11. Well if they do, I hope they make it configurable!! I for one would love to make it smaller! Some of my mega-builds need not render, nor engage physics, if I'm translating by to another craft! Watching sudden explosions on the horizon is a bit dis-heartening!
  12. I know the work to the UI to better group things is planned. If they're going to added better part grouping in the VAB/SPH, I would assume the tracking station would get the same attention. I wonder if the mod builder for the Part Catalog mod would expand his excellent creation to the tracking station!! {insert very subtle hint here}
  13. The main start-up screen is the big teaser here! Muner lander partly sticking out of the Mun! Very funny! I'd like to see this too, but Beeman is right, a simpler crater would be easier on the engine.
  14. Yup, something you learn very early on while riding motorcycles! The side that has the sticker "My other rover is a Ferrari", is the back. The side that crosses the "finish line" first, is the front. Relax dude, partially disabling the action group is usually required for extremely top heavy designs in lower gravity. I believe they call this "a design flaw". My Mun rover turns into an Olympic gymnast on Minmus. It is a flawed design for Minmus deployment, but works great disabling the action group for the "globally symmetric" front wheels. M2CW
  15. Yup...this was suggested a month or so ago. There should be a "key mapping" sticky dedicated to things people would like to be able to map. Definitely vehicle centering would be welcomed by the majority of players. Especially on MEGA-builds, it would just make things easier to deal with.
  16. Anything with rover wheels attached will roll if on uneven terrain. Disabling the motors will not stop it rolling, that will just disable the wheels ability to move what it's attached to. Think of like gas in a car. If you empty the gas tank, the car will still move, just not under the power of the engine. Same thing with wheel motors. The only thing that will stop wheels moving is the brakes. If your rover is tumbling while braking, try tapping the break key in quick bursts. You can also remove the front wheels from the brake action group, just be careful braking in reverse! Johnno is right, there is no throttle setting for wheels, but you do need power. If you don't have solar panels, batteries or generators attached, you have no power for the wheels to move. But, even out of power if you're on a hill, the rover will move unless you turn the parking brake on. It's always best to test your designs in the SPH. Drive around the runway for a bit, see how it handles. Test in day and night cycles to make sure you have enough power for all senarios.
  17. Agreed! I just got a nasty mental image of Kerbals customized like the Power Rangers.....walking to their rocket....ready...to battle gravity!!!
  18. or...as I have seen in dozens of other posts.....remove the front wheels from the brake action group.
  19. This would be a great addition. The KAS mod allows for the functionality that you're talking about, but the "cable/hose" is a simple dark line, dead straight, point to point. WHile the function is cool, the look is not. I think I saw something along these lines in another post. The guy was talking about a "Kerbal Tool Box" which would contain (along with fuel and power cables) tools to perform tasks during EVA. Again, very cool. Anyone seen the new movie trailer for "Gravity". Lets just say "problems with tethers" is an understatement!!!
  20. Yeah...this isn't on the "Already suggested" list, but it should be. I can remember at least 5 threads talking about this. A seriously dead horse!
  21. This has popped up before, and is still an excellent idea. Taken further, if you're logging data against a character, why not use an in game Kerbalizer to distinguish them!? Man....sometimes I wonder if this section of the forum is a bad idea!! :D So many great idea's! Dev's been sitting in the corner shacking and whimpering... "...please...no...more...suggestions..." anyway....digression over! +1 for this suggestion (again!)
  22. I used to play a game (and sometimes still do) called Tachyon: The Fringe. In game, you could hit F10 and this would bring up a window listing all bind-able commands and what key they are currently bound to. Extremely helpful, especially when its years between sessions and I've forgot what is bound to what. The current bind-able options is good, but you have to come completely out of the game to see what is what. Bummer!
  23. A bit off topic I hear this (or something similar) all the time. As a software developer myself, I have to balance what customers want with what is feasable in the alloted time, how much the development budget will allow and does the new feature take the current version out of projected lifecycle. Squad has to decide what they can and cannot do, in the alloted time, within budget, pleasing the majority (90% is our cut-off) of users. It is not narrow mindedness, just simple economics. Software (even games) have a very short shelf life. In 5 years, if KSP is still around (and I pray it will be) it will be many, many versions down the road. I guarentee it will not look, act or play the same. It probably won't even be in the same engine! Anyway....I do digress.. As CyclonicTuna has pointed out, if you know it's there and you go looking for it, that isn't random at all. You see a Lion at the zoo, if you stand to close to the cage, you may get hurt. If you get in the cage, you will get hurt! I think the idea of the OP is that the player can decide. Chose to "push the envelope", see what happens. A completely (or even partially) random event that stops game-play.... This ain't Runescape!!
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