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Everything posted by LeadMagnet

  1. 1. and part of 2 sound alot like the "sub-assembly loader" mod. This allows you to build entities (one at a time), save them, then load then in when needed. I think this is a planned feature as it's extremely useful during building and removes the repetitiveness of building your lifting stage (for example). The other part of 2 sounds like a "find and replace" function? Or, select a part, right click, "replace with" and select the new part from the parts list. Now I like this idea, very much. 3 doesn't make much sense to me, but I've only had 2 cups of coffee this morning! You also have to realise how parts are stored in a craft file. In the editor, to build 2 completely separate entities would require 2 separate storage files. When the editor "greys out" a stack of parts, this is the games way of telling you "...if you save, this will be deleted...". Hope this helps.
  2. I still have an old Hitachi 19" CRT that works great! Bigger than my desk and just as heavy! Only use it on occasion and it has a permanent home in the workshop. Maybe it's screaming for some KSP action! :D
  3. The Gemini and Mercury Pack have the escape tower. If you don't want all the other parts, just load this one. Back on topic, when you say "in-line", like a seperator/decoupler? That would be a welcome addition! I second!!
  4. I agree, more and varied lights would be cool, but this is a "more parts request" and on the do not suggest list.
  5. I feel your pain, and understand the argument. There are a load of "real world" things I'd love to see in-game. But, this is a game, not a simulator or research program, but a game. Your right, banana-wobble is not "realism", but it's funnier than hell and an obstacle to overcome, in-game. If parts didn't wobble, didn't flex, if anything you put together acted like a single part, i think KSP would have lost something special. M2CW
  6. There are several mods that do this. At the end of the day, the whole purpose of struts is to reinforce parts for flight. Kinda the whole point I think. There are several other threads that talk about game optimization. KSP is still in Beta and I'm sure the devs will address the "high part count = lagg" problem. On the other side, I think there is a challenge for whom can get the most parts into an orbit without crashing the game! Sounds like fun!
  7. Like a "flight control computer" part. Something you could program with the flight plan you want it to take, after staging, autonomously. Yup, love this idea!!
  8. Very true, but the risk is still present (1)(2). With my luck, I'd hit a grain of sand!
  9. Don't think jwenting is being negative, just observant! His point about traversing an asteroid belt is very good. Going through an asteroid belt at 5Km/s would make even Jebediah's pucker meter peg! Turing an asteroid into a weapon, I'm sure the US government already has plans for this and in KSP, !You also make very valid points. Kethane operations on an asteroid would be epic! To stay on topic, I think the existence of an asteroid belt would be a bit much for KSP physics and a tad bit laggy. Unless it's a very, VERY small one. Having the odd (5 or 10) small asteroids in random orbits could be fun. Making it so you could, possibly, adjust these orbits would be great. So yes, I agree. Asteroid belt? MEH...
  10. Steve is right, TheCardinal is kinda right. To get these objects in game, attach a ba-zillion struts to a seperator between two fuel tank. In orbit, stage. The strut connectors will shoot out as debri. TheCardinal is right, depending on which end of a strut is attached to a part, the will disappear (stop being rendered). I disagree with removing this from game. I does give a higher level of realism IMO.
  11. As Scott Manley (and UrstMcRedhead) pointed out, the hibernation option is a non-starter due to the excessive continuous game play (....Hi, my name is LeadMagnet...and I'm a game-aholic...I've been traveling to the nearest star system for 3 weeks now!) I love the star/hyper/jump gate idea. Problem is, if you have to build it, you find yourself back at option 1 because you would have to travel to the other star system to construct that "paired/matching/target" gate. What Squad could do is hide them in the solar system. So unless you find them, maybe research how to use them (IE: Stargate story line), your stuck in Kerbol. But, how big do you make them? 4 meters? Or do you have Super Gates (again, ).Now Warp Drive, has me drooling over my keyboard. However, warping around the Kerbal system would negate the majority of parts in the game. Meaning, at Warp 1 (speed of light, 300 Million meters/sec) you could deploy any craft instantly, anywhere in system. While fun, it would detract from the game IMHO. Then there's Hyper Drive, which to me seems like the better option. Squad could limit a Hyper Drive system to be "point-to-point", star system to star system. Throw in some R&D to get the tech. A Hyper Jump would unload Kerbol and load {another star system, I vote Alpha Centauri (or Kappa Centauri!)}. Hyper drive would not work inside a star system. So you would still need to rely on current process to land on planets, orbit, etc. It will be exciting to see what Squad have planned!
  12. Page Up/Down will scroll vertically in the VAB. But really invest in a mouse with a scroll wheel.No scroll wheel, then you're missing out on some "mouse button 3" action!! I've never understood why the VAB has a roof at all in build mode. Although, it is very rare that I come close to the ceiling.
  13. Mad scientist indeed! "...I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work..." - Thomas A. Edison
  14. Well whatever binding is used, the idea sounds good to me. Not all players use the keyboard. Some use a controller, some a game pad and I see from another post, possibly an external device. Some use a combination of input devices. If the binding was in-game, it could be bound to anything.
  15. I know what you mean, kinda like what happens in the BeamRG Drive tech preview that was released a couple weeks ago. A couple dents, scrapes and scratches would make things funnier! AND the big booms!!!
  16. You could also just yank the power cord out!
  17. A very odd problem indeed! Thanks for the screen caps, really helps out. I can replicate this by setting the game to window mode on a 4:3 aspect, but maximizing the window on a 16:9 monitor resolution on both VGA and HDMI. I don't think this is a game bug, but just how the graphics card is trying to render the different display modes at the same time. Are your game display settings and monitor resolutions the same? If so, does this happen on all 16:9 resolution and settings?
  18. Depending upon what the "mission" is, I always land at KSC. Space planes (like the Space Shuttle) don't fair well "landing in a field!". The Space Shuttle had alternate landing sites all over the world. It would have to be a severe fault to force a crew to land on an un-preppared surface (IE: dirt, gravel, water, etc). Most US highways could not take the impact and axle weight of the Space Shuttle during a landing. Have you ever seen a road (blacktop) with ruts where people drive? They are pretty soft. Runway construction is complicated, but necessary to deal with the weight and impact requirements. I would love to see the addition of 5 or 10 additional runways, spread all over Kerbin. I believe this is planned, but 100% sure. If the thought of landing "peggs the pucker meter", I would recommend you "fly the pattern", something I learned in the military, to practice your landings.
  19. I'm running the same resolution, both on Windows and Linux, and do not have this problem. I've got a GeForce GTX 660, either VGA or HMDI outputs do not have this problem. Have you check your drivers are current? Maybe a re-install?
  20. The official list of key bindings does not have a "center ship" option for the VAB/SPH. That would be a very useful option.
  21. Yeah, kinda like the sub assembly mod does. I remember reading somewhere that Squad was going to include a similar function into KSP. I hope they adopt the folder idea!
  22. If you're having problems with game performance, there are loads of suggestions on the web with instructions on optimising Windows or Linux based gaming machines. Graphics drivers play a big part here, so keep an eye out.
  23. I agree. After all, ever single mission to space, from any country, had a unique mission "patch". In most cases, this was put on the craft itself! Would be great for story immersion.
  24. Have you tried the "KSP Flag Decals" mod? Not sure if it works for 0.21. Worse case, you could edit the texture for the part you want the flag on. Not exactly user friendly though.
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