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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. I believe this is an issue with the in-game braking system, I have seen similar twitches on some of the stock rover wheels (to a lesser extent) at times.
  2. I have just uploaded the Proof of Concept track sets, those used for the first test phases of the pack. Be warned though, although these are faster, they are more unstable and can be difficult to attach to objects. HERE is the link.
  3. The steering issue has been mentioned before, and I have experienced this too. Im not sure what causes this problem but will be one of the bugs to be looked into.
  4. This is a possibilty in the future, but no time soon. The tracks right now are pretty flexible in their usability. The MK5 was modelled after the Thunderbirds mobile platform, although Ive wanted to make some Nasa crawler tracks.
  5. Thats a mighty fine bug you got there, Thats one that needs some further investigation. Im going to try re-creating both the bugs youve mentioned (right after my PC finishes baking some delicious AO maps).
  6. You mean like turning on the spot? By default they should do this just fine.
  7. I have considered making sets for this, they will likely appear in the future.
  8. Fantastic mod, I'll be giving it a good try later today (I've only JUST noticed my tacks in the pics xD)
  9. Any images of this miner? As for the pulling to the side, I think it may have to do with some slight torque variances between tracks. I'll see about some kind of regulating system to fix this. aNY PICTURES
  10. I've had a few comments of the SpacePort page of the tracks not working, I can only assume you might have installed the mod wrong. You need to just copy the entire GameData folder straight into the KSP root folder, merging with the original GameData folder there, and thats it. Also any issues you have, it'd be easier to post them here so I can respond to each post personally.
  11. I am actually seeing similar torque going forwards and backwards, but I will look further into this one. I did mention that using multiple MK5's react oddly, until a fix is in place, struts are your friend here.
  12. The MK5 is occasionally buggy with the reverse gear, Im not sure why this is but is a possible side effect of being a 2-part track set. I think a workaround for now may be to brake to a complete stop, then try reversing again.
  13. Wondered how long before the first tanks would arrive xD DYJ-Sorry bout that.
  14. Tinfoil is well known to bypass physics nearly all the time (except when it doesnt).
  15. Fixed, source code is now in the zip with the tracks. Thanks for pointing that out.
  16. That is so very Kerbal, I dont ever see that working when improved aerodynamics is introduced.
  17. Thanks for the look anyway I'll likely add some more 'sporty' versions in the future for the extra speed.
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