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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. I've been doing this since the very first version...its always a delight to witness.
  2. The files for this are on my Desktop, which I wont have access to til tomorrow. I promise to add these as a bonus piece when I can xD
  3. Keep in mind that tracks are built for traction, not speed. Get it on a steep incline and you'll see the benefits. As for turning at high speed, this was a very difficult thing to balance out, but the wider your track positioning is, the easier you should turn. Alternatively the tracks work well in conjunction with regular wheels, so halftracks could be the best of both worlds.
  4. I would love to see the launch vehicle that throws that in the sky!
  5. Thanks for the info! Sometimes varying tracks operating at the same time like to pull away from each other due to their varying strengths and high grip, I'll sort a fix for that when I can.
  6. 61 downloads since uploading 15 minutes ago...you guys are fast xD
  7. Since both myself and 6.forty are super-busy these days, and cant spare much time on this mod, I am handing it over to everyone in the forum to fix/update/tear apart/[censored]/play with. All the files in this mod are now fully free to use as you wish, its all gone open-source now. The download below contains a few models in FBX format (3 rigged tracks, and the modular platform set to go with the crawler tracks, the crawler set is all in a single fbx file but is easy to seperate into modular chunks) and their textures, as well as a single unity package containing a scene with some tracks all set up and ready to go. I believe that you'll all figure out whats going on in all this with these files. I am also providing a link to the plugin stuff on Github. Plugin:https://github.com/6forty/trackar Other files:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2IpC_cEdLQhWGtpT1owLWhlb0k/edit?usp=sharing Go nuts with it all, I look forward to seeing what happens with these.
  8. Alright the first alpha release is confirmed and will be up in the next few hours...you now have permission to go crazy, perform celebratory coitus in my honour, send me jaffa cakes and give EndlessWaves a big thanks on this thread. So yeah...coitus time, also tracks. I will notify here when the upload is uploaded.
  9. Honestly I completely overlooked the fact that kerbals need to exit vehicles sometimes (probably because 90% of mine die before getting the chance). The door suggestion would probably work alright, or just removing a collider on that particular bar (but it may look odd when kerbals just fall through it).
  10. I forgot to mention, Im slowly converting the rollkage into small prisons.
  11. No release yet Im afraid, still waiting on the last detail (It really is essential to the release). Stop killing yourselves checking this thread so often, you'll go crazy. I promise to put up a huge billboard when the release is done xD
  12. This is where any obligations end...I am a pipes-n-tracks guy, command pods are outta my hands
  13. I feel that it may be bad I always read your name as 'Scrotius'.
  14. Oh no...my tracks are becoming one of these mid-life-crisis must-haves...like a Porsche or golfing.
  15. The MK2 is my redesign of the MK1, added some structural elements and some updated texturing. Adding an extra panel would be a simple task, but there are plans in my head for the MK2
  16. *Takes a bow* Thank you, Thank you all...I am glad to be part of such a genius project. Now excuse me while I shout at some polygons for not obeying me.
  17. Regarding the whole symmetry issues, I have come across the issue too with the caterpillar tracks,however EndlessWaves is working on a plugin to force proper symmetry on objects (by negatively scaling the object whilst keeping its properties intact). It hasn't been completed yet but is something to consider for future planning.
  18. Alright heres the info you want :-P I am waiting on one small detail before I can confirm a release. It will be am alpha release and so will be missing some minor features and will be slightly buggy. Once this small detail is confirmed I will release.
  19. You're right, in this case it doesnt apply since I am implying a possible release, to enforce the rule now would be akin to trolling.
  20. Well I DID stress the MAYBE part (dependant on one or two small details) and I said over the next couple days...
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