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Posts posted by BigFatStupidHead

  1. 6 hours ago, klgraham1013 said:

    Luckily for you, I can see the future.  I suggest donning your aviators and honing your acrobatic aviation!  Pilot Wings: New Adventures for the Nintendo Super Switch is coming in 2021!  Build your whirligig flyers with a plethora of parts!  Race in high stakes competitive competitions and reach the top of the charts!  Your rivals are close behind!  Can you solve the conspiracy that lurks behind the famed international tournament!?  What darkness hides in the hidden depths!?  Take arms my friend!  Battle the Kraken Army in Pilot Wings: New Adventurers 2: The Darkening coming in 2023!  Mount an arsenal of tentacle killing bullet flingers to your faithful flyers!  Bombs ahoy in this thrilling, high stakes escapade from the wild jungles of Cambodia to the Egyptian pyramids!  Only you and your rag tag team can thwart the evil menace in Pilot Wings: New Adventures 3: This Time It's Personal coming in 2025!

    I could seriously see myself playing that.

  2. So I've been keeping an eye on this - I'm wanting to try some colonization for some time and despite having installed MKS a number of times, I've never actually USED MKS - and I like how this sounds. Could you add a list of mods required, and supported, to the OP? I see EPL is supported, but you also mention other parts from other mods and I'm not sure which are where? Also, big thanks on the HowTo; it does a good job.

  3. Here's my Duna SCIENCE-copter on a test-flight.6WbFeLB.png

    Makes a good clip, pretty maneuverable, and can fly forever in the sun. I haven't tested its full capabilities yet, but I'm pretty pleased with it.

    I didn't notice any difference between 400 and 460 RPM, but hey, it saves me some power.

  4. 3 hours ago, Brikoleur said:

    Yep I made a few, including a tilt-rotor I'm operating there in career mode. It's 1.7.2 though so uses rotors made with elevons rather than the official rotor blades. It works extremely well -- flight on Duna is different than on Kerbin and it took me a while to become properly comfortable with it but once I did it's lovely, easily the most fun craft to operate there I've made. It cruises at over 100 m/s and is remarkably easy to hover, land, and take off. It's 100% solar-powered. 



    Like most Duna craft, she needs rather more wing/rotor than a comparable craft for Kerbin or Eve.

    She's a pretty one!

    3 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    After retrying mine yesterday/last night, I found that it is extremely sensitive to... just about any sort of modification.  Added ~0.05t to it, and now it barely can hover under full power.  Sad times.

    Even more strange, it seems to get an increase in lift if I decrease prop RPM from 460 to ~400.

    Really wanted some sort of micro-aerocraft for Duna, but it looks like I'm going to have to go bigger if I want it to work.  Trying to use props for lift (trying to stay small) is apparently not going to be sufficient, and might have to switch over to using a dedicated set of helicopter blades for lift.


    Yeah, been awhile since I've done anything aero on Duna (since before 1.x aero update), and I'm learning that quickly.  Always knew to pack extra chutes, but the changes to thrust/drag in flying machines is... odd... to get used to.

    Ditto on the sensitivity to modification. And very interesting on the lift increase from decreased RPM. I wonder what is going on there... shouldn't be any sort of mach effects with a thinner atmosphere, but this is KSP after all. It will require more research.

  5. 3 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    Your rotor is the same basic setup as mine above; smallest props on the smallest rotor.

    Try increasing it to four blades per rotor.  And then try using a deployed pitch in the range of ~15-20 for hovering (maybe less depending on mass).

    When I switched from two to four blades-per rotor on the craft, it went from 'unable to hover' to 'capable of controlled and sustained flight'.

    Oh, this IS the modified copter. It uses four of the mid-sized props and is capable of slow flight, but couldn't seem to get any lift during fast decent. It benefits greatly from four props per blade.


    Still can't save itself from a fast decent in that thin Duna air.

  6. I made a little quad-copter drone that flies very well on Kerbin, but fails to produce any lift on Duna. Used the smallest propellers also; maybe they're too small to produce lift on Duna?  Modified the rotors to a coaxial setup using Propeller B, it can get into the air but doesn't have much speed.


  7. 5 hours ago, Galileo said:

    @BigFatStupidHead @Quickspin @Tyko

    The BG scatters are supported, but for some reason Squad changed the name of all of the models in 1.7.3 and made some other questionable changes, but it’s nothing we aren’t going to be able to fix. These changes broke the scan points unfortunately.

    We have some cool changes coming in the next update, but the release of that will be a little ways out. 

    Awesome. Thanks for the heads up!

  8. 7 hours ago, Quickspin said:

    Using JNSQ with KSP 1.7.3 and BG expansion.  I accepted and successfully completed a contract to scan a surface object on Kerbin (I think it was called a Bilboa Tree), with the OP-E scan arm.  Then I accepted contracts to scan Mun Craters on the Mun and Olivine formations on Minmus, but using the same rover and scanner, I cannot get these scans to work.  Is it possible to scan surface objects off-Kerbin at this time with JNSQ?

    I've found a similar issue. Turning on the BG ROC cheats doesn't show any possible scan points either.

  9. If you feel like editing your quicksave file,  this is what you can do.

    1. Rebuild the station properly, exactly as it should be in orbit. Give it a unique name.

    2. At the original station, evacuate any personnel you want to stay at the station and undock anything that you want to keep in orbit.

    3. Launch the replacement station from the VAB. (Or the hangar. I don't mean launch it into orbit.)

    4. Make sure you don''t have any stowaways and quicksave.

    5. In your ksp directory, go into saves/[whateveryoursaveisnamed]/ and open quicksave.sfs with your texteditor of choice.

    5.5. Backup your persistant file. 

    6. Search for the name of your station. You're looking for it after 'name ='

    7. Two lines down, there should be a line reading 'sit = ORBITING' . Copy everything from there down to the } just before a line reading 'PART'. I also like to replace this entire section with an xxx for easy finding later.

    8. Repeat 6 for your replacement station, and paste everything copied in 7 right before 'sit = PRELAUNCH' . Cut all the new stations location data ('sit = PRELAUNCH to that } before PART) and go back to the original station. (I search for that xxx I put there earlier. Makes it very easy to find.)

    9. Paste over that stuff you keep copying and save. (In my case, paste over xxx)

    10. Reload your quicksave, profit.

  10. 46 minutes ago, Thomas P. said:

    1.7.3-1 is out, plus backports and Kittopia.

    Apart from recompiling against 1.7.3 it only contains a fix for the barycenter and selectable options, thanks to @Sigma88

    Sorry for the long break and skipping one version, but I just had to get a break and do something else for a few days or weeks.

    You're doing a great thing for us all. No need to apologize, you deserve whatever time you need.

  11. 20 hours ago, Nertea said:

    Consistent, matching colours is my #1 artistic pet peeve with stock, I'd be pretty unhappy if the Restock parts didn't conform...

    Seriously, I think there's about 4 distinct 'whites' in stock that really should be the same, not including inconsistent specular intensities within those whites. You've got at least:

    • Airplane parts white
    • Old standard white (as on the 3.75m tanks)
    • New fuel tank white (which is not very consistent between size classes either)
    • New RCS block white (also using a different shader!)

    IIRC the stock Mk1 pod also has a weird, different white, but you don't notice it because of the angular variations. It's like they baked the angular lighting compensation into the texture...

    Orange and yellows also have some variation, windows are pretty nasty. Greys and metals , I'll allow differences, but even then those differences should try to be consistent, eg use a similar grey for fuel pipes, similar black for ablative nozzles, etc...

    It's almost as if... stock parts were made by a hodge-podge different people, all with different artistic visions and using different palettes!


    That's another reason I love Restock.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Galileo said:

    Its a pretty hard requirement for the latest update, unless you enjoy crap performance.

    JNSQ and Kopernicus write to your settings cfg. They adds the terrain detail settings that you see in the main menu (JNSQ_Low/Medium/High) which definitely impact performance. What you can do is delete all the JNSQ terrain nodes in the settings cfg to avoid deleting the entire thing and just reselect your prefered terrain detail settings upon the start of a new game. For those that have no clue how to do that, it easier for them to delete the entire cfg and rebuild their settings. We don't have time to hold users hands, and that's really why we ask people to just rebuild their settings, especially for this update. Beyond this update, it shouldn't be necessary.

    No because the old settings nodes persist even when you choose another terrain detail setting. The nodes need to be removed or you have to delete the settings cfg. 

    Ah, that would explain a lot. Thanks!

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