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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. Curse the xenomorphs. Screwing with our missions. (Not mine. Just sharing.)
  2. Avro Vulcan: F/A-18 Super Hornet: Iron Dome: B-52 Stratofortress:
  3. I love it! (Even though my parents can read traditional Chinese dialect, as I'm Korean American, I can't.) Looks like Sato Industries was busy... (Mind linking the website were you got that image? I want to see some more.) Also, I couldn't resist: Varrick just needs to sustain a shrapnel injury, then we can see him become Iron man. ( Platinum man? He'll be immune to metal benders. ) EDIT: Never mind, you hyper linked it. Thank you. Also, random complimentary GIF.
  4. Don't forget Varrick's maglev train and electro based weapons. We still have't perfected them with our modern technology. And who knows. We could have a long time skip by the start of season 4. Also, I concur that he has to watch the last airbender. The rift and the search are also comics he should read to tie into korra's time. Also, as the reincarnation of Avatar Roku, Korra is technically one of Zuko's ancestors.
  5. I never claimed death, only exposure. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9391753 It shows that subsequent (improper) maintenance of the amalgam or even excessive wear (happens to everything) can cause mercury exposure. Here's a link to the paper: http://cro.sagepub.com/content/8/4/410.long The study states that most of the initial exposure is from the mercury vapors during and immediately after the filling operation. It also explores the long term consequences of amalgams and its associated risk of mercury exposure.
  6. But my BUFF needs some stock cruise missile love. I ask Squad to have mercy on the USAF's nuclear ambitions and support the national struggle against communists.
  7. Season 1 and Season 2 aren't exactly the best, and season 2 was actually the worst. Season 3 is where this series picks up, and I can't wait to watch season 4! (Of course, you have to watch the first two seasons to understand Avatar Korra's character development. Season two actually picks up starting from the halfway point of the season, so it's actually not that bad.) PS: This isn't anime. It wasn't animated in Japan, but written in the United States then animated by Studio Mir in South Korea. The first half of season 2 was animated in Japan, but the creators were appalled at the workmanship and switched back to Studio Mir at the halfway point of season 2.
  8. I should reword that: it occurs more than usual in dental patients. I've known several dental patients who've had mercury exposure through fillings (albeit minor).
  9. Here's some fun facts about mercury poisoning! (The only metal to be liquid at room temperature, also known as quicksilver). 1. It causes permanent damage to your brain cells. Since a human develops all of their brain cells by age 2, unless Asami Sato comes up with stem cell treatment, the avatar isn't going to have all of her mental faculties. She can kiss emotional control and quick decision making goodbye. 2. It damages the ovaries and eggs (which you're born with) / the male analogue. Not good... and it seems set up for Korrasami. 3. Muscle damage and partial loss of motor control are both permanent symptoms of Mercury ingestion. Physical therapy it is... 4. It's possible to conduct a limited detox, but even if she has no mercury left in her system (doubtful, since mercury is both highly resilient and one of the most powerful mutagens ever discovered), the dead brain cells won't repair themselves. I'm pretty sure Mike and Bryan took AP chemistry, or I at least hope they did. Hg ingestion is not a laughing matter. PS: Half of US dentists still use mercury-based dental amalgams (fillings). Mercury-poisoning is common in dental patients. Come to think of it, I have amalgams in my molars... 0_o Many of us may have had / have mercury poisoning without realizing it. You can think of mercury poison as a chronic, powerful version of a tetanus infection. There's also a rumor that nickelodeon decided to pull it off the air and put it solely on an internet release schedule not only because of low viewership and low ratings (horrible time slot due to spongebob reruns), but also due to the excessively dark nature of the "children's" show.
  10. The Legend of Korra is the sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender. (Not the movie, the TV series. Screw M. Night Shaymalan.) - SPOILERS ALERT - (Of course, you'll probably ignore it.) Erm... I just watched the LOK season 3 finale... that was pretty extreme, considering they marked it as a "children's show". I mean, the main character gets mercury poisoning and gets confined to a wheelchair.... and this is the sequel to the last airbender. 0_o The next season's going to be pretty dark... they included anarchist terrorists hell-bent on assassinations, world leaders getting assassinated, political and social issues, and even technological development from airships to radios and even moving pictures (Rockets are coming into play, I presume)... Pretty interesting "children's show". Considering my experience of a minor run-in with mercury poisoning as a toddler, that was pretty interesting. (And I hated seafood after that... not worth getting seizures for some sushi) So, who thinks that Korra's going to be confined to a wheelchair? It'll be an interesting season 4! (Although I feel quite sorry for her. Being confined to a wheelchair sucks, according to my personal experience, at least.) Also, the Red Lotus resembles ISIS / IRA. Please share your thoughts. Oh yeah, and I fully expect to see this in season 4: Varrick/Asami/Cabbage Corps, make it happen! Off-Topic: Mike and Bryan were reading Korrasami fanfics... not saying I wrote one... 0_o
  11. Erm... I just watched the LOK season 3 finale... that was pretty extreme, considering they marked it as a "children's show". I mean, the main character gets mercury poisoning and gets confined to a wheelchair.... and this is the sequel to the last airbender. 0_o The next season's going to be pretty dark... they included anarchist terrorists hell-bent on assassinations, world leaders getting assassinated, political and social issues, and even technological development from airships to radios and even moving pictures (Rockets are coming into play, I presume)... Pretty interesting "children's show". Considering my experience of a minor run-in with mercury poisoning as a toddler, that was pretty interesting. Also, I really want to petition squad to implement small jets. Anyways, back on topic! I introduce the BUFF. Operation Linbacker, here I come! The NVA'll never know what hit 'em! (It even includes an engine inspections system which allows ground crews to open up and maintain the large engines.) It has a HUGE bomb bay. Prototype of the aerially deployed naval minefield. Any vessel hitting this area denial weapon at a high speed is a goner. I just need to perfect the dispersion system. Naval mine laying vessel incoming. My strategy underwent a revamp. I lay mines around the hostile fleet, preventing them from escaping, and then I subsequently destroy the vessels at range using my tomahawk cruise missiles. My AIM-9X and Iron Pike missiles could also work.
  12. Hmm... I need to see how the independence fares against that ship. Could you try firing salvos at my LCS?
  13. Agreed! Apart from enabling additional peace(keeping) craft, It would enable a new era of micro drones. Imagine landing a micro payload on eve.
  14. I wonder what the first thing I'll do with these parts is when the update gets released... XD Probably create a "Peace Envoy" of "pacifist transporters". Also, some missile views. This is the long range tomahawk cruise missile prototype with a reinforced warhead. Will update with jet engine if it is added to the stock game. The missile views are from the TERCOM navigation system. Nose-mounted seeker/TERCOM SAR radar sensor view. Missile in flight cruises at mach 2. You better get some smaller stack able jet engines in the pack, or at least nudge squad to quickly implement them. We need more democracy and freedom.
  15. One of their videos showed miniature kinetic attack craft coming out of the Buran to attack US space assets... not cool for political reasons, and rather insane given the nature of the craft...
  16. Time to bring my "peaceful" endeavors to the next level.
  17. Smaller jets would be excellent... then I can complete my arsenal. I already have a prototype, but until smaller jets are made stock, I can't complete it. A smaller radial intake would also be greatly appreciated... Also, some missile views. This is the long range tomahawk cruise missile prototype with a reinforced warhead. Will update with jet engine if it is added to the stock game. The missile views are from the TERCOM navigation system. Nose-mounted seeker/TERCOM SAR radar sensor view. Missile in flight cruises at mach 2. PS: Missile is VLS launched with a separating booster. Im contemplating integrating dedicated VLS launch cells into the I-mast destroyer.
  18. But there was the Mistel... One stray bullet=death.
  19. I personally prefer the Hawker Tempest. I still have fond memories of flying it in IL2 1946.
  20. That looks like one of those soviet prop-jet hybrids. Of course, I preferred the old Sabre, but that looks like a classic Mig on steroids. I like it.
  21. I personally used a brute force approach. I never took apart other ships to look at them, but I just kept on building ships until I got to the "golden" designs, so to speak. Of course, that creates the problem of spammed craft, which many people here can attest to... hehe... That might explain why I like integrated designs... Also, I have some new missiles to deploy (Aim-9 on steroids and a new cruise missile). My LCS Independence and Ajax-class cruiser are getting equipped when I have time...
  22. I bet they'll make 4k, Gsync, and Freesync capability DLC packs in the future. Count on it. Of course, they could just ask Ubisoft. http://www.polygon.com/2014/7/21/5925061/watch-dogs-theworse-mod-final
  23. I was, but the game back in 0.20 made my prototype flop around. Since they made structures more rigid, I could give it another go. (But I have a mountain of homework.)
  24. Hey! I already made that ship. No, really. I submitted it to you. Erm... is it because I didn't update it? Rune, I can give you an updated bare bones version for you to modify. The end of the two armored-slopes has to be fiddled with a bit to prevent missiles collisions, though. It survived 4 SRB strikes with only superficial damage. XD
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