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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. Damn... I might have to pony up for a nvidia quadro k4000 card due to horrible artifacting in viewport. Also... ecc gpu vram memory.
  2. I want to fight using some of my ships, but I just have too much schoolwork. Not to mention clarinet practice, damn melodic and harmonic scales.
  3. I hate the crappy c++ and java script engine documentation, Why can't crytek document their own sdk. I still love the sdk, even with its many caveats which can only be overcome through either torturous experimentation or getting a developers license. I'm doing medical internships for gods sake. Why can't they just document their code like unity. For spartow I can recommend faceshift for face and full body humanoid animations. It works with the kinect for pc and the asus xtion. http://www.faceshift.com/ It only gives the beginning layout. The nodes have to be smoothed out in 3ds max with maya plugins for the best workflow during the animation process. For all of you people interested in coding:
  4. I have a handy dandy gtx 760 for some blender, 3ds max viewport, and rendering situations along with cuda for sony vegas pro 11 (A hobby of mine is to create the whole entire Avatar universe in the current cryengine sdk, along with an accurate republic city for detail. I have to use sectioned coordinates to keep the word stable, or else the cryengine kraken screws everything up). The nvidia gtx cuda feature is pretty nice, not to mention the possible monitor upgrade in the pipeline. Some other stuff I had to obtain was 3d models of characters, which are being animated in 3ds max and maya with the help of my pc kinect 1. I even have to integrate procedural city generators and tweak the code to fit my needs for each individual nation in 3ds max, which is not easy due to my rudimentary understanding of programming languages. The coding in the cryengine sdk can make anyone cry if you don't have good coding knowledge from the very beginning. I certainly still don't. My current crappy 1050p monitor: http://www.amazon.com/Dell-E228WFP-Widescreen-1680x1050-resolution/dp/B001BKR5D8 Considered monitors: http://www.amazon.com/PB238Q-23-Inch-Screen-LED-lit-Monitor/dp/B00906GBBC/ref=sr_1_7?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1397790492&sr=1-7&keywords=asus+ips http://www.amazon.com/CROSSOVER-27QW-IPS-LED-2560x1440/dp/B00EZF1MRG/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1397790555&sr=1-2&keywords=crossover+monitor
  5. Madness! We already beat NASA to near ftl! The Alcubierre drive has nothing on the Kraken drive. ALL HAIL THE KRAKEN.
  6. I actually have to cram all of my playing into a 20 minute window on sunday. Not fun.
  7. I feel glad I own a gtx 760. Not the rather unusual fx 6300 in my current mobo... weaker than my previous laptop i7. Should I go for 4k... I have the opportunity to get this for 700 dollars exact... with the 8-10 percent california tax added on top of that. http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-28-Inch-Definition-Monitor-U28D590D/dp/B00IEZGWI2 I probably should have bought a gtx titan in the first place... Oh well.
  8. I feel glad I own a gtx 760. Not the rather unusual fx 6300 in my current mobo... weaker than my previous laptop i7. Should I go for 4k... I have the opportunity to get this for 700 dollars exact... with the 8-10 percent california tax added on top of that. http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-28-Inch-Definition-Monitor-U28D590D/dp/B00IEZGWI2 Another project is the exterminatus cannon I am trying to improve on board a classified vessel of mine, which may be very useful for precision planetary assaults while I am improving my destroyer... Slight kraken power. Warp heresy.
  10. I do plan on putting in an insane amount of these odst pods. I already fielded them in my charon and paris class specialist frigates. I can already hear The CPU god chanting... SILICON FOR THE CPU GOD! RAM FOR THE RAM THRONE!
  11. Don't mount your control pod backwards.
  12. I've unlocked the secret to forerunner hardlight constructs. YAY!!!!
  13. No worries, smucker deserves... IMMEDIATE EXTERMINATUS.
  14. Darn it, I wish I had time to play. :( I just hope Mr. Tegu pops up and uses that new shroud destroyer I posted... (With a few of his own weapons and modifications, of course. He has permission to re package my ships as long as I get some credit).
  15. [THE MISSILES ON THIS SHIP, AND THE SHIP ITSELF, ARE RETIRED.] Evil laugh Shroud-armor UNSC-destroyer MK 1.5 with four tactical Ares missiles armed with FERNIS MK 0.5 warheads for warheads. Weighs around 120 tons and 400-500 parts due to complex structure. Propulsion is four thrust vectoring non-nuclear engines to address HIGHCOM's concern for the lack of maneuverability and acceleration. With unarmed ares missiles. Warheads were added later. Prototype (unproven): https://www.dropbox.com/s/7pdyhyfg0n0phyt/UNSC%20Sky%20Breaker.craft Yeah! Watch it go BANG BANG!!! Extra: Space hulk?
  16. You guys are on break? Lucky. I was drowned in homework during my break last week, and now I might have botched something... Well, I think that I won't be able to battle until the start of summer when I'm not being an intern.
  17. Evil laugh Shroud-armor UNSC-destroyer MK 1.5 with Ares missiles armed with FERNIS MK 0.5 warheads. Weighs around 120 tons and 400-500 parts due to complex structure. Propulsion is four thrust vectoring non-nuclear engines to address HIGHCOM's concern for the lack of maneuverability and acceleration. With unarmed ares missiles. Warheads were added later. Prototype (unproven): https://www.dropbox.com/s/7pdyhyfg0n0phyt/UNSC%20Sky%20Breaker.craft Yeah! Watch it go BANG BANG!!! Extra: Space hulk?
  18. God of the kraken... You just gave me some... ideas. Good ideas. HAHAHHA!!!! 'Descends into dark laboratory' 'IT'S ALIVE'
  19. I Beams... shudder. The bane of armor... and engine fuel tanks.
  20. Damn coding... I think Squad needs to take a long, hard look at their Unity code from the legacy versions to improve game accuracy.
  21. I wonder what the imperium of man would call Kerbals...
  22. I would battle if I could spare the time, but how does a fight in the future with one or two of my charon and midothian class craft sound? The armor solution for the charon is unproven, and fairly light, but the midlothian has srb survival status now. Also, Mr. Tegu disappeared after I gave him permission to use my destroyer design (He liked the survivability)... I guess the design really is durable. XD (Do I count as 'new'? I haven't battled before, but I do have a lot of experience with ships. Just don't expect me to field anything lighter than a 98 ton destroyer...)
  23. In all seriousness... I believe I really pissed off a lot of fanfiction readers... (The story insults people.) Ah well, I even turned it into a mass effect, halo, korra crossover... with warhammer in the works. What have I made... https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1021778...le-Fanfictions Ah... I am going to try some new armor methods on my destroyer class... The weird thing is... my destroyer without armor enhancements could survive dual srb torpedoes. Very curious... Imaged courtesy of Mr Tegu. It also shows my MAC Cannon being used. MAC's haven't changed that much since I made my first one... The armor durability evaluation run. The old version of the destroyer.
  24. @daemonCaptrix No worries. a million parts is only a low estimate. (Think of the Forerunner engines. XD) And I'm using a fx 6300 at stock frequencies. Horrible single threaded performance all the way! (slightly negated in video editing by my gtx 760) And no, an i7 4930k is a no-go for a high schooler. Dafug? Mickey Rooney just died? I forgot to shut of Windows 8 news alerts...
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