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Everything posted by Pursuedtank

  1. Is that even possible, surely at one point in your orbit you are going to be behind the planet. Even in a polar orbit wouldn't the movement of the planet around the sun eventually mean that you went behind the planet?
  2. Looking at that picture you almost certainly don't have enough fuel to get into orbit. You need around 4500 m/s of delta V. You can get away with slightly less but you should aim for 4500 m/s for some wiggle room.
  3. I wouldn't use map with a double click to change ships, as it has a habit of making the planets and moons texture disappear, or turn into a blue/white circle.
  4. Welcome to the forum! Good luck building a massive space station, it will however melt your computer.
  5. There isn't anything like that but an automatic docking pilot does virtually the same thing.
  6. Can't you just use an automated docking mod that will dock to the station for you. That is what you are getting at, right?
  7. You can go into the settings and reduce the debris count slider to zero which should clear all the debris Edit: Damn, thats what happens if you leave a tab up for too long.
  8. I reckon that it is for planets with an atmosphere and use the engines for the deorbit burn and slowing down before parachute open and touchdown.
  9. I too have never seen that before, thanks for sharing
  10. Not bad, Not bad at all. If you haven't already you could post it in this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/28293-Show-off-your-flags thread if you want it to be your flag when they come out. Just resize it down
  11. You should however be in a high enough orbit so that if you end up behind something you can go into a lower orbit and catch it up. I usually go for about 100 km
  12. I believe it is the first one in this -snip- folder. I haven't tested it but got it from here -snip-
  13. I always prefer to pull, because of the tendency for it to sway to one side if pushed.
  14. The catch is that it is not your highest apoapsis, but your altitude at the moment you run out of fuel.
  15. I would probably go to Duna, It doesn't take as much Delta-V as any other place to get to, land and return. Plus it's the first place I went to outside of Kerbin orbit. You could, however always send a probe to Eve though.
  16. Don't worry about it, docking is hard at first but it gets easier the more you do it until it almost becomes second nature. Congratulations!
  17. Just to say you won't be able to put something in a synchronous orbit around the Mun as the altitude of synchronous orbit, 2 970.56 km is outside the Mun's sphere of influence. However the rest of it sounds good. Nerva (which stands for Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application) is what the Nuclear engine is generally called although it is actually called the LV-N Atomic Rocket Engine.
  18. If you gave a link to it someone could probably work out if there was anything special about it, right now I have no idea what you are talking about.
  19. The closest I have been is seeing it in the distance, this is the one on the equator I believe, I set up my Mun base on the flat bit with the arch in the background.
  20. I believe they have said that 0.20 will be backwards compatible but don't quote me on that one.
  21. Besides you can't use jets on Duna although I don't know what would happen on Mars
  22. Really it is getting to a point where manned fighter aircraft are starting to become pointless. There aren't many things a drone can't do that a manned fighter can and there are many things it can do better.
  23. Well the ascending and descending nodes refer to the place of your orbit crosses the equator. A 0 degree ascending/descending node is orbiting on the horizon.
  24. Try doing it in the SPH and transferring it over to the VAB? That might work
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