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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Yes, Norpo here! Or not. Technicalfool.
  2. I quote you on that, because it's right. In my case it's: joystick button 0 (It was working with JoystickButton0 before but now it's not). I am using a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro.
  3. @sal_vager: Very nice stunts plane: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5nwve1v5kci0cl/Facet%20Mobile%20-%20sal_vager%20FAR.craft?dl=0
  4. Dá se você tiver uma missão só de ida, pra parar o pod Mk1 ou um rover ou probe. Pra levar um lander não dá.
  5. Que legal, tem imagens do foguete também?
  6. O que o Brendo disse, mas não se preocupe, dá pra pousar devolta em Kerbin com os trens de pouso quebrados
  7. Nem é difícil, da uns quicksaves e tenta até conseguir. E outra, não precisa pousar tão perto, até uns 2km dá pra chegar no jetpack, só não seja afobado, acelera um poquinho e vai queimando com shift só pra ele não cair, senão não consegue parar depois.
  8. Ahaushasuhashaushahshsauuhassa. Ia pedir se você pousou só com RCS. Será que com esse RCS aí não dá pra orbitar baixo pra um resgate? Ou melhor aguardar o resgate no solo mesmo?
  9. No, it's not easier to make aircraft, at all. The thing is that it takes no more than a few minutes to test an aircraft then bring it back to the drawing board and fix it, which allows you to learn a lot more on the process, which makes it seem easier. Trying a mission on a rocket without any sort of assists or indicators (which we will also get) can take several hours for you to notice you won't make it to the destination, which is frustrating, and the action peaks (landing, docking, etc.) fade out with time as you gain experience. Yes, I am one of those nearly planes-only player, and even more than that, I hardly ever even go higher than 15km up in the sky, but does that make my KSP less KSP than anyone else's? not at all. KSP is not limited to rockets, it has never been, an overhauled aero adds much more to the game than simply making your rockets flip if you do it wrong, or allowing actual gravity turns. Another thing is that piloting airplanes is a whole different thing if compared to piloting rockets, the rocket part of the game is planning, the atmospheric part is more reaction skill oriented. Which makes complete sense to me, SSTOs, while not my favorite, offer the full experience you can get on the game, with such updates half of that experience will be heavily enhanced. Yes there are tons of spaceplane "dedicated" parts, and several rocket parts are missing, but that does not drive the game out of its scope, it's a sandbox game. And as proven on this thread, those parts are useful on space too, while rockets-only parts can be not that flexible. My point of view is that SQUAD clearly noticed that people love playing with airplanes and is giving more attention to that specific area of the game, on space the current parts didn't really limit the players, but for aircraft it did. So, I see that 1.0 is expanding to all sides, more towards the least developed one, like it has always been. I don't really feel like the features list includes everything I would like to see in the game, but that does not mean the SPACE experience is being left aside.
  10. Gustavo, não tá fugindo não, muito boa a sua demonstração. É bem útil pra construir bases, se funciona tão bem assim, sei que em gravidade mais baixa ele vai permitir um controle bem mais amplo do que em Kerbin, já que em Kerbin ele tem que sempre manter uma potência bem grande pra se manter no ar.
  11. They are not dimensionless, but only the highest number shows up on the top left. About "rule of thumb", no, not really, changes a lot with speed and a lot of other stuff. My tip is, make it so the aspect ratio does not look too weird (ksc123, yeah, you). If it's too little, add AoA, if too much, add dihedral and earn some roll stability (don't overdo it). At the end of the day it's just a matter of how fast you can tap the keys and not let yourself go into a stall spin of death:
  12. Hello, I don't know who is such person you meantion. Yukon for sure.
  13. Acho que não, tava muito bugado dando um monte de problemas. O que acham?
  14. Ou vai no cheat e usa as claws pra agarrar uma parte da base na outra seja lá onde for, hehe.
  15. Bring it on, it's closed already anyway. And I kind of stopped caring about the rules at the end of page 2. As news, got my pc back (if no one noticed), and will bring the challenge up again permanently, until 1.0 drops, soontm.
  16. You sideslip, then the drag and lift on the craft when moving sideways is not even, which creates a torque that makes you roll, usually throwing you into a stall or instantly killing you. It's a very simple solution, after you add that massive tail you can make it smaller until you are satisfied with it's size while still being stable.
  17. O Probodobodyne OKTO2 nem o Probodobodyne QBE não tem reaction wheels, por isso eles não se movimentam sozinhos. Precisa adicionar uma reaction wheel, SAS ou usar outro pod O que você está usando provavelmente é o OKTO2, aquele mais fininho, também é o meu favorito.
  18. But you don't need to make it fly, I do, lol. Aerolfos, the challenge is for planes which do NOT fly on FAR I am tweaking it anyway, its cool (I tend to fully overhaul planes which already fly). Ah, I also finished Red5's plane, as requested now with the full fuel tank: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3n440qbg4dmdso3/FarFromLikely%20PLUS%20-%20RedIronCrown%20FAR.craft?dl=0
  19. Aqui a minha bandeira: Dentro do jogo ela fica mais legal.
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