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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Se estiver no normal ele vai reaparecer. Eu também não gosto do modo docking, sempre que preciso uso IJKLHB. Só cuidado com o linguajar.
  2. That was exactly my point, I don't intend to offend you but according to @ferram4 himself, FAR is not supposed to have a wide userbase and allow people to change it as they wish, it's only made public so that he can find and fix bugs to make the mod better for himself, the other options are just conveniences that were added because he was kind enough to do it. FAR was in fact made to be used with other realism mods and what I meant is that you will have support if you use them, but you won't have any kind of support if you change these settings and have issues. Now your bug report is what really matters, but more info on that is required so that it can possibly fixed in the future if ferram finds it worthy. It could even be some legacy feature that was removed. We are not attacking you in any way. And please be polite on the forums. Edit: and if you find a behavior unrealistic, I can ensure you that it will receive maximum priority if enough data is provided (what it is vs what it should be), as long as everything perfectly matches and FAR itself is the only difference between FAR and real life. NathanKell tried it once and I can tell you it's really hard. He also found that drag was a bit too high for sub mach .3 speeds. Edit2: takeoff speeds are wrong due to the lack of ground effect which may be added with the wing overhaul.
  3. Eu tenho umas 2000 e o jogo começou a perder a graça no momento que ou tudo funciona sem problemas ou não funciona por causa de algum bug :/ Mas estou voltando a jogar aos poucos Ia ter live no meu canal hj mas não teve anúncio nem nada e eu acabei saindo tb por que fez sol.
  4. Banido por querer regular a utilização de espaços.
  5. @Qwits so, if you use engines balanced for the stock atmosphere on FAR, which is meant to simulate it as realistically as possible, it will surely not work. Stock atmosphere has much higher drag, and because of that the engines made for stock aerodynamics are a lot stronger than they should be. FAR is not meant to be used alone, if you add AJE to your mods list and use only the engines ported to AJE you will have a much better experience. About gliding for long distances, that is also a stock problem, stock parts are way too heavy, and that interferes a lot with the aircraft behavior. Instead of trying to pick a mod that is meant to be realistic and dumb it down, it's highly suggested that you do the opposite, and use other mods to balance your game. If you seek for support on that everybody will be willing to help you, but if you continue trying to change FAR to fit your expectations all I can say is that you are on your own.
  6. Isso é muito estranho, eu recomendaria atualizar a bios e verificar se a fonte de alimentação está funcionando direito. Se quiser ajuda pra montar um pc é só chamar.
  7. Soon the pack will update implementing the new sounds added by @alp3r. They are really good.
  8. Se precisar de ajuda com modding pode pedir. O que aconteceu com o seu pc? Já sabe a causa? Geralmente é fonte ou placa mãe, e NÂO USE FILTRO DE LINHA NO PC, já perdi uma placa mãe por causa disso a bastante tempo atrás.
  9. Banido por que na verdade foram os bugs que me afastaram por um tempo do KSP, não o fato de eu estar fazendo meu próprio jogo.
  10. Glad that you all like it, there are many more things left to add to this mod, but it worked so well that I didn't feel like rushing to get those things done. Now I am working on my own game (and trying to find time to finish BAD-T once and for all), and don't feel like updating it very soon. But if you have ideas and suggestions of things that would be simple to implement please make sure to suggest.
  11. @CanOmer the vast majority of air breathing KSP engines are ridiculously overpowered, use AJE or engines balanced especially for FAR and everything will work a lot better.
  12. @alp3r that is really great! You can post it here and I will add it to the pack. I can also try to raise the volume using other software. Just provide a license and make sure you are not breaking anyone's (if the license is closed please make it explicit that I'm allowed to redistribute it).
  13. @Paul_Sawyer As long as that does not affect flight performance I wouldn't be concerned. I have made airplanes that fly at Mach 2.7 bellow 500m and never had any problems whatsoever, are you experiencing any? Remember that FAR doesn't use pure voxels, there are voxel halves, corners and stuff like that (AFAIK), but it is indeed weird that you have big voxels on the left. Does this happen to every airplane?
  14. Nah, that is ok. Which one? The Vickers S is already in the pack by the way.
  15. Well, the mod is considered finished but you are free to suggest, we will check suggestions if we ever add more weapons but I believe that will not happen anytime soon.
  16. Banido por que to trabalhando no meu jogo e vai ser mt massa.
  17. Banido por explicitar essa situação sensível.
  18. @Wraith977 sorry I am not going to open that thread nor update the lock post, the mod has not been updated and is still unsuported. It would be a bad idea to encourage using it too, but BDA add-on makers can leave that notice on their OPs. It's also possible that there are other issues with the mod that have not been found yet.
  19. Banido por que nesse contexto isso foi meio estranho. Mas nada de palavrões disfarçados pessoal.
  20. They use some BDA sounds yeah, if all sounds were at the same place they would be easy to keep. @GabeD416 I hosted it on gdocs and put the link somewhere, should host on curse next time.
  21. Banido por estar no hospital. Espero muito que todos sigam as regras à risca até eu voltar ou ban não vai ser só na brincadeira.
  22. Banido por que ele tem vários você que não procurou direito.
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