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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. I remember seeing mods with legacy parts that were allowed, not sure if they were ported to 1.1.3 but you can try.
  2. Well, actually it's impossible to get KSP 0.15, unless SQUAD provides you that version which is unlikely. If you want to see the parts after 0.13 you can search for KSP videos on youtube, the easiest way I believe would be to search for the oldest Scott Manley's videos, since he started making them very early in the development of KSP.
  3. Banido por que eu to doente logo nas férias, que droga.
  4. Remember that according to the rule 2.3f you may not repeat inquiries about updates from modders. For that reason this thread is being closed, if someone makes an unofficial port please create a new thread and don't forget proper licensing. BURN TOGETHER IS BEING MAINTAINED BY @Papa_Joe, YOU CAN FIND IT HERE: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BurnTogether/releases
  5. Banido por ousar comentar sobre a minha tirania.
  6. Oh my god why didn't anyone report this thread before the support request flood? Since we have a fix right there I will close this thread until @BahamutoD decides to continue maintaining it. If anyone wants to maintain it, as the license allows it, please create a new thread.
  7. @Bananders Whoops, you need to include a license to redistribute that. IIRC Vessel Mover is CC-BY-SA, so all you need to do is to add it to the download.
  8. Increasing the gain won't fix the problem but make it worse, since it flies well at lower speeds and doesn't wobble when fast it's likely that you need too much trim to keep the heading, more than the current limit of the controller, which is meant to hold back overshoots. I need to get the integral overhauled but didn't have much time for anything lately and I also had a few problems recompiling it, will have to get that fixed first. A different mode would not help, that's a controller problem.
  9. @blackheart612 mentioned he plans to make cockpits in the future for the mod AirplanePlus. Since it's yet unknown when BDArmory will update you could give it a try and see what you can come up with, or we cand wait to see if blackheart will make them before it updates. Also, given now I am working on my own game, BAD-T 3 will have a limited and not large amount of spots and because of that part of the airplanes will go straight to Tier 2 (if @DoctorDavinci decides to continue with them). Depending on how many airplanes there are on Tier 2, losing on Tier 1 may disqualify you straight away, this way it's not a bad thing to go to Tier 2 as the chance of winning there will be higher. It would be possible to have a Tier 1.5 too, with Tier 1 losers, that only depends on how many people are willing to help and how much time they have. In resume, work hard on your airplanes for BAD-T 3 when it comes, it's going to be much less forgiving and much more fun.
  10. Não acho que esteja tão atrás assim, mas sim por dar clipping um pouco no cockpit fica meio ruim jogar do IVA, fazer oq, não tem outros cockpits.
  11. Pra não ficar sem imagens aqui está um avião que eu fiz a muito tempo atrás: Muito tempo quero dizer antes de dar uma pausa no KSP pra não enjoar.
  12. @Pds314 They are mainly balanced on overheat and cooldown time and bullet spread. Since we don't have different types of ammo, BDArmory received updates to make them more balanced, using bullet energy instead of momentum, this also helped to soften a possible russian bias. Now with those changes you get something more similar to what would happen in real life, while still having a balanced gameplay. The final tweak though was the points system, which also worked surprisingly well.
  13. @Pds314 about dynamic deflection, it would be interesting to see how it does with the AI. Not trying to hype anyone while still doing so, my last test is this Friday. @Veeltch I understand, it kinda seems like so, it took me about a month or more to balance these weapons and that worked out better than I expected.
  14. How dare you. No, that is wrong, the guns are as realistic as they can possibly be, and are balanced out on specs that have nothing to do with bullet speed, muzzle velocity, fire rate and such. Heck, even the tracer colors are accurate.
  15. Na verdade que eu saiba o FAR só perde pro x-plane e pra simuladores onde vc tem que entrar manualmente com cada parâmetro da aeronave, a maior diferença não está no mod em si mas nas peças disponíveis por que são geralmente muito pequenas e muito pesadas. E que eu saiba pra fazer um foguete no orbiter dá um trabalhão.
  16. @luizopiloto não tem nada de errado com isso, suas shuttles são bonitas. Mas to sentindo falta de um FARzinho aí pra tornar as coisas mais interessantes em.
  17. Banido pela conversão mal feita, ele nem tem um pônei no avatar.
  18. Ok, so let's apply a bit of context here. This is a steam sale, which means that you can buy things at a reduced price. The featured page of steam will be recommending you games and showing you how much you are saving. Then there are free games, being free mean that you don't pay to play them, or at least you don't pay to play the base version of them. How would you expect steam to advertise free to play games during a sale? Save 70% on this title that costed 0.00US$ now only 0.00US$!? Or actually paying you to play the free games? By your analogy, the car is already free, the only thing that the retailer can sell you is parts. The way it's advertising is basically "discount on parts for free cars", titled as "featured free cars", it may be not totally accurate but there is nothing wrong with it, the cars were always free on the first place and you can just pick them up and drive away at any time. Also, this does not get to the merit if the base game lacks features or whatever else as that is none of steam's business.
  19. The store should be selling you a product, an addon to a product is still a product, thus it's doing exactly what it's supposed to.
  20. Yes, exactly, the games are F2P but they have to make money somehow, DLCs, ingame stores and expansions are ways to make money. The title is a bit weird, but selling DLCs does not make the games these packs belong to not free to play. But it's still valid, otherwise it would be like saying that steam is paid since it sells stuff and does almost nothing on its own.
  21. Banido por ter razão, bolo é bolo. Se for parecido com um bolo mas ruim deveria ter outro nome.
  22. KSP uses unity's perspective view like most 3d games nowadays. There are several different camera methods but the distortion you see on pictures actually comes from the fact that it's impossible to represent a spherical image in a plain, if you increase FOV too much it will get distorted. And let's not get into discussion about how eyes work here.
  23. Unpinned, por favor me avisem quando o mod atualizar pra eu dar pin novamente
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