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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Did you update FAR? There was a tweakscale bug where wigs got negative mass on FAR but that got fixed.
  2. @EagleXT judging by the amount of mods you are using it's unlikely that FAR alone is causing the issue. Also, that cannard is tweakscaled. If you can't reproduce the bug with only FAR installed it's none of FAR's concern, as it's likely to be caused by another mod. Also, if you installed FAR via CKAN here is not the place to ask for support.
  3. Wow, Hurles won again!!!! I was not really expecting for that. Will it win the Tier 2 battles? We will see. While the bots weren't built to win, they weren't built to lose, I actually tested and tweaked them to be fair competitors, despite not putting a lot of time into them. Also wanted to experiment with a few new ideas, turns out that they performed much better than what I would have expected, nice. For everybody without airplanes battling on the Tier 1 anymore, are you betting on someone already?
  4. @alp3r you won twice, there is nothing to worry about. But yeah, this is the point where each kill is a shiver on the spine.
  5. Was a good match, your AI actually pulled it lower than it's min altitude, made it climb, turned around and got on its tail, neat move.
  6. @g00bd0g Soon enough BAD-T 3 will begin, you only have to wait until then, I recommend subscribing to this thread to keep in touch with the news. Two new battles out! The resolution got messed up on the second one for no reason, it's probably using two monitors, I couldn't do anything about that but run the battles again, but that would take time so I won't change it. This is annoying, it didn't happen for a while, I will have to check every time again now, heh.
  7. Because it exceeded the max amount of points, and also failed to takeoff and battle, despite several attempts to get the AI to fly it.
  8. Another one uploading as we speak. Remember that the order is random now so it may be your turn! Good tips, ferram.
  9. @Van Disaster if both run out of ammo, all crafts crash at the same time, get so damaged that they can't fight or anything like that the battle is simply discarded and rerun. If one craft runs out of ammo but sticks to the enemy tail indefinitely, the battle is also rerun. If it takes too long to finish, but actually ends with a winner, the person running the battles can run it a second time to use that on the video footage as long as the victorious craft is the same on the replaced footage. The videos are meant to be fun to watch, not boring and 40 minutes per battle long, unless that is the case also for rematching. But yeah, draws are simply discarded.
  10. About running battles, there are a few implicit rules for running it that I didn't realize I should have shared with @DoctorDavinci before they started so it's all my fault. Anyway, here is how this works: - The person running the battles has full authority over the battle, and may decide to rerun a battle at will in case of accidents or any other problem such as collisions after takeoff or failing to takeoff. - The first three valid battles define the winner of the match, regardless of the results of other matches run after it if that happens, unless valid rematching. - The person running the battles sets up and decides whether a battle is fair or not, and can cancel it and change the parameters at will until it's decided that the battle offers fair conditions to both competitors. - In any circumstance may the person running the battles favor one team, be it by increasing the competition distance to allow for a less capable craft to turn back or reducing it to improve the chances of a craft with superior turning habilities, or changing the battlefield, the competition distance must be smaller than 4km, only extending further if required by the third rule. - Takeoff settings are only considered to change if such unfair conditions appear during or before the first meetup. - In case a craft gets slaughtered on the three battles, a fourth must be run on a different setting to ensure the match was fair. This fourth battle is not part of the match. - If the participants request a rematch, I must be contacted beforehand to decide if it must happen or not. These are basically the rules for running the battles, I am going to keep them explicit from now on, they may change without notice. But, as you can see, the person running the battles decides everything and is not obligated to display unvalid or canceled battles, that's why I first asked about allowing DoctorDavinci to run the tier 2. But if you still feel something is wrong, please contact me directly. This also means that the rematch of the last T2 battle should be invalid, but in this case it was fine as it may have broken rule 3 and competition mode was not available. On the next BAD-T, the rules will be a bit more strict, and also a bit more empowering, there were circumstances where one craft should lose the battle straight away for being incapable, not requiring a battle video, for instance. Straight disqualification will also be possible, it is now but only for failing to battle or breaking rules. Sorry for not posting this yesterday, nor earlier.
  11. @hoowuth no, it's right, problem is when it has one.
  12. Kraken, SQUID... isso faz sentido demais.
  13. @ThorBeorn That is a mod bug, not a FAR bug. Probably incorrect collision boxes.
  14. Erm, not really, that is not how it's supposed to be, I should have stepped in earlier. Will explain everything tonight when I get home.
  15. @Tricky14 well, MAF does not touch anything that could affect that, so it's not the cause I guarantee you.
  16. Why isn't anybody finding it super weird that the UpperProp won again? Lewl. If both crafts are capable of rapidly climbing to their desired altitudes I simply go by letting them battle straight away, but sometimes it's important to give some clearance. But I tested a lot and this does not seem to impact the battle results too much, because both climb towards different directions, they have double the distance they go far away to climb when coming back, so if you climb slowly you end up going further away anyway, the only problem being turning back if the enemy approaches too fast, which is rare. When one craft seems affected by this I cancel the match and use the competition mode, usually at 3 to 4km distance. @DoctorDavinci Add this to the AI Antenna.cfg: MODULE { name = ModuleWingCommander }
  17. MAF Has just been updated! Changelog: New Features: Improved pitch down performance New experimental flight mode, Cruise Flight Better handling on stock aerodynamics Reticle opacity and size options Bugfixes: Cursor no longer has a chance of disappearing when MAF is turned off Disables itself on EVA
  18. Battle incoming! Someone post it here please. MAF also updates tomorrow, yey.
  19. @austincurr The mouse is not exactly open though, as part of it (and soon all of it) is All Rights Reserved, you can contact me via PM if you want rights to modify it. However, code to add more flight modes on the fly was already implemented, it will come with the next release. Then, all you will have to do is call a function to add your behavior to the behaviors list when your module starts. Making sure to override the required functions and use the right input and output parameters, it's pretty simple. MAF is almost ready to update, just finishing a few optimizations, making it not run on parts with no control for instance.
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