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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. @Mipe: Notice how your wingtips are generating a LOT of downforce. That is certainly causing flexing, and since stock KSP joints don't flex equally, there is what is causing your yaw. But as it was said many times, it would not be a problem if you had your vertical stabilizer placed properly.
  2. 1.0.2, depende bastante, uns 4200 se for certinho.
  3. O FAR atualizou! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451-1-0-2-Ferram-Aerospace-Research-v0-15-Euler-5-8-15
  4. Yes and no, it's the mach number where the airflow (usually) above the wing's speed is Mach1, not higher. A good value depends on the total area, but a decent wave drag area for a transonic fighter on KSP is usually 0.75m² or less.
  5. Don't feel like a noob asking this, it's quite complicated and even requires calculus to really grasp the maths of it. And even the simplest explanations can be quite confusing (most of stuff you find on the internet is historical or a pure description of what it means/what it's for, and don't even tell how it works). If you slice your airplane, you get a cross-sectional cut (for example, Mk2 spaceplane parts cross-section cut is the Mk2 connection shape). Throughout the airplane, the area of these slices must vary smoothly, so if it's increasing it must continue to increase at the same rate, same for if it's straight or decreasing. The trick here is to balance it, so that that you don't get abrupt changes in area, and that can be achieved by positioning things right and adding area on the right spots. The green line is the area, so that you can see what is going on, the yellow line is how smooth the area is, and you want that one as close to zero as possible.
  6. @everybody: Stock engines were not touched this time, their curves fit that of REAL jet engines. So, yes, better hold the foot on the thrust there. Also, remember that fairings which are larger than the rocket body are VERY UNSTABLE, that is one of the reasons why gimbal was buffed 1.5x. Small tail fins will not fix your problem as much as before. Just try to keep your rocket as streamlined as possible. @Horus: whoops. Well, Blitz has the landing gear retracted because it was so much of a pain to area rule a straight wing design that I forgot to open them, haha. Will try to remember to fix it for the next release, thanks. Also, protip: it's optimal low altitude flight speed is Mach 0.7~0.8, it pulls some sick g's. @prog: Airbreaks use stock code for now, they are a bit overpowered but work well enough. Are both your AP AND PE higher than before, and are you sure you just did not bounce up on the atmosphere? Which craft are you using? Screenshots (of the orbits)? Mods? Please answer these questions so that I can check it out here and if it's really a bug I will annoy ferram to death until he fixes it
  7. https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/pull/64 It's happening.
  8. Oh, you do? Metalic round red hat's turn.
  9. @Brendo: O que aconteceu ai foi que você estava no passado. Alguem em outro tempo lançou o foguete, aí quando você estava jogando durante o tempo em que a pessoa lançou você viu o foguete dela, mesmo quem lançou não estando online. Pode ser algum bug também, o jogo pode ter salvo o tempo de lançamento da outra pessoa errado. Por acaso o revert está funcionando? Não deveria. É um bug, mas nadade grave, na verdade não sei nem o por que que o jogo grava os movimentos dessa forma, não serve pra nada, mas enfim.
  10. Sorry but if you don't download the very latest build and try it again to see if the bug persists, you are unfortunately not helping. This bug has been fixed already. If you download the latest version and it persists, then it would be interesting that you report it here again.
  11. @datubaman: I agree with all of your suggestions, esp. 3 and 4. And also something like "see that friend/foe? go at him", this would even allow Air-To-Ground attacks. But I am not sure if 2 is a good idea, sometimes you are flying too fast and opening the cargo bay could kill you, making it dangerous to switch between guns.
  12. @Hodo: That is it, most IRL deltas are not even pilotable without fly-by-wire systems. It was always weird how they were so stable on the previous FAR versions. As blowfish said, some -%AoA will help a lot, but if you are flying at high altitudes I even recommend some built-in negative AoA to them. Also, you can improve wave drag on the rear, flat edges are a pain to deal with, this is one of the reasons why swept wings are better. @4plains: Yeah, the wings issue was because FAR wings still use the old code for lift. I also noticed many issues when using oldFAR and tweakscale, but if there is already a fix for that I will consider using it again. Supersonic RC planes, hell yes.
  13. Stop. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451-0-90-Ferram-Aerospace-Research-v0-14-7-4-2-15?p=1913642&viewfull=1#post1913642
  14. Enough of this discussion. If you want to try the build, it's on git for everyone, if you find a bug, go there, download it again to make sure it's the very latest possible version and verify if the bug persists. In case it does, report it here, that is how you are going to help. FAR for KSP 1.0.2 is NOT out, it was not released yet, if you are using it it's at your own risk. That is what ferram means, if you are not able to figure out how to get it it's likely that you cannot help on the development process. This mod is complex, most of the issues are complex and require more than simply being able to play the game to figure out. So, please, if you cannot help just be patient, that will ensure you do not play on a broken build where the weirdest things can happen and no data is reliable enough to tell you whether you are doing things wrong or if it's a bug. And no, FAR is not dead, KSP Stock is very good, but has it's limitations, this is FAR more than where Stock can get. Stock is meant to be a simplified yet good aerodynamics system which everyone can handle, FAR is not.
  15. Ele voxeliza a nave e usa esse modelo pra aplicar as forças aerodinâmicas. E também vai ter "area rule", um efeito transônico que aumenta o arrasto.
  16. Read a few pages back, there are some explanations. Green line is cross-sectional area, yellow line is how smooth it is, yellow line should be as close to zero as possible. Derivatives are broken, so time to use your brain there
  17. Pelo que eu vi foram só as curvas de arrasto mesmo, é esperado que faça o seu avião virar mais. Note que também vai freiar muito mais fazendo esse tipo de curva. Bem, sempre que alguma coisa muda, tudo muda, alguns outros parâmetros podem ter sido ajustados, mas não foi a densidade. Eu gosto da aerodinâmica stock, mas o novo FAR é bom demais.
  18. @ferram4: I'm with cantab here, the player has the freedom to mess up. I don't really see why to "fix" that, it's not like the building process did not matter in real life, why wouldn't it matter on KSP? If you want to come up with a more complex and realistic mass distribution for the wings, that would be cool, but I don't think that is a role for FAR, maybe an extra plugin. But remember that if people are exploding their planes right out of the runway it's certain that they are doing something very wrong. There were massive slowdowns when tweaking wings and control surfaces before, but that issue got fixed, maybe something slipped there.
  19. @Chublord: When your KSP is open and you alt+tab, holding alt, does it leave the game or it shows a window with tabs on the top of the game screen? If it shows a tab with the other windows on the top of the game then you are not on true fullscreen. If it goes back to the desktop without showing that tab, you are on true fullscreen. It's not that simple to know if you are on true fullscreen or not, that is the reason why the only people who noticed it were the ones having issues. And that is why unity can get away with this hacky fake fullscreen thing.
  20. Não houve mudança na densidade, e sim no arrasto transônico. Isso foi feito por que antes estava muito fácil entrar em órbita usando foguetes com TWR alto. Mas confesso que acho que aumentaram um pouco de mais. Acredito que se vier uma patch 1.0.3 antes de uma versão 1.1 esse arrasto vai ser amenizado. Vale ressaltar que ele é quase perfeito para corpos como cápsulas, principalmente durante uma reentrada.
  21. If the gaps are small enough it will mean that there is no gap. The dev build is stable and everything, the only problem is that derivatives don't work and the graphs are not 100% accurate. At least on the one I am using. So, if you can eyeball everything, go ahead.
  22. Oh, by the way, you can make functional fairings out of struts now. Struts and fuel pipes are properly voxelized.
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