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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Last time I checked it was too much for too little to implement ground effect. Maybe it's worth now, but before it wasn't.
  2. 0.25 does not have this issue. I use w8.1 on my laptop I believe he is only switching the wrong bit or reseti g the config when messing with ingame settings or something like that. The fix works flawlesly for me.
  3. Seria bem massa. Só que acho q vai ficar pra depois, vi algo sobre isso em algum squadcast ou dev blog dizendo q os planos são que as telas funcionem mesmo, então é só aguardar. Hype pra 1.1 começa já, hehe.
  4. I was making a scenario, with a single huge base, but part count went too high and it did not work as I wanted. Earning cash and science on assault missions is more than what I was thinking of, that's why it's so amazing. How many different enemy vehicles are there?
  5. Wow, this looks amazing, will try it when I return home
  6. Nonono, you cannot try to force fullscreen by any other means, it's not going to work, and probably going to reset/ignore your manual input on the Hex. You can tell it's fullscreen or not if shadowplay manages to record the game (don't set it to OpenGL, btw.). Another way to notice if it's true fullscreen is opening a skype call, if the skype window shows up on the top of the game, it's not true fullscreen. You can also alt+tab and try to notice if the game was frozen and blinks, which it does on true fullscreen. On true fullscreen, the game will never run on the background, that is the exact problem this unity wacky workaround was made for. Changing the Hex value is not a hack or anything, it's just changing a setting that you are unable to change from inside of the game. I have already tried forcing fullscreen by any other possible means, but this is the only way which actually worked. I don't understand why you can't toggle the fullscreen on, even if you are not going to use shadowplay it's very good to do that, it improves framerate a LOT, and fixes a lot of discomforts.
  7. So, you say more than 90 degrees of AoA and return... Will give it a try when I have time, no fly-by-wire, but %AoA and hand-at-joystick may suffice. That's gonna be tricky, and I will work on all the challenge planes things before doing it (check my sig), but I will give it a try. Since not even real fighters use only aerodynamics, some reaction wheels and RCS/Vernors may be necessary. Don't brace yourself for it though, I have a lot to do and something like this would take a very long time from my part.
  8. @Gustavo: ainda não se sabe. @h4didact: D: Quando tiver pronto o primeiro vídeo.
  9. Boa! Lembrando que depois do lançamento haverá um tópico oficial sobre a update. Edit: ah eu fiz um vídeo falando da update, se estiver interessado:
  10. Well, to achieve a high AoA you have to either design your aircraft to have low lift and high control, or is kill your lift somehow. %AoA deflection on canards is enough to provide that, and also artificial stability, you just need to set it right. But I rather pull insane gs instead, the kerbals can take it, haha. Now I am interested on this, will put a supermaneuverable design on my to-do list, not too hard, just never took the time.
  11. Check FAR Colibri, it's one of the FAR stock airplanes. Not the most maneuverable ever (not meant to be), but it can turn a lot. Using only 1.0 strenght on stock wings, I peaked at the 32g mark (F3 log), as Hodo said, it's just a matter of doing it right. Flying with a joystick also helps on breaking records, but you won't need it if the design is good enough.
  12. @Kill3rCat: I heavily recommend using RasterPropMonitor, it has cameras that you can access from the cockpit, it's amazing.
  13. Recomendo não fazer reupload, mesmo que você não poste em lugar algum, a Squad pode dar um strike na sua conta e pedir a remoção do vídeo. Só precisaria remover o seu post se ele tivesse algum link ou mencionasse algo. O maior problema de uma leak, e razão pela qual experimentais não são públicas, é que tudo sempre muda, além dos bugs. E se o seu avião não voar daquele jeito mesmo sendo igual? E se as partes forem diferentes? E se... e poraí vai. Enfim, é possível que coisas que apareceram no vídeo sejam diferentes das versões finais que aparecerão na 1.0, por isso não é bom expor esse tipo de coisa, pode criar falsas expectativas ou frustrações. Essa update será muito boa, isso é fato, mas até o lançamento tudo é possível. O Ted explica bem como funciona essa fase em um post no blog dele: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/673
  14. If it loads and works on a full stock install it will work for me. Well, I don't have TAC here, so it may not work.
  15. Make sure that on the settings you turn on Fullscreen mode. Also, only change that with the game closed. It's strange, did you verify if you have real fullscreen now? You can record other games using shadowplay, right? Oh, and the value may be on a different place for every KSP version.
  16. h means dec. Use a decimal editor, you will have the numbers grouped, and an indicator number on the side. Find 1090, then count from the left to right. first is zero, second is one, the eight is the one that you want, it should be a "01" (close to it, on the same line, there is a 02, for faster spotting). Replace it with a "00", and save the file, then run the game.
  17. Acho que é só desativar o RCS enquanto estiver pousado.
  18. Acredito que o MechJeb está tentando usar qualquer forma possível de propulsionar a sua nave, como o motor está desligado e só tem o RCS, ele usa o RCS. Isso seria para, por exemplo, um lander que possui apenas RCS. Bem, não uso o MechJeb, mas sei que ele pilota naves que usam apenas RCS, então provavelmente seja isso.
  19. I did it, but it does not make any sense.
  20. You probably installed it wrongly. Make sure to open the zip and check if there is a GameData folder inside of it. Some mods require you to extract one subfolder to your gamedata other than the first folder inside of the zip file. @cbplayer2012: There is no official DMP support yet.
  21. Vai ficar pasmo quando ver os resultados reais de alguns testes de reactionless drives.
  22. It's not that useful as there is no useful information that comes from it. What you want is not an arrow, but spikes on the COM and COL indicators, so you can align them better. Well, I don't think that such feature belongs to FAR, but it would be cool. As said before, you can get all that info from the graphs and derivatives, the indicator is more like a "oh so it's about here" than anything. Watch your Mw under different conditions, there you have your ball. If you want to have a perfect COM/COL alignment, have your Mw=0 or as close to zero as you can, it's infinitely more precise than eyeballing.
  23. E alguns satélites usam até a deflecção dos ventos solares pra dessaturar as reaction wheels ou para ajudar na estabilidade.
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