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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. PF = Procedural Fairings. Gosto do mod. Brigadeiro com Dips ou Dips com brigadeiro? Eis a questão:
  2. You are pressing the wrong button, try the "Sweep AoA" instead The craft is on the ground because your rear landing gears are too far back and because your COL is too far back, so your airplane is actually a lawn dart. Add some canards and set them to pitch, then move the rear landing gears closer to your COM and have fun. Edit: more pitch authority could also fix that but then you would have too much stress on your wings.
  3. Sim, agora o pessoal ta implicando com as fairings, haha. Sempre vai ter alguma coisa, sempre. Não que eu discorde que as fairings deveriam ser só duas partes, mas é estranho. Acho que se eles não tivessem salvo o tanque toroidal ninguem ia ter dado bola pras fairings.
  4. @Tank2333: b, deff. @Van: Uneven lift is not that complicated to deal with: Uneven drag is where things get complicated. Also thrust, but that one is easier to tweak. Ugh, I want to work on these so bad, it's hard to keep priorities and not start releasing them
  5. The blades are from a mod called KAX. The engines etc are from the other BahamutoD mods, which you can find on his sig.
  6. Haha, thanks Van. Nice airthing, I love it. Well, reaching my goals about what is keeping my ksp time busy, with that I will probably make videos about fixing these things, that would be interesting.
  7. @sumghai: While I like reducing part count, I don't really like the idea of universal storage containers as of one single that does it all. The current ammo boxes are very low poly, and that does not really impact the framerate much (from my base building tests, the ammo boxes themselves used negligible resources). And having ammo on the weapons manager is very weird, to say the least. If anything, having one type of box for every type of ammo will prevent you from simply having all kinds of guns and all kinds of ammo at once (be it lag or weight or whatever). I would thus, rather that we continue having one ammo box for every ammunition caliber, and have tweakables on these boxes to choose the ammo type. The box size and weight would vary depending on the caliber and also on the type of ammo it has. To switch between ammo types, simply use an action group set to "next ammo type" or "next ammo box". Pros: -Much more versatile ammo management, reloading your boxes is simpler. -Different designs will suit certain calibers better. -Allows for multiple ammo types on a single vessel. Cons: -Higher part count By the way, where does this universal ammo storage idea come from? I don't really like it. In real life you can't have a box for every possible type of ammo while also having it to feed every possible type of gun. And you cannot fit so much ammo inside of a device the size of a big potato chips bag, haha.
  8. Using struts help with flexing, but they do not make your wings stronger. To make your wings stronger you need to increase their mass, that is a tweakable option available on every wing and control surface when FAR is installed. The game calculates the stress through the dynamic pressure and wing area directed at the airstream, so if you have high dynamic pressure you can go straight but you can die if you pitch up. In order to make tighter turns at high speeds and low altitudes, you need to place your wings efficiently so you have as high as possible (resultant lift force)/(total lift force) on your airplane.
  9. For SSTOs, yes, for low/mid altitude planes, not at all. Low altitude smaller planes get a lot more complicated, you don't have too much freedom nor a lot of room for balancing, your design is either good or bad. I am talking about sanely sized aircraft, by the way. Now answering to the topic's OP, go for it.
  10. Pessoal, lembrem-se do propósito dessa thread, sei que é muito legal que o HarvesteR tenha postado aqui mas vamos voltar ao tópico.
  11. A foto foi editada por que tinha um probleminha com ela, vamos esperar ele corrigir e mandar ela denovo
  12. Great advices, Wanderfound. I would just like to add that too much dihedral effect can also be deadly, mainly at higher AoAs and speeds (reentry). If you have too much, the lateral forces will be so strong that your craft will gain a lot of yaw momentum and throw you out of the stable sideslip zone. Your craft will either start spinning belly down very fast or flip backwards, dynamic pressure then kills you. It may be possible to save yourself from that situation, but it's unlikely, too much momentum and too high aerodynamic forces on the top of the fact your control surfaces/RCS/vernors become useless.
  13. There is a simple solution to this, you will love it. Place the landing gear however you wish, then select the rotation gizmo and click on it. Then, press F to put the gizmo on "Absolute" mode, and turn on angle snap. Try to rotate the gear and it will snap to angles relative to the SPH. Simply snap it to be perfectly straight relative to the SPH and it will be always right. You can also do that to fix any other angle or part you place on your craft, it's very easy to use If I was too unclear please ask and I will try to explain in some other way.
  14. Karbonite, mas eu chamo de kerbonite, haha. Então, não é bem assim, vai ser adicionado mas não exatamente como é no mod, algumas coisas vão ser diferentes. Eu não sei se vai ser apelação, dei uma testada no mod e mineirar, etc. não é tão rápido assim, parece balanceado.
  15. Yes, that is what I am considering right now, having fewer spread out "mini bases". And I guess I missphrased it, 16 parts + 8 missiles, using welding it goes down to 4 wheels + Body + 8 missiles, so 5 + 8 parts. (body incs manager and probe and everything that does not eject or move, welding is cool) I may also use one pylon for 2 missiles, so that would be 17 parts with welding, and 28 parts without. I don't want someone to be able to win by spamming the fire button nor by evading a few shots until the target runs out of ammo, at least not that easily. So, yeah, let's turn this into a group project, this would actually be good as it would take a while for me to finish if alone due to several other projects I am into right now. Please give your feedback on what you think about it, such as base placement, enemies, anything. It would be really great if you could also send me one or another craft via PM that could be used on it, I can optimize part count myself if needed. PM me if your idea/suggestion is too big to avoid clustering this thread with it. I don't think this is worth to create a topic dedicated to this, as for me "it's done when it's done" right now, but if you want to get into it I can give you all of my props so you can save time.
  16. @Naten: that is a procedural wings issue. Have you tried B9 procedural wings? You may also noticed that when stalling, usually the right wing will get a full stall while the other one does not get any, regardless of how it happens. I am not sure if using stock control surfaces placed on the pwings can solve this specific issue, but you can try. Anyway, B9 pwings use a different code and may not suffer from this problem. If you try it, please tell us if it also has this issue or not.
  17. You have no idea how much that fix helps me. You deserve all the reps. It works flawlessly, and it also fixes the shadowplay recording issue for laptops (already tested). You should add to the OP that it fixes the shadowplay problem, I am sure it will be important for a lot of people. Thanks for sharing this fix. Edit: by the way, I will be able to help a lot of people due to this fix
  18. Ok, so I was making the scenarios that I promised, and ran into a very bad issue, part count. When placing down anything more than two turrets, the game starts to feel it, and if you are using FAR this can cause some bad lag. Some framerate drops would be fine, the problem is that oscilating framerate messes up with your reflexes, and precise evasive maneuvering gets painful. I optimized the props a lot, even got a medium AA truck with 16 parts and 8 sidewinders, and will try to optimize them some more, but my first idea seems unfeasible without using the welding mod. Anything simpler than that can be easily done, which makes a dedicated scenario pointless. A solution I am thinking of is having targets further away from each other, so the major challenge will be ammo management. Do you think this would be a good idea?
  19. Yes, there should be no problem on that. Btw, KW is only parts, and mods made out of parts do not need to be updated from 0.25 in order to work flawlessly on 0.90. Just some plugins require being recompiled.
  20. @gag09: It will probably fly @Jakalth: it does not reach orbit, but it flies like a jet fighter, a very big one @everybody: About not submitting any finished crafts, I have been a bit busy setting up my new youtube channel where I will make FAR tutorials and some other stuff. Fixing some of these planes may become a video series! By the way, you can continue to submit crafts, the more I release in a row, the better.
  21. Hello, I have given permission for this thread to go live, and will be watching it. Remember that roleplaying on this forum is strictly forbidden, so keep it only on the forum the OP links to.
  22. Yeah, even if 1.0 aero was FAR as it is now, the new one planned for 1.0 is going to be much nicer. The thing is, FAR simply does not fit stock KSP, it's unforgiving, and even though it's actually simple to get something done on it, most of people simply cannot handle it. For instance, people still think that NEAR is simpler and easier to use than FAR, saying it's more realistic is scary. So, I hope 1.0 to be as accurate as possible, but not FAR.
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