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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. Going to release my new helicopter today, the Azi31 Rhea. The smaller one in this gif.
  2. Ah those are way too heavy to compete with some of the lean & mean racers around here ;-)
  3. Yeah, I really love taildraggers. I'm a WW2 airplane nut. And besides they have a number of advantages (and disadvantages) ... the main reason jets use a nose gear is to prevent damage to the tarmac. Because KSP doesn't model this damage, I fully exploit this "feature". My first SSTO is a taildragger. The only controls are: 1. switch on SAS, 2. enable engines at full thrust, 3. retract landing gear, 4. kill throttle when you have the right AP.
  4. I really like your "location description".

    Not so stupid are ya :-)

    Yeah I like to see floating question marks above heads as well.

    1. StupidAndy


      surprisingly the mods haven't told me to shorten it

      and my username was the result of a late night and a tired brain. but it works! :D

    2. Azimech


      Tired brains often surprise friend & enemy, even oneself :-)

  5. Yep, for most rovers a few fuel cells and a single short 1.25m tank is sufficient to circumnavigate the Mün or sometimes even Duna. Unless you're in a hurry. Then you'll need more cells and more fuel.
  6. Actually there are lots of people you can turn to for advice, on this forum but also: Twitch. Das Valdez & EJ_SA are among the best. Scott Manley is very good with the theoretical side of things. Just don't ask him to build a stock helicopter. I offered my help but he wouldn't listen.
  7. I don't disagree with the two post above but I'd like to add something. Since the KSP simulation is where code and modeling comes together with physics, it helps to first understand the interplay between all of them. A lot can be gained by making a copy of a stock part, give it an unique identity and just start playing with config values. Personally, I suggest you start there. If you have questions, drop me a line. I've made multiple mods myself and while I'm not a coder or a good modeler, I often configure standard modules to do what I want (for example, I've made electronic building blocks out of the engine and resource harvester modules).
  8. How to get rep? I don't have a clue.
  9. @qzgy although I admire your wonderful replica's, in the rules he states that the aircraft had to be in service, no X-planes ;-) Anyway, Here's my Heinkel 219 "Uhu". Stock parts. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--Heinkel-219-Uhu-v11
  10. I've taken the liberty to quote this from a forum: Personally I haven't tried a two-blade rotor system in my designs. I always prefer three because when testing I couldn't find an advantage when using 4, 5 or 6 blades ... and I feel with two blades ... there's something missing, yo!
  11. There is no fixed method like a template where you fill in the numbers. Yes, adapting an existing file to a different model is the easiest way to get going. Before you start creating new parts, most people learn the most from making a copy from a standard part and start editing values to see the behaviour. If you need some help, let me know.
  12. Great suggestion and thanks! But I'm thinking ... since this is a weird plane anyway ... what do you think of the name Trinifour? Ya know ... just to see the question marks floating above the heads of people.
  13. Nope, I already was. I made this unnamed jet fighter because I wanted to say something to "the KerbalX uploader". And I'm also very happy with the result. What you see on KerbalX every week is a pattern. Fighter Jets. Some are original designs but often you see yet another A-10 Warthog, F16 Fighting Falcon etc etc. Gazillions of fighter jets are uploaded and often without ever looking if the type already exists and why it would ever stand out from the others (in the case of the A-10, just use the search, if that doesn’t give you the BRRRRT, I don’t know what will). I would never touch the freedom users have to upload whatever they like. But with almost 20k designs on this website, you gotta do something extra to stand out of the crowd. So I’ve chosen to build a fighter this time to have the opportunity to write that little thing above. You can do with it as you please. Judge it, take note, whatever floats your boat and don’t worry, I don’t care. Okay, about this plane. It’s a multi-role. With tanks full (3200 units) it’s a fast interceptor and can supercruise at Mach 2+ at most altitudes. With tanks filled at 1/3 it becomes a dogfighter. While not supermaneuverable, it’s decent enough for such a heavy crate. It also becomes a STOL. Look at the last picture in the album. Flight control is excellent. Most of the time you don’t need SAS. Actually you never will. It never stalls (until proven otherwise by some excellent pilot). Fast & lazy control sequence for taking off: Press 3,4,5,Z,1,2. You don’t even need to switch on SAS or touch the controls. Yes it will drive off the runway, no it doesn’t matter. Landing: switch off roll on the rear outboard elevons to make the controls less twitchy. The rest: just try how crazy you can be with this one. The one thing I know for sure is it can’t land inverted. Fun experiment: with dry tanks and at 3000m altitude, at any pitch or roll angle, just toggle the flaps, switch off SAS if enabled and lower the landing gear. If the terrain is flat enough, it will land itself without control input. There’s enough room for hardpoints for the BDA lovers. This thing can do anything: CAP, bombing, intercept and air superiority. Flying at Mach 2.2 it has a range of 29.000 km! If you're still interested, you can download it here.
  14. That looks a lot better than the strictly utilitarian look I give to my ships! I only discovered him yesterday ... the guy is a legend!
  15. Nope, what you see is without any mods. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--Dodge-Space-Charger-v10
  16. The frigate hull is online guys, I'm curious to see if someone will use it and how. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--Frigate-Hull-v10
  17. The most recent version is 0.5 but I've heard there are problems with it in KSP 1.2+. The last time I've updated it was during 1.0.5. When 1.1 arrived I was very disappointed with the water problems. Those have been solved but I continued work on other mods. It seems BDA has changed and I'd need to provide a transform for models to provide armor. I don't even have Unity installed at the moment. The weapons mod is NAS. WW2 Warships works best in KSP 1.0.5. All required mods work and I have them so if you still have 1.0.5 I would be happy to provide them.
  18. Depends on how you want to play the game. I've never understood why the remains of stock ships should float when the hull is partially destroyed. It's opposite of real life. That's why I designed my mods, they were the first with the ability to sink ships (and make them as real as possible in size and mass).
  19. I've never really tried stock weaponry. Made a few tanks 2 years ago. Built me a missile frigate yesterday. The hull is fine. And it has torpedoes, cruise missiles and a turret with aiming reticle and 10 rockets. But man! Using stock weapons must be the most tedious and uninspiring stuff I've ever done! Tell you what, I'll offer the basic hull with propulsion and leave the weapons out. The fun part is if you destroy the "armor", the fuel tanks on the side, it will sink. I'm too discontent with stock weaponry to continue working on it. And it really makes me want to update my mods WW2 Warships and Real Ships.
  20. Yes, it was. And *kuch* the best of them all. Hmmm ... think I'll redo that gif.
  21. What the?! And it's still growing ... some streamer talking about this or something?
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