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Everything posted by mcirish3

  1. Yep so much this guy. As for the rest well if you ahve steam you can still play 1.0.5 or if you kept a backup you can still play 1.0.5. Unfortunately not everyone gets to benefit, and some of teh blowback is unrealized hype. The current situation is rather no win, except for those of us with 1.1.2 who don't have major bugs like myself. I feel your pain I wish I could help.
  2. Unity was chosen unfortunately becuase the Idea men of KSP did not think KSP would be very successful and thus had to go with the cheapest option. By the way I agree/remember that the Devs mentioned they wished that they had used a different graphics engine a year ago or so. But it was not out of laziness, or even an unwillingness to start over per say that they did not switch. They understood that to do it right they would infact have to either use another off the shelf Graphics engine that may or may not work as needed, thus leaving them in the same boat Unity put them in 2-4 years down the road, or they would have to develop their own engine which would take 4-6 years. In either case it could potentially be 4-6 YEARS before the switch was finished, and to be honest I don't think they are in a financial position to take that long to rebuild the game from the ground up like that. So the choice is Either keep using Unity or risk losing it all and start over and not have a finished product for a VERY VERY long time if ever. Unless it taks Squad 4 years to get this working they have in the end saved time and they keep their revenue flow. I am sorry, thinks suck for those of you who have serious bugs but most of this is out of the Devs hands ATM. I am sure they will fix it as soon as they can. ALso the argument about adding content to the Unity 4 version. That was really a no go. 1.0.5 was approaching the upper limit of what was doable for content with out a larger resource pool to work with. I actually hardly played 1.0.5 because my older PC just could not handle everything and the game was very laggy even without mods. 1.1.2 runs very very well for me even with the bugs. As for the community. You have to understand that some of the attitude towards people complaining about KSP to the devs is a backlash against complaining in general becuase people have also been complaining A LOT to Mod makers. Mod makers do their work for fun and in their spare time and for free. Whining and complaining and harassing them is UNACCEPTABLE, becuase they owe you nothing. SOme of that backlash against people doing that has probably carried over to this thread a bit. A clean install is important even when moving from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 or 1.1.2. 1.1.0+ saves should be backed up in a separate fold from the main KSP folder if you are using steam. They seem to transfer well going forward. 1.0.5 save probably will be extra buggy. At least I am still playing my 1.1 pre-release save no problem. But back up back up back up should be your mantra with KSP.
  3. You need to make sure it is a clean install. Make sure you remove prior install before reverting back to 1.0.5.
  4. I love your mod. I do hope you get time to updated it to 1.1.2 or at least the time to see if it will break in 1.1.2. Thanks for your contribution to the community, it is very much appreciated.
  5. You do still have 1.0.5 available via the steam client.
  6. No I can not since I really don't remember where I read it. I probably would have linked it already if I did. I vaguely remember Devs commenting in that thread though. But a fuzzy memory is a fuzzy memory. @NathanKell May happs you could speak to this? Since you decidedly decided not to go on vacation.
  7. I remember reading it (Devnotes?) and I could be mistaken, which is why I said" If I am not mistaken". Docking is not broken for everyone or even for most people. 1.1 was too far into release when the lastest version of Unity came out to use it. since unity versions come out often since their stuff is rather buggy in new versions too. Squad has to choose basically to never release an update or deal with it and try and find workarounds for unity bugs. Which goes back to my comment "in hindsight they probably would not choose unity as the game engine if they could do it over". It was but they did not have a way to fix it with out further delaying release for months until they could upgrade unity to the next Unity (wheels are very much a Unity thing). And the bug was not discovered until they had already promised a release date, in the very near future.
  8. If I am not mistaken it is a Unity bug, which means you may have to wait for squad to upgrade to next unity. Don't freak out it won't be as bad as unity 4-5 it is a small 5.2 to 5.3 so will take some time but a couple months should do it. I am willing to venture if Squad had it to do over they would have pick a different game engine than the one they chose. But hindsight is 20 20.
  9. DO you own on steam? IF yes go play 1.0.5 until 1.1 is fixed for you. You still have a product. FYI I have had microsoft windows updates break windows for me. I just reverted to last stable release, when it happened. You can do the same. The vacation thing is needed for them to avoid negative work. So if you want it fixed let them go on vacation.
  10. True, but what exactly do you want them to do about it. They are already doing everything they can. Without the switch to unity 5 we would have had to stay at 1.0.5 because any future expansion of the game would lower performance on all platforms to the point of not being playable. and you still have the option to go play 1.0.5 if you own on steam or saved a 1.0.5 copy on your computer. Like it or not, there really is no way to make this better under the current situation. GIve them a couple more months and they will get it fixed proper. It is nearly as much out of their hands as yours. You can say well they should not have released then. But that ship already sailed. You can go play 1.0.5 if you feel that way, no one is stopping you.
  11. I don't disagree, but.. well ...see above edit.
  12. Windows is the majority so ya, kinda. At this point the likelihood of negative work happening if fairly high due to dev burnout. 1.1.1 is actually a great example of negative work, where bug fix introduced new bugs. In two weeks they will be refreshed and I am betting the bug fixes will be better and not break more things. Edit: and I get it! It sucks it really does especially if the game is mostly not playable. BUt most users don't have a serious problem. Just the same It really sucks. But at this point not much can be done about it. IF teh devs don't get a much need break we are never going to get to the stable release point. Some times you ahve to walk away from a problem for a while to see it in a new light.
  13. Hmm not sure that is true at all. Mac users are a small minority of KSP players, so they may have a legit gripe, but Linux? As a windows users I felt for the longest time that Linux users got all the attention. 1.1 is broken for a lot of linux users. But it seems to be Unity that has a bug in their work not so much directly caused by KSP. But upgrading the graphics engine to implement is well A LOT OF WORK, and will take a couple months at least.
  14. I guess I am one of the lucky ones. My 1.1.2 is mostly bug free, and no game breaking bugs.
  15. See my response to Azimech just above the comment you quoted. Also there may have been some Business input on this release also. SOme time between .25 and .90 there was a sudden change in how releases were happening and since then things have kind been this way... Since the core dev team did not change at that time I have to believe it is the Business side driving some of the poor decisions.
  16. Dude, we told them this, at the time they did not listen, I am not sure the dev team even had a say in the matter, the business unit may have forced it, water long under the bridge. All we can do now is help them keep the game going becuase the alternative would be to be stuck with 1.0.4 They will eventually get the bugs fixed nothing can be done about the past, or the decisions made then.
  17. Yes, this worried me too. But I suspect with out any real proof, that the release needed to happen becuase of all the users that had been locked out of it, especially since due to how slow the pre-releases were happening that the technical excuses were not really valid any more. I could be wrong however.
  18. Every time I visit this thread all I do is drool this mod rocks! I will be installing just as soon as I finish my stock play through for 1.1. Thanks again rbray89.
  19. What you doing here???? You go now and relax! We will all still be here two weeks from now and so will the questions and bugs. Take a vacation. Seriously we don't want ya burning out on us.
  20. Yes this is roughly my experience as well, at least with 1.1.2 and 1.1. 1.1.1 was bugged badly for me but never crashed either did crash once. I have noticed bugs in all of them but none that make it unplayable, I am mostly stock, other than "Champagne Bottle", revived by Linuxgurugamer, and Slashy's "wheel fix". Perhaps there is some other issues here with certain hardware? Apparently my old 2008 equipment is more stable due to long legacy support? Becuase for me in general the game really runs the best it ever has since... oh... probably .24 or so.
  21. SO you are playing with a modded install that has a mod not updated for 1.1.2 and you blame the game and not the Mod?????? Dude really? Yes still only for 1.1.
  22. Ya know what give them some time. You can always go play 1.0.5 if you bought on steam. They just completely overhauled the game bound to take them some time to get all the kinks worked out. Maybe even a year. But at teh end of the day this is still the best game I have ever played so and it has been ever since I started playing demo version 0.13. Over the grand scheme of things the current version is still a step up for me. For a mall group due to crashes it may be a step down but for the vast majority it is a step up and 1.1.2 is even better. I am sure they will keep working to fix the bugs let them have 2 weeks off. When they come back they will be ready to work hard for us again. @SQUAD Thanks for your hard work and have fun on vacation and If you are reading this STAY OFF THE FORUM we will all still be here when you get back despite some users teenage angst.
  23. So much NOT this ---- don't EVER DO THIS EVER EVER EVER.
  24. Just a suggestion: say what folder to put things in. Thanks again for all your hard work and help to the community.
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