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Everything posted by mcirish3

  1. Sorry a video or pics demonstrating this would be useful. Remember a pic is worth a 1000 words. THis does sound cool by the way.
  2. Useful mod. You really should have some pics if you want clicks though. Not everyone is familiar with this mod.
  3. I will be watching close for this thread to get the 1.1 stamp on it. I have attempted RO in the past but my PC just can't really cut it. I really want to get it up and running though for real this time. With the improvements in KSp 1.1 and my improvements on this end it should run fairly well can't wait to give it a real go. Waiting with baited breath.:)
  4. Yes, I just wish there was a place I could put this bug report where I knew the devs would see it. (even if some or all of these have already been reported.) It would have been cool if they had kept the bug system available that we used during prerelease it was nice to see what they were working on and all and to track the bugs getting fixed for the next release, even if that is months away.
  5. Wow way simpler than I thought, never occurred to me that you would not be the admin on your own PC.
  6. Hi, Not looking for a fix just not sure where I should report bugs now. This seems logical but may not be the right place. All bugs are related but slightly different. All in VBA editor. IN any case bug 1: See through mission flags: bug 2: See through in a "bad way" fairing still exists. Bug 3: Large solar panels are visible through other parts.
  7. All I have to say is you guys really should have a 1.1 video and an updated web page considering how big an update this is. Otherwise WOOOOOOOT congratz and thanks for all the hard work!!!!!!!!! Signing off the forum for a few day to go play 1.1 non stop.
  8. Thank goodness we did not launch straight we would still be trying to get into orbit if we did.
  9. Is would sure be nice if there was a list of CCF compatible mods out there or in the OP Great work guys can't wait to see what you come up with for 1.1.
  10. Thank You everyone who has contributed. Just a reminder in you wish to be included in the OP list. You will need to follow the rules of the OP. I have made a couple exceptions for very exceptional works but in general the OP rules must be followed to have your list included in the OP.
  11. Looking forward to seeing this list revamped for 1.1 you are still listed in the Mod Docket.
  12. It is funny that Nyan cat is back due to 64 bit being available again. It has been along time since I have seen it. Apparently it's been so long that a large number of people have never seen it. Edit: Woot new page!
  13. No but I upgraded my PC as best I could for 1.1. Can't afford a new PC right now but add 4 GB ram and a SSD hard drive.
  14. HI all, I a very disappointed to see that spacedock still has not reached its funding goals, or even $180 necessary to fully pay for appropriate bandwidth to provide the mods to us all. There are 2830 registered users and who knows how many thousands of unregistered users and yet they have only gathered $129 a month in support???? Is one dollar a month really too much to ask from us? Really!!!, come on guys, this is a team of guys why can we support them, what is wrong with us? What are we a bunch of entitled ungrateful troglodytes? Do we really want to lose SpaceDock just like we lost Kerbal Stuff? Ya I am self interested in that I don't want Spacedock to go way and i feel guilty becuase i did not help Kerbal Stuff. Please help them make this work. And thank them for their hard work while you're at it. PS. I am in no way associated with or part of the SpaceDock team I am just a concerned user. PPS. donate to them here:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2903335&ty=h PPPS. I hope I am not violating a forum rule with this and that I am in the correct forum. IF so do what you need to do and I will change what needs to be changed.
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