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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Open the BDA folder, Open the crafts file , copy or cut the new drone craft file. Open your save folder, Open ships folder, Open SPH folder and paste the craft file there . Load the game
  2. Hi following on from XOC2008's comment, Although un clamping is now possible for the PAI as it has been for the surface AI for some time, the PAI testing that was done seems to indicate that increasing the settings may not produce the results expected, wild settings require a wild aircraft to use them, and even then the benefits are dubious. Conversely un clamping the surface AI, clicking the goes to 11 option , allows an infinite amount of adjustment and allows the AI to control any surface craft of any size, from less than a few hundred kilos with wheels to the largest ship I have which at full size afloat, weight in excess of 100000kg's The requirements for a small wheeled vehicle, a tracked vehicle and a large warship are very different, and i urge everyone to experiment to find what really works for the craft.
  3. Hi you can have a missile that works well in space or a missile that works well in atmosphere, what you can't have is a missile that works just as well in both environments. There are currently NO space capable EMP missiles(non of the team have made one yet or to my knowledge even studied the effect out of atmosphere) Burn time of all the missiles are set in seconds, the engine runs for exactly the set length of time. Speeds of space missiles are extreme (due to no drag) even when used with minimal thrust, so within the described burn time a dedicated space missile will travel considerably further for the same thrust value, than a missile operating in atmosphere. The EMP effect range as mentioned is set in the part cfg , and will not and I see no valid reason why it should, have a larger range in space , a radio pulse is a radio pulse no matter the environment ( I've checked the science and wave propagation in atmosphere and space are similar enough to not worry about special settings for either environment, imo of course)
  4. @dundun92 Hi, lets clear up these misunderstandings. There is no death ray, and there will not be one. There is a module that can be fitted to missiles , and is currently fitted in only two missiles, uniquely named, in the BDA parts collection. Its a simple matter to ban use of two missiles just like you do lasers. The reloadable rail cannot be reloaded by AI, and therefore is of no use in AI comps, the AI will treat it as single fire only. Also as mentioned in thread and the bit you didn't quote is that even in manual use there is a limit to the amount of times it can be reloaded. It is not an infinite supply of missiles, add to that , that there is no reloadable missile part in BDA . The module is provided mainly to be used by weapon mod makers. Perhaps a bit of an over reaction on your part.
  5. Hi all, some little notes on some of the newer features, If you've ever used the rotary rack in a bomber you'll appreciate this. The EMP module must be added to a missile in order that it function as such . The module is simple and the only configurable element is proximity, which translates for you guys as effective range. There is no drop off, it is a hard edged effect, in the example below a vehicle at 90 meters from explosion will be disabled , a vehicle at 110 mtrs will not. It works by removing the ability to store and generate electric charge and affects all systems. Surface craft will stop moving, and aircraft will fall out of the sky. All BDA equip is also disabled , so it is effective on crewed or un crewed craft Most important. There is no reset once affected by a pulse the craft is dead. MODULE { name = BDExplosivePart tntMass = 0.01 explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/EMPexplosion/EMPexplosionS } MODULE { name = ModuleEMP proximity = 100 } Related is another small change to the location of explosion sounds and visuals for missiles and bomb cfg's(ONLY). Previously the explModelPath = and sound path were located in the MissileLauncher module itself. Newly created parts should now use the method above and locate those cfg elements in the ExplosivePart module. Note in this example taken from the BDA AMRAAM EMP Missile that the TNT mass is tiny, this is obviously a creator preference setting, we decided that the equip needed for an EMP would preclude space for fitting explosive, there;s no restriction to set up, you can if wished , create a huge bomb with a large tnt mass plus and emp module and get both levels of destruction , imo though one death is enough. There are 3 supplied EMP FX in small medium and large , and these can be found in the BDA models EMP explosion folder . To use simply point the path in the explosive part module to point at the relevant effect . The small effect is very small and the large effect would be suitable for something that shut down the whole KSC Reloadable Missile Rails and other single fire launchers. Simple module with no in game or configurable settings , It looks like this MODULE { name = ModuleMissileRearm //ReloadableRail } As mentioned in post and quote, adding this to any unprepared rail or launcher will not work. It requires a specific transform (unity game object) to be placed and rotated correctly. Reload only works for surface attachable missiles, however the first missile loaded can be stack or surface attach, as long as the missile has a correctly set up surface attachment and the launcher has suitably setup colliders. A basic unity set up shown for a reloadable VLS tube. The name of the transform is not negotiable, it is either as below or will not work, this name is hard coded. (described and baked into the BDA source code) If you can set up normal rails and launchers this should be a breeze. I expect, and have found set up and use to be easy and trouble free for anyone familiar with the part modding process. (MODDERS NOTE, Id suggest that in the case as above of a tube launcher, that the non contact surfaces, those face that the missile is not going to attach to, are marked no attach , with the unity tag) USAGE The reloadable rail cannot be reloaded by AI, and therefore is of no use or threat in AI comps, the AI will treat it as single fire only. In manual fire there is a maximum number of times the launcher can be reloaded. It is not an infinite supply of missiles . Multiple reloadables can be installed on a single vessel. BUT only one reloadable module per individual launcher is supported. Launchers can be reloaded either via right click menu or action group. IMPORTANT As with all launchers it is vital for the player to ensure that the missile body or fins do not clip into any part of the launcher. Any interference or clipping can prevent launch and cause problems in use. It's a very versatile module that can be used to create reloadable turrets , and even combination turrets. Note. Reloading requires that the turret be locked before reloading . if the turret moves at all during the loading process it will result in misplaced missile, not correctly aligned and probably sitting at a weird angle. Goes without saying that firing a misplaced badly loaded missile can result in craft destruction. video from early dev Any other questions, you know where to find us.
  6. Hi NKD is not compatible with the current version of BDA and hasn't been for a good while, the NKD forum thread is full of similar problems. For KSP 145 you will need today the latest BDA from here https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases A copy of physics range extender PRE. An up to date version of Module Manager , and and up to date copy of the firespitter dll. Most importantly the mod needs to be installed correctly. Please visit the forum thread for further information. Also the weapon manager should be attached to the launching craft NOT the missile, please read the BDA manual contained within the in game KSPedia
  7. Hi forcing DX11 in KSP1.4.5 also has the same effect , as a matter of interest to some, hangar extender , when extended, reloads the textures and they show properly only in the expanded hangar .
  8. Hi there've been a couple of small but significant changes to the launch selector , In previous/older versions launch site selection was a one time deal. Select launch site , launch craft appear at launch site. Return to hangar and launch without setting and you would end up at the runway again, not the last launch site used. However now when you select launch site , that launch site will remain selected until you fully select a new different one . You MUST select the launch site you wish to use from the list AND from the bottom of the gui click the big use launch site button, if you don't do this , you will be back at the previously selected site .
  9. Hi , the wandering values are a known issue that's being worked on, the coding team believe they have found a value that can be used for the automatic hit point calculation that does no change between editor and flight scene . RE the second hit point slider, i suspect there is some patch weirdness going on, a hit point module is automatically attached by BDA and those values, for stock parts, are then set using the stock part fix MM patch, your images indicate some breakdown in patch application and we need to see the KSP,log for a recent run . For best results a stock clean install with BDA and it's dependencies will be used to produce the log. @Xd the great Please refer to the BDA issues on github before giving advice regarding problems and bugs, misinformation causes confusion , cheers
  10. It could simply be that your wheels are fitted incorrectly, wheels are not round, they consist of a wheel collider that only works in one position . The image below describes it more or less ( done for another post but you get the idea) . A simple guide to fitting wheels , always fit in pairs from the left side , so that the left and right are placed at the same time , now scoot around the front of the craft and check the suspension , if you have the wheels fitted correctly they will be slightly in some cases, or a long way in others, directly below the mount , not above it , not horizontal but always below The red line indicates the actual point at which the wheel will drive , nowhere else in the entire remaining 359.99 degrees will it behave as squad intended .
  11. Hi , so you have a save for KSP 1.2 which lasted less than a month before it turned to 1.2.1 and a host of bug fixes , and now you are running that same save in KSP1.4.x ? A zipped and linked copy of your KSP.log could shed some light on your problems , given the amount of game changes since 1.2 it may indicate greater issues than just confused biomes .
  12. Hi again , re the chutes in the parachute mod, they're mine, and from a time long before stock kerbal chutes were a thing, So not controllable. So whats in a chute ? a typical kerbal parachute contains 3 elements (unless something has changed) those being, base , the box the chute lives in, the cap, the top cover that flies off at deploy . finally the chute itself. These items are baked into the models .mu file , they are not an entity that exists as a separate part, part of the chute magic, how they work, is tied deeply to the rest of the model, and the root gameobject . And here's a shot of the original to be fitted by KIS experiment ( it worked but kerbs and craft modules don't play nice) Kerbachute for ref , as i say unless something has changed with the KSP chutes, they're all pretty much like this , just different shapes (note it doesn't look like this when exported from unity , the chute will be in packed condition )
  13. Yeah ok , GIVE , it's an ancient charter that i must try out new KK stuff , Thank you for the official update and new toys
  14. Another method you could try is the BDA targeting camera , which gives accurate raycast measurement between craft and target and displays it on an easily readable screen , using vessel mover you could position a small craft anywhere you fancy and measure to ground, or perhaps if going the mission report way, with the cam attached to a small rover and targeting a kerb placed survey marker However if you cant be fussed with the fuss , I've pretty accurate (scalable) in game ruler part , i have a static based version for KK also , let me know if needed.
  15. Hi, I've a nasty feeling from working on OrX with @DoctorDavinci that an EVA module (of any type) will not work in the flight scene . Re the location of the parachute for the Kerb i'd put a couple of kerbucks on it being baked into one of the asset bundles. Just like the kerbal model itself . (which can also be spawned in the editor)
  16. HI firstly thanks for trying BDA. Now to business, let's clear up what BDA is all about . BDA is primarily a combat mod, everything about it is set toward having one or more craft engaged in some kind of combat. It is not an auto pilot, it is not suitable for flying groups of aircraft in formation over any distance. The AI take off routine for example always flies pretty much the same pattern, it always flies the same way around the KSC the aircraft more or less always form into the same groups. SO in short it's not really going to do what you want in it's basic form. Competition mode places two teams of aircraft at a preset distance and altitude and turns them free to fight, Peace mode is only to prevent the turning loose and start of combat. Now the wing commander accessible from the right click menu on the PAI will allow you fly numerous aircraft to any location on the planet, as many as you can get off the ground in one piece, but it takes a while to get the hang of it I strongly suggest taking a look at the included manual in the in game KSPedia , and searching for you tube videos (like this one ) on using BDA Wing Commander This is indicative of an issue or problems in your game, in a clean game with few errors , using clean craft, and following assembly rules, ( 1 weapon manager and 1 PAI per craft, dont put two of any BDA control module on any craft, this leads to confusion between the modules and destroys performance) It can be expected that things will proceed as planned, aircraft taking off, waiting for teams to get into position and then starting combat once craft are all at the preset or greater distance. It has been found that the following things can cause the AI to lock up and fail to complete it's routine; Dirty craft, that is craft that have been created in another save or version of KSP and moved between saves, you can check this by looking in your KSP.log for craft showing indexing errors, the more indexing errors you have per craft the less likely it is to perform well under AI control. Theses indexing errors are produced by module manager rearranging the part modules at game load, and nothing to do with BDA. Next not all parts are created equal, for some reason that we at BDA or the mod creator cannot determine airplanes plus parts have a multitude of issues when used with BDA, it is a regular issue that crops up, and 9/10 if the APP part is replaced with stock or any other mod part the problems go away Finally and the real big issue is a generally buggy game, outdated mods, obsolete mods, incompatible mods, mods that spam error messages to the logs, mods that do not load properly, multiple versions of the same mod, and incorrect mod installations will all cause a problem for the AI, it needs a clean space in which to run it's routines , it doesn't like fighting with other modules and will simply sulk and go home. SO a clean game, with clean craft will 99.9% of the time result in good performance from the PAI and associated systems As this is all deeply MOD and BDA related we'd be happy to answer all your questions in the dedicated BDA thread, which is where you'll find those who know how BDA works a link below
  17. It most certainly has been done many many times, but it's such a just for laughs thing, that many probably never think to make a big deal about it Plus the reducing of Kerbals to mush, spaghetti, pixels just for fun is frowned upon by the majority of forum users ( who seem to think it's a serious space game)
  18. The main feature of the mod certainly does, however the rest of the parts have not been properly maintained or updated to keep pace with BDA for a considerable time and if the info reading back holds true, several of them need more than just the extensive cfg updates, which every part without exception does require, in order for them to be suitable for good game play when used in KSP 145 and with the latest BDA versions.
  19. In which case as it seems to matter to you both so much. I'll obviously have to add the disclaimer " other user experiences may differ" when dealing with such user created issues. As more than 90% of them are indeed user created and easily diagnosed via KSP.log .
  20. Not really, what that particular thing does is supply a set of tools and exporters that allow you to modify items in the game and to further mod them using external apps , therefore it is most certainly not an in game mod creator. In the time it's taken for the thread to get this far, a motivated player could have learned how to make a basic part, in any app you fancy, and how to run it through unity, and have it working in game, and be well on the way to being a part mod maker. It probably wouldn't be pretty , but it would be theirs completely and you can take it from me that even after over 2000 parts there is still a buzz to be had when it all loads and works straight from export
  21. The universal ammo box is based on the firespitter tank contents switcher, as such , it will be non functional if you do not have firespitters dll installed. With all the dependencies correct you will still have to select the correct ammo for the weapon, The Universal Ammo box does not contain some miracle all purpose ammunition ( never has ) It provides universal storage for many different ammo types , removing the need to add 40 or more different ammo boxes to BDA (which would be silly) Method of use, ensure you have the FireSpitter dll (about time this function was brought in house really) Check the editor menu for the type of ammo the weapon needs, fit weapon to craft , fit universal ammo box, right click the ammo box and click the next tank setup button until the correct ammo shows for the weapon. Fit weapon manager , It is now ready for use. NOTE, not all listed ammo types listed in the part cfg may show, several types are specific to other weapon mods, and if the other mod is not installed that ammo type will not be available for selection.
  22. Hi the simple fix ids for you to delete your current install and reinstall KSP completely, it sounds very much like you have deleted Squad files from the squad folder, and as such your game is broken . Once reinstalled mods should only go into the GameData folder, NEVER into the squad folder, and you should never have more than one Gamedata folder. for example KSP/GameData/Gamdata/anyCoolMod will prevent many mods from working. KSP/Gamdata/Squad/AnyCoolMod will probably break your game. The only file path any mod should have is KSP/GameData/Any CoolMod. Also for a normal or abnormal player you should have no reason to alter add to, or remove the Squad folder or it's contents .
  23. Hi since 1.4 the output log is written to C/users/etc, any logs remaining in KSP data will be ignored and not updated, obsolete, Really and truly . an output is NOT going to tell anyone except maybe a dev any more than what the KSP.log just told me, I've not seen one error fixed in 6 years of KSP modded bug hunting through reading an output log. EDIT as it's so important to some people ``` I've not seen one error fixed in 6 years ``` Means me personally , not you or your buddy. and after viewing hundreds of other players logs both from here, steam and in various thread since 2012 I stand by my assertion that over 90% of issues can be solved without ref to an output log. However just in case that's unclear Do note other users may have different opinions on most effective bug finding practices
  24. HI. in future it is more helpful to your case, if you only post links to your log . Usually a zipped copy uploaded to a file sharing site, dropbox seems to be use by a lot of posters. As a first log to post it should always be your KSP.log, as this is produced every time the game loads and does not require a crash. For fault finding purposes the KSP.log is massively more useful than the example posted crash log , which is simply meaningless to most people, In all my years bug hunting modded KSP (since 2012) not one single error has been fixed by reading a crash log . SO start your game do a few things and exit. Then zip up the KSP log which can be found in the main KSP folder and post a link here, As you use so few mods, I suspect you have made an installation error of one of them, and a look at the KSP log will give a clear picture of your installation. PS would be cool if you could edit that log out of your post, once you sort out the links for your KSP log
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