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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi , notably collision FX is throwing huge errors 10000's of lines , 30 copies of MiniAVC when you only need one (1) close to the record but not quite . Same old problem with airplanes plus textures not being found, ( i say old because i see it in every log and have done for months) . VenStockRevamp showing almost all of it as having texture loading errors . Universal storage showing model loading errors on what looks like all the parts. Very oddly there are a raft of errors associated with squad parts and that usually takes a well messed up install. TokamakIndustries showing model, texture and cfg loading errors. The mod spacetux cant find it's icons. Followed by another load of errors from Kopernicus . I could go on and on, but that's enough , your game is showing clearly 2773 distinct errors. Sir your install is a mess So it's time to give up with that game . Admit defeat, because i doubt you'll be able to cure all the issues, there is far too much interactivity between mods, broken mods will have already been used in craft and modules applied to parts. The big killer right now for you is collision FX which is heavily spamming the log . I suspect the crash is simply because the game grinds to a halt trying to let you play, while logging errors constantly
  2. The red text you are seeing is the reverse of the label that holds the collider for triggering the outside view while in IVA, just not got around to moving the camera to a pos that doesn't have it in view, No point adding kerbals or IVA's to turrets as the IVA remains fixed in place while the turret rotates, this messes up external views and hatches. A turret is a animated part and there is no way I know to move an IVA reliably with animation.
  3. Hi still analyzing ( sounds good eh ) the log , however immediately I have a concern, PRE now includes a world stabiliser, ( we know it as BlackSpell) and you are using the standalone World stabilizer mod and the two mods are fighting to do the same thing. I would suggest removing WS , during testing the PRE included stabilizer has been thoroughly tested at ranges well in excess of those used in fighter comps, and been more than up to the task. Next, I'm not that familiar with AP so not sure of the requirements, I see a lot of texture errors, which in themselves are no biggy, but I doubt the modder wants it that way , seems that there's something missing perhaps? Several of the craft in your battles are showing (IMO) way too many index errors, these are caused by MM shuffling the part modules on reload, and we've found that over time these errors seriously degrade the aircraft behavior when used with BDA . I've found that it's often best to rebuild craft occasionally ( i know its annoying) , and not transfer between saves and games too often I also notice the performance is degrading over time perhaps through debris ? DoctorDavaninci has a little mod called MrClean that will perform instant or continuous clean up at the press of a button, if indeed it is debris related And as I say still investigating certain items.
  4. HI, what kind of environment do you run these battles in? A custom game no overloaded with mods and just what you need? Or a normal game install with a gazillion mods and a dirty log? I ask as i view perhaps 20 logs a week , and generally a messy log results in BDA AI misbehavior, stick in an NRE (Null Reference Exception) or two and poor response is pretty much a certainty , while a clean one with few if any errors and no NRE's at all, will produce a better game. I'm not suggesting you do have a messy game, but it's always worth making it as clean as you can for AI controlled battles. All of the cowardly confused behaviors are usually seen in the grubbier logs, not the cleaner ones. If you do have a spotless 145 install and fancy running a few battles with debug labels ON, I'd be interested in taking a look at the KSP.Log
  5. Invaluable reading for MM patch creators https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Handbook
  6. Hi the usual reason for this is scaled propellers or rudders, scaling causes all elements to increase, if you double the size they are twice as heavy for virtually no benefit, you dont get more effective steering it becomes overpowered and you will not go any faster as the velocity curve will not allow props to exceed the set speed
  7. Hullbreach and BDA work in partnership, Sinking is directly tied to the BDA damage and hitpoint system.\ A video of it all working together
  8. That looks mightily impressive, something i've not been able to crack, so whats the secret to getting even the basics working?
  9. @Fengist Hi good to see you back in business, as for the taking over of things, yeah it's all change, although I very much doubt if I'll be taking anything else over, my own mods are huge and a bit like s suspension bridge, by the time i've finished painting it, it's time to start again at the beginning . Nothing lasts forever though so not surprising mod makers come and go, it's not the same forum it used to be though, and i'm certain that's a contributing factor , much of the good stuff happens elsewhere these days, the times of dev chats having some content are long gone. As you've noted yourself several 1000 downloads and not a comment, is not unusual. Back to business, i'm with you on the dependencies, and have noted the firespitters functionality seems to decrease after every update, so getting out from under something that can't last is a good thing, although i only use FS on the aircraft stuff, purely for the spinner. and hopefully in short order KAX's problems will be somebody else's And another thumbs up and thanks for the drag cube modifier, which still gets a lot of use, solving so many issues
  10. You cannot change an effect once it is baked into a mu, you can't make it bigger or smaller , you can't change it's shape , there is nothing that you can export from an fx mu and use again , not even an idea of how it's done. The texture format you should use is either png of dds , do not use jpeg. . So follow the instructions i linked, and keep practicing until you can , there are no shortcuts with FX, you make your own , the only way to get what you want is to put in the effort and make it yourself.
  11. https://www.raywenderlich.com/148158/introduction-to-unity-particle-systems https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.1/Documentation/Manual/PartSysUsage.html https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PartSysExplosion.html Once you've made an effect it is exported to KSP as a .mu including textures using part tools. Be warned what you see in unity ( thanks to the horrors perpetrated on the particle system by some nameless individual) is not what you see in game, it takes many changes and many exports to get things just right, and the results are achieved partly by using the potentially awesome unity system and the less than ok KSP particle emitter . There are no related KSP tutorials, no hints and tips from whoever in squad created, and can allegedly use it to any effect, we asked they remained silent, so just like the rest of us you'll have to work it out as you go. From there you simply call the explosion FX from cfg via the explosion model path in the weapon modules.
  12. Hi I have examined your log, and i find 920101 lines of which 913610 lines are errors NON of which relate to BDA. This log is not suitable for any kind of BDA related fault finding and is not an environment in which BDA will give great results. Certain of the AP parts are showing failed colliders, if these are used on any of your test craft the results are null and void, a failed collider will produce random unpredictable results . RE the craft itself I very much doubt any craft that has been around since KSP131 is free of indexing errors, theses errors caused by module manager shuffling modules have a detrimental effect on craft and BDA performance . In a normal log this would be easy to see, however in this case the log spam is so pronounced that it's allowed little other info to be written, which also suggests the effects of such logging would be noticeable in game I suggest you rebuild the craft avoiding AP parts where possible, ensure that you are running a clean install , by installing all required dependencies, and removing any mods that are reporting errors. and re run your testing .
  13. Hi, you should not be seeing that unless you have completely trashed your install. Before wasting any more time I suggest you simply delete the whole KSP folder and reinstall the game . I suspect you have deleted parts of the Squad folder. Please note that the phrase " mod it till it crashes " is a joke and not the aim. For best results , find your play style and select mods that make it more fun, difficult, easier . explosive. Just clicking download on every shiny new mod is a recipe for a buggy game, frustration and an unsatisfactory game experience.
  14. HI re ablative kerbals, the answer is yes, you can apply an ablator to @PART[kerbalEVA] But the ablator resource weighs 1kg per unit, and kerbals are very sensitive to COM and mass changes, simply moving a kerbals COM can render them incapable of proper movement, and simply adding a few grams has interesting results. If you wanted to go nuts, a patched in ablator module with fanciful numbers, and a custom much lighter ablator resource would probably get the results you desire
  15. Rather than sharing assets exactly the same thing can be achieved with an 8 line module manager patch. And requires no licensing, for patches a simple dropbox link or paste is enough
  16. Hi I'm afraid that simply upping the TNT mass does not create a nuke effect KSP nuKes looked like this and destroyed things up to 40 km away. Simply editing a cfg is something many players do, for your personal enjoyment you can do anything you wish The best option is to grab a copy of unity and part tools and see if as a starting point you can make a workable FX ( that actually doesnt look like cotton wool balls or dandruff ) As non of the current BDA booms will get anywhere near ( i know theyre my xxxx ups)
  17. Hi straight away in your log i see this , note that this IS your file set your mod , [LOG 16:31:42.520] Load(Texture): ANewFuture/Textures/Rocko_Biome [ERR 16:31:42.521] DDS: File is not a DDS format file! [WRN 16:31:42.523] Texture load error in 'C:\Users\USER\Desktop\1.3\GameData\ANewFuture\Textures\Rocko_Biome.dds' [LOG 16:31:42.526] Load(Texture): ANewFuture/Textures/Rocko_Height [ERR 16:31:42.547] DDS: File is not a DDS format file! [WRN 16:31:42.548] Texture load error in 'C:\Users\USER\Desktop\1.3\GameData\ANewFuture\Textures\Rocko_Height.dds' [LOG 16:31:42.551] Load(Texture): ANewFuture/Textures/Rocko_Map [ERR 16:31:42.555] DDS: File is not a DDS format file! [WRN 16:31:42.556] Texture load error in 'C:\Users\USER\Desktop\1.3\GameData\ANewFuture\Textures\Rocko_Map.dds' SO for starters your textures are not in a format kopernicus expects And there you go, that error causes a problem for kopernicus , because of which it cannot load your defective planet [LOG 16:32:23.532] [OD] Adding for body Rocko map named Rocko_Biome (CBRGB) for Rocko of path = ANewFuture/Textures/Rocko_Biome.dds [LOG 16:32:23.543] [Kopernicus]: Bad DDS header. [LOG 16:32:23.544] [Kopernicus]: failed to load C:/Users/USER/Desktop/1.3/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ANewFuture/Textures/Rocko_Map.dds [EXC 16:32:23.550] Exception: Failed to load Body: Rocko Kopernicus.Configuration.Loader.Kopernicus.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String configName, Boolean getChilds) Kopernicus.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode[Loader] (.ConfigNode node, System.String configName, Boolean getChilds) Kopernicus.Injector.Awake () UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Kopernicus.Injector:Awake() UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup) AddonLoader:StartAddons(Startup) AddonLoader:OnLevelLoaded(Int32) AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode) UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode) [WRN 16:32:23.564] DontDestroyOnLoad only work for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. How to fix, by the looks of it , simply reformat the textures into the proper DDS format and all being well your planet should load. Obviously if the rest of it is wrong, it still wont load. Take note the of info I posted here from your log. It says the same to me as you, in the first section it clearly tells you there is a problem with your textures , and nicely tells you exactly where and what . The Log does not lie, there are no second opinions, fix the problems as they show in the log and your problems will go away, and at the same time you will become familiar with debugging your own mods , as it's an essential skill, not optional.
  18. If the mod is properly installed, and you have KIS installed, you should have or it will not work, all the weapons should be located in both the KIS parts category and the BDA parts category . NOTE in no way is the version you are trying to run ready for KSP past 1.2.1 OR BDA past V1 weapons will not function correctly. Development continues.
  19. Wheels do NOT have colliders, and wheel colliders are in effect a point on a circle they have no breadth width or depth. Impacts can only be generated on objects that have a surface to collide upon. Shells usually impact the mounting part of the wheel . Not a bug, expected behavior and a product of the game environment
  20. I hate to disappoint you chaps, but what you downloaded is not even a percentage of OrX just a tiny subset of what it does and involves. It is some ways away from being publicly tested . Flooding the thread with reports from a barely functional example would be neither constructive or helpful. Please await an official test version.
  21. A mess. Hi notable in your log, I'm guessing from the mess it's a ckan install, is a serious error with RCS build aid, not loading properly EVE is producing some nasty errors a lot more than the usual little things . Innumerable copies of miniAVC ( that's way too many btw) 1 is enough and so many different versions too. . There's only one way to sort this out, create a fresh install and gradually add in the mods in groups. You have a lot of mods that could be interacting in unusual ways, you have mods that i'm sure are not updated for your game and the error mentioned, . I suspect that if your PC shutdown while the game was in a saving state, for what ever reason, then the save is likely to be corrupted and no worth playing any longer . 275863 lines of which over 15000 lines are errors . There should be none, zero
  22. Hi, for something this size it's no longer practical, As it stands there are 320 individual cfgs and a good many of those are combined cfgs with more than one part listed , a total of around 400 individual model files. SO adapting them all would not be a task I'd want to take on, I've never given more than a passing thought to tech trees or career mode, as it's not something that interested me when it came out, as I'd already done all the space stuff (grand tour, colonies, sat networks out to jool etc) or interests me now as nothing has changed. I've always been able to find plenty of ways to burn 1000's hours without preset goals. Kerbinside jobs and other niche areas are not even worth looking at as it historically has a tiny usage, and to highlight this , you are only the second person to ask in over 4 years. As for passenger transport until certain kerbal related issues are resolved like boarding, disembarking , movement , movement while on craft and at least a dozen other things , I see little point. All the craft contained carry passengers or can, there are a couple of passenger modules with IVA's for that purpose, and right now that's plenty. There are things in development that you may find interesting or challenging, but they are not even vaguely similar to anything previously experienced in KSP. ( having played KSP since 2012 i say this with confidence)
  23. Also worth a mention at this juncture, no radar is totally infallible , almost all of them have blind spots, or more correctly area's in which they don't work too well, if you know what type you're facing ( even better with a sneaky bit of testing ) you can, with a manually flown aircraft make it very difficult for a solid lock to be achieved.
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