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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Yes Thats because you are likely using a duplicate cfg and are forgetting to change a path of a name. If you give me half an hour I'll make a replacement more OP cfg for this Mag cannon which is in the current pack, and has been forever.., bearing in mind the maximum distance a shell can travel is about 8km before it despawns but it'll cover those 8km pretty instantly
  2. maybe or Hyper edit has a destroy vessel feature
  3. You can yes although adding stuff to the Squad folder is not a habit you want to get into or publicise , Only add mods to the GameData folder not anywhere else.There is nothing you can achieve by adding to the Squad folder that can't be done by adding the folder into GameData.
  4. I see we have exactly the same thoughts on weaponry I must investigate the unorthodox route though, that craft looks very cool. Mines a tad more traditional IS there a test craft? as 3 of the BDAc test planes didn't quite perform as expected and it wasn't a long fight, I've a feeling that they're just not so hot as gun fighters
  5. Hi , As @cavilier210 above has stated you really must have KJR Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed to get the maximum use from this mod. LBP parts are far bigger and heavier than KSP with ever intended to use and so the physics easing that KSP now uses is totally overwhelmed by the mass of the parts. The parts uses the strongest largest nodes in the game, and has the most current setting for rigid connection in the cfg and those features alone are still not quite strong enough. I've seen it said a lot recently that KJR is obsolete now KSP has physics easing, in the case of LBP this is far from the truth and I'd go so far as to say No KJR = No LBP, and advise everybody who's using or thinking of using LBP to install KJR before reporting ships that fall apart. I'm thinking of starting a new thread for this mod as i need to have control of the OP, without it i can not list the mods you need to make LBP ultra cool, i can't list the mods you need to make it work, i can't have a known issue part, i can't update the header to reflect updates, and i can't have a gallery of the coolest ships built with LBP. So many good reasons for a new thread. I'll be checking with Laythe of course butt check back for updates. Also for all you Carrier builder there's a new carrier accessories mod, with arrestor wires, catapult , and tailhook, feedback I've had tells me it's good, so take a look
  6. Hi, great mod the carrier builders of LBP thank you. It would be best to keep the rudder and engine separate, this is because it can be a nightmare getting the ctrl surface/rudder to move as you'd expect, it seems that the ctrl surf module expects the rudder to be aligned in only one direction, having it any other way makes it pivot in strange ways. While the engine can be combined removing it to it's own part reduces the main cfg down to a semi sensible size, it's going to be huge anyway, with a dozen animations etc, and makes it easier to tune and to an extent future proof. Just mt two cents though . Drop me a line if there's anything i can help with .
  7. Hi, got to say that I'm a complete noob too when it comes to coding, and usually get by by just fixing the error that the console gives me, Rb should be rb i think though, so what does the error code say? As long as you are using the latest DLL references there should be no issues with that side of things . The best person to ask would be @jrodriguez as he's considerably more gifted in code Fu than i am, but if you give me a link to your code I'd be happy to see if i could fix it, i do seem to be getting a little luckier of late
  8. Hi theres already a super weapon of sorts in the pack, you would just need to wind up the damage and heat output to outrageous levels, but it already 1 shots the sph/vab and anything else it's fired at. Yes you may, I've had one partly finished for ages, can't recall why i didn't finish it, likely some compromise i didn't like, but I'll drag it out and see if it's usable.
  9. In the case of the booster there are a few cfg settings that affect how the heat and when they'll explode, heatConductivity = 0.06 // 1/2 default how much heat it conducts to other parts skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 // either sking ability to conduct heat inwards to the core or the cores ability to transmit heat outward to the skin? ( a wild guess ) emissiveConstant = 0.5 // yes, it's white. But let's claim it's an emissive white... how much heat it reflects or absorbs maxTemp = 2200 // = 3900 // the max temp the part can withstand begor exploding
  10. Hi great idea in theory, and in theory i like the idea, there's a snag though, as yet there's no 1.2.1 version of the DMP server, even if there was the compatibility for a battle server is still in it's infancy. Next snag, I maintain the Large Boat Parts mod and SM Marine and so i have a good idea of what the maximum amount of active ships you can have in one scene is, depending on how low you can stand the frame rate, once you have above 4 ships the FPS starts to dive, and when you get to 8 most machines will likely end up with slideshow frame rates . Should you decide to use the current version of DMP (i dont think there's another MP mod) you will find that most of the mods listed will not be compatible as 99% of them will have been updated to KSP 1.2.1 so have codes etc that will not work in previous KSP versions. I know for a fact, as i took part in the development, that BDAc, HullBreach and AIrpark wont work for any version other than 1.2.1. same goes for vessel mover , KJR. , firespitter, KAS and tweakscale
  11. Hi re the odd FX , I believe it's primarily because the U4 FX currently used are actually deprecated and some of the functionality is lost when using them on U5 based KSP, I'm working on some updated fx, it's taking a little longer than i expected as the values I'd used previously produce a completely different result than in unity 4. I'll be sure to push them up as soon as I'm happy with the overall appearance.
  12. Hey i don't see why not , it's go nicely on the latest :BP stuff, I reckon I'll go with the dome turreted version as it's a lot cleaner when closed up, though a naked version for vehicle mount could be entertaining
  13. Hi, well it's a personal choice and the RP types like that kind of detail, in my case crew number is decided primarily on the amount I'm prepared to kill off in one go. It's not unusual for a ship (sea going as apposed to space) to have a crew of 20 plus, so restraint has to be exercised. Mind you the IGC ( a real spaceship ) is currently surveying Laythe for new harbors with a crew of 29 nameless Kerbs, i say nameless as it's been a good while since I've been attached to a particular crew. But if designating crew giving them all jobs and duties is how you enjoy playing your game that's cool, I know from my early days that it can be quite nice having familiar crew. Scotty Kerman and i did the grand tour pre ksp v1 and it was his loss in a freak accident that changed my whole outlook . Sadly these days most Kerbs sign on for only one mission. and the accidents are far from freaky.
  14. Hi all the statics you've all seen in my screenshots for SMM and LBP  are now available on an as is basis, this means that there will never be a thread for them, and requests etc will only be accepted via pm.  See the SM Marine thread OP or recent posts for details.

    Below harbor facilities at KSC , from left to right,  KSC harbor west under development,,  KSC New Harbor almost fully developed ,  two slipways for easy access to and from water for amphibians ,   KSC Old pier .  The white splodge just above the Old pier is KSC reef with the wreck of the last cruise ship to sail kerbins seas ( makes a great gunnery practice target)


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  15. Hi all i've been quiet lately due to involvements with other equally intensive projects including BDAc, things have calmed massively over the past week and i can now do something I've been meaning to do since returning to mod making for KSP. Boomsticks is dead. Say hello to SM Armory, why? because when i started this mod there weren't any others, so i could afford a comedy name as it was BDAc and Boomsticks or skillful, after the passing of the years many more weapons mods have arrived and Boomsticks does not tell you what it is, and unless of a certain age the reference will be lost to many, and it's not a comedy gun mod, well i don't see it that way. SM Armory fits in with everything else I'm doing and it's readily apparent what it is. A weapons mod, and a damn big one at that. SO upon release of the 1.2.1 update Boomsticks will disappear from spacedock and be replaced by SM Armory, at the same time this thread will be given a birthday and moved up to addon releases. This also marks a turning point in development in that while improvements will still be made no more new things will be added to the SM Armory mod folder, instead they will be available via a separate download, why, first take a look at the change log for the 1.2.1 update Version SM_Armory Name change new agents identity KSpedia entries------soon added Bushmaster turret with mesh switching base added 75mm WW1 field gun added 76mm RU field gun added heavy 155 mm field artillery added small gun carriage wheel added large heavy gun carriage wheel added GoalKeeperBDAcMK16X BDAc goalkeeper combined missile turret added Bofors MK110 57mm turret added quad bofors 4x 57mm turret added MAC30revB CIWS 30mm turret mounted gatling added Themis CIWS 30mm gatlimg and missile launcher added Eurayle Ciws combo missile gatling turret SO as you see quite a lot of stuff and I'm a little uncertain if that's all of it. I was discussing the upcoming kspedia entries with a friend and they mentioned the size problem, well it's nearly 100 parts, it's grown massively since I've returned, and while i use pretty much everything in one way or another it was mentioned that not everyone will and isn't 100 parts enough? Well the answer to that is yes and no, yes it's quite a few, but i still have things rattling around in my head that i want to do, I've got a two page list of requests, so in time i could likely double the size from the 100 parts ish it is now. Some of the request items are very specific so likely not to everyones taste, some of things i want to do, like the battlebots are going to appeal to a very small group. So rather than making the download overburdened with stuff some will never use. It stops here and I make all new parts and addon to the addon as it were. The first of these will be made alongside the main release of SM Armory for 1,2,1. This first addon addon will be the battle bots, in good guy and bad guy full size versions and a special kerbal sized version for FPS giggles, i was going to put the tiny one in BD FPS but it's slightly outside the scope , so it goes with the two big ones. If you've any opinions or thoughts I'd be interested to read them, but the name change is done and tested and nothing broke, so there is no chance that decision will be reversed. Below Battle Bot Badguy and microbot Kerbal sized destruction
  16. Notice regarding the the Harbors and piers etc seen in my screenshots
  17. @Z3R0_0NL1N3 @Roxor @Piaras @TMasterson5 and everybody else that has asked. I give in I'm being asked far too often, getting PM's daily from people wanting them to not make the Harbors piers and all that goes with it available for download.. SO this is it the announcement you can now get the Harbor parts and piers and all the other items that go to make KSP a more interesting less barren place. You will of course need to have Kerbal Konstructs installed. There are several locations with prebuilt harbors around Kerbin and 1 on Laythe. There's lots of stuff in the pack so if you don't want it all just delete it, that said I've used most parts for the harbors. so if you do delete the parts you will have much less interesting or picturesque places to visit. SM Statics Harbors piers and marine facilities Note this pack also includes the water spawn buoy, currently it is zipped up, if you have already used the standalone water spawn, you can simply delete the existing version , unzip the one in the pack and all the water spawn points will be available ( the standalone version is actually the same part simply removed from the pack) or leave the one in the pack zipped and use the standalone, your choice Please note that this is not the support thread for the statics, in fact there is no support intended or inferred. If you have any questions or requests i would be happy to get them via pm marked "Re Statics" , i have no intention or wish to start a thread or have this thread full of static discussions and will likely simply ignore any such comments Examples of current Harbors below, this is not all of them BTW and I'm not saying where they all are, so you can see how many you can find, bear in mind though that like the water spawn buoy I will keep adding and updating the facilities, so you may never visit or find them all KSC new harbor Cape Hanbert South Point KSC Old Pier As with all my Mods SM Static is only available under the conditions of ARR (All rights reserved)
  18. Interesting, I'd imagine though that hyper edit is blameless, it only does things when you tell it to, unlike PR which i believe affects everything. There's also the fact that I've always used HE for the resource top ups. and as mentioned previously I spend a lot of time moving ships, well everything really with a combo of vessel mover and KK, and not one bit of wonkiness have i observed ( not since 1.2 and the new KJR) That said I'm well aware that virtually everybody who uses LBP has a completely different set of mods, my testers have a massive selection of mods we test against and alongside, but i doubt we can nail every combination. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A point always to consider when piling on the mods, is that the LBP has some of the heaviest largest parts in game and other mods, more often used with normal sized craft may just not be suitable for a game with such massive parts and masses. The setup i use to test LBP has all the weapon and decent marine mods, a touch of scatterer and that's it, I do run at present 8 different set ups of KSP though from vanilla to the 130 mod folders and 3600 plus, MM patches, and they all have a version of LBP and LBP is very well behaved in all of them. Ill have a word with gomker when he returns from his business trip and see if we can find some way to nullify or minimize the problems, that's all dependent on being able to define what is actually happening, we've had some things lately that have defied diagnosis.. I've looked at murican jebs picture of failure and i can say one thing for sure, that there is how not to build a heavy ship, two of what look like NAS turrets, so damn heavy, sitting out on the extreme ends of the hull with nothing to support the mid joints is a recipe for either failure at launch or failure in use, and how it was built can seriously affect the nodes strength, There are rules about how things connect to other things and one thing you cant do is connect in a loop, which i why you see all the wacky picture of many boostered rockets looking like spaghetti at launch, and clipped cargo bays flopping around in flight. Each part can only really connect to 1 other node, despite how it looks that is the way it is , so although it looks like all your parts are attached to each other they aren't, your hull nodes should be connected solidly to each other and everything you stack on top of that will only be connected to 1 of the hull sections, even if you had a full deck part that went end to end to cover the joints it would still only be attached to 1 hull section not 3.. Not pointing fingers here or trying to make anyone look bad or feel small , just presenting some points of which you may not have been fully aware, Any dummy can stick 3 bits together flop some turrets and a stack on it and call it a ship, but to get reliable strong ships that can be beaten up , picked up, dropped, launched to water by whatever means and be fun takes a little more time and finesse, i don't go mad by any means, my builds usually end up around 200 parts before launch, V8Jester and XOC 2008 i know go a lot further than that on occasion. So the reverse of the engineering adage is true too, if it looks wrong it usually is
  19. Hi, No because of a little known bit of cfg trickery from 1.2, the nodes are defined as rigid on all the hull parts, if you have a look you will find that the node value is a lot longer than you'll be used to seeing. something like this; node_stack_back = 0, -100, 0, 0, -1, 0, 7, 1, 1 = x,y,z,x,y,z,size,crossfeed true/false,rigidConnection true/false SO by default all hull parts are rigid, and unlike the gui option this way strengthens both attached nodes rather than just one of a pair
  20. @Murican_Jeb are you sure they are the latest parts? the hull in the image looks like it's the old color? You didn't say if you use KJR or not, Also do you use autostrut on the parts?, if so try without, shortly after autostrut arrived we discovered that it does bad things to ships
  21. A lot of bad things happened in 1.1.3 and non of them have any relevance now. thats a hint by the way/\
  22. Hi, all. just a quick note about the channel marker buoy spawn point , featured a couple of posts up. If you've already downloaded it, it will pay from time to time to update it, I'm adding a least a couple of new positions every week at the moment, currently there are 14 locations, usually within reach of other Kerbal Konstructs placed bases etc. Four new locations today, Hanbert Cape harbor and South Point harbor, used quite often in circumnavigations. And TWO locations on Laythe. If there's anywhere in particular that you'd like a water spawn let me know with some notes on the location, so it ends up in the right place
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