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Everything posted by zarakon

  1. I haven't installed it yet, but my opinion of the patch notes is: Did we really need more probe cores? Will we ever see any of the more useful KSPX parts like the Atlas engine?
  2. totally excited for more probe cores because we didn't have enough of those already
  3. Also a section for scenarios! Right now it's kind of annoying to put scenarios up there, because they don't fit any of the provided categories or tags
  4. There are some small wings called "Tail Fins" that would fit just fine It actually looks like your grid of panels is about the same size as a pair of the large delta wings though
  5. 1. I may be wrong, but I don't think those square panels on your glider actually work as wings (no lift). 2. Landing gear doesn't actually have any weight in flight, so you don't need to worry about that. 3. When you say "without success", what does that actually mean? Did the combination of the two planes not fly well? Did the glider not fly well after being released from the plane? Was the glider non-responsive when you released it from the plane?
  6. I consider Kerbals to be only slightly less expendable than fuel
  7. Pull straight up off the runway and go as vertical as you can. I can't even get it to do that. It refuses to pull up at all, even with RCS help
  8. Sorry if this has been answered already somewhere in these 37 pages I just installed FAR, and it comes with a ridiculously huge plane called FAR Dark Hammer II. I tried to fly it, but it seems completely unable to do anything but crash into the ocean (or the ground before the ocean). Is there a trick to getting this thing to fly?
  9. In both this challenge and that one, I start by flying straight upward, then gradually tilt down until I'm basically divebombing toward the runway, almost like a ballistic trajectory. Gaining altitude early lets you save a lot of time because you can go a lot faster for the rest of the flight. I hit around 8000m altitude and 800 m/s speed. With your crazy engines you could probably do this in under 3 minutes
  10. XKCD's "what if" section made mention of this, but.. 1. If it really was initially going 66km/s (Mach 194), it would probably just disintegrate instantly from the drag force 2. Even if it did somehow not disintegrate, Newton's impact depth approximation tells us it wouldn't have gotten very close to space anyway http://what-if.xkcd.com/35/ http://nfttu.blogspot.com/2006/01/nuclear-potato-cannon-part-2.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impact_depth It's basically impossible to launch anything directly to space or orbit from the surface of Earth or Kerbin without continued thrust. In KSP you can use a bunch of stack separators to launch things at speeds of many km/s, but they don't get very far. Here someone launches a probe at about 53 km/s, and it doesn't quite reach 13km altitude http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27751-Stock-30-sec-Altitude-Challenge%21?p=341710&viewfull=1#post341710
  11. he wasn't the one who posted the challenge anyway
  12. 1. I did land with all 3 wheels, it's just hard sometimes to get a screenshot at exactly the right moment as it requires taking a hand off the controls. The rear of the plane just happened to lift up a little bit as I tried to take the screenshot. 2. I'm pretty sure I actually have the front wheel touching the ground in that image. 3. The altitude while on the ground differs depends on where the plane's center of mass (or cockpit?) is. The OP's plane sits very low to the ground, so its grounded altitude will be lower than most. If you put your landing gear on stilts you could have an altitude above 50 with all wheels on the ground. Proof that my plane rests at 49m:
  13. I posted a time of 3:28 in a similar challenge. But I used a probe, unmanned. But the challenge also required coming (almost) to a stop on the gravel runway, so I could save some time there. I'll try to modify that plane to switch the probe for a manned cockpit and see what I can do
  14. Can you post that craft file? I feel like stress-testing my CPU
  15. maybe try reducing your rotation speed so that it matches 1G
  16. m1xte, are you able to actually have a Kerbal walk, stand, or even just be held in one spot by the G forces on the inside of the spinning ring?
  17. Yes I believe doubling the radius will double the artificial gravity (centripetal acceleration), if the turn rate stays the same
  18. Hm, I tried that bomb design, and the parachutes did deploy, but none of them appear to have survived the drop
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