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Everything posted by -ELF-

  1. A drop-pod appears high, zips in a fireball across the sky, and drops leaving a small crater. An armored warrior appears from it. Everyone left standing for a second, impressed. "Plus one!!!" - warrior cries and rushes into the combat. 65.
  2. Sorry to be annoying, it is not Retraction wheel. It is Reaction wheel. Kinda confusing. P.S. Sorry.
  3. Don't know if I were in time, but entered anyway, Good Luck everyone!
  4. Oh my! Sorry, haven't seen it implemented already. Then... If it is first time I play... Intro video? Tip of the day?
  5. What about stock launch checklist for all necessary systems? Like something that says in VAB: "You have not added any energy sources to your Spacecraft, do you really want to launch poor rocket to its doom?" or "You forgot to add any RCS thrusters, though you have RCS fuel. AGAIN?"
  6. Also it reminds me of Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, when there is a crew working on different ship subsystems, and a captain, shouting loud on them for what to do...
  7. Also you can try inserting those crafts directly into your persistent.sfs Here I have extracted two crafts - Space Station 1 and Kerbal XX You can copy and paste them into your persistent.sfs near any other VESSEL. It should make them appear in your savegame. Please, notify us if this will work.
  8. Thiagobs, I suppose the first thing OP mentioned is that he has no experience in coding. He does not need to program the kOS, he just needs the GUI which will allow him to setup the sequence of actions (probably from drop-down list, or whatever) and later the spacewreckship has to perform this sequence. But yet... ("I do not like 'But yet,' it does allay The good precedence; fie upon 'But yet'! 'But yet' is as a gaoler to bring forth Some monstrous malefactor." W. Shakespeare) But yet, he said he wants the ship to fly itself, while he will build another in the VAB And that's impossible, as mentioned before, As Unity will not be handling such sort of paralleled calculations. Pity, friends... Back to normal speech... kOS is your bet, OP, but you will need two things: 1) Learn how to program it 2) Sit and watch after your ship, as it is impossible for it to fly on itself while you are in the VAB. However, you can run two copies of KSP, and while one copy is launching the ship, in another copy you are making another ship in the VAB. When ready, copy that to the ships folder of first copy, launch, wash, rinse, repeat.
  9. If I understnad you corectly, you are asking about differences between Manned and Unmanned flights? Sandbox mode: Unmanned flight will not put your kerbals to the edge of horrible instant death in fiery hell of explosion allow you to gather soil samples, plant flags, or gather EVA reports. If you feel pity about poor buggers you placed on Eve without any option to return just forget about it, laugh at them and send some to the crash course to the Sun you can send unmanned flight to wherever you want and feel proud of yourself about saved lives. Career mode: Extremely useful feature to avoid Kerbals death and a correlated drop of reputation. P.S. Make sure that you added enough antennae to control the probe if you are using RemoteComm.
  10. I will second the Trajectories mod. Super useful and pretty easy to use.
  11. Step 1: Find yourself a second pilot. Step 2: Install DarkMultiPlayer mod. Both of you. Step 3: Choose your vehicles. Step 4: After separation he controls the mother...plane and you control the Orbital plane, or vice versa. Step 5: One plane is in orbit, another is recovered Step 6: Profit!
  12. Commonly you will need to map it like: Roll - move stick left to right. Pitch - move stick forward to backward Yaw - use some other controls, or try rotating your stick around vertical axis, which will surely help if supported. It was described previously, but i just found the picture about Roll, Yaw and Pitch. © Wikipedia page "Flight control surfaces" And be sure to ask what else is unclear about where to map some other settings. P.S. A model of your joystick will help, probably someone around here is using something like that already, and he will share a config file for joystick.
  13. Pecan, he wants to re-create a trailer to the "Interstellar". There are some footage from Bell X-1 flight, where it is carried in upper atmosphere by a bigger plane, then dropped from below, ignited its engine and started ascend. This is the moment he wants to do.
  14. Found it while searching for more sandbox spacegames after playing FTL, Ur-quan masters, Space Rangers 2, X series, Starlancer, Freelancer, Orbiter... You got the idea, I am sure. Found it right when Mun just came to play. Bought it half a year after that.
  15. My 2 cents: Yes, I do watch update videos, and have had rewatched some of them lately. But, I do not think that we do NEED this. It is good to have such option, but I will be able to go without it. P.S. Just understood that I have not seen the video for .25 update... Pretty much illustrates the thought here...
  16. This is why I like KSP forums. We are talking here about something that works on two rolls of duct tape, a screwdriver and a hole in time-space. And we have questions why it doesn't work AS INTENDED (sic!), though it was not intended to work at all. And I do believe someone here will have an answer how to resolve a SOI-change-kraken-drive-burnout... Go, KSP. New horizons await!
  17. Docking port alignment indicator by NavyFish is working fine, despite not being updated until 0.23.5. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43901-0-23-5-Docking-Port-Alignment-Indicator-(Version-3-0-Updated-12-18-13)
  18. Paul Kingtiger confirmed his Universal Storage is 0.25 compatible http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75129-Universal-Storage-0-9-1-%28For-KSP-0-25%29-8th-October-2014
  19. And I went to Apple Store wearing a class-7 battle engineers protective suit, because I was going to blow all the thing up to smithereens, and it just blown itself in front of my eyes. Beautyful... I throw a 70 ton of trotil equivalent explosive charge set to 10 seconds to the next poster and disappear, whistling in the darkness...
  20. Well, the joke gets boring. Island runway was there from since .18 IIRC. It was mentioned a million times, so it is not accounted as easter egg anymore, I think.
  21. Seems to be in Euros... At least in Russian shops it costs now around 215 Euros...
  22. Oh my.... Promotional videos are good, this is no doubt, but it seems to me that art team can spend this time better on making new buildings, new parts, new designs or whatever. The point is: Art team is good at videos, but will you really spend hours watching this over and over again? Or will you spend hours (literally) watching the look of spaceship parts, planets, skyboxes etc.? Make your choice. Either we have faster release without promotional video, or we have to stay two additional weeks on a hype train, but we will have a release with a video. I would personally prefer to have a video probably less frequent, as a good bonus, but it should not get in the way of the actual game.
  23. On-topic: You can get all you need from a wiki page here: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Mobile_Processing_Lab_MPL-LG-2 Almost on-topic: Well... I do not want to disappoint you but... No. Just no. Having Kerbals somewhere will not mean there is a return ship. Tell this to kerbals in my surfaces bases on Tylo and Eve. They will go home some day, but I need those science right now, at least as much as we can transmit, cause we do not have enough technology now to return them. But anyway, see my signature. They will not be forgotten.
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