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Posts posted by Sudragon

  1. There might be interaction with @Nertea's Dynamic Battery Storage involved.

    From Kerbal Atomics, @Nertea posting;


    Here's my internal description of DBS, hope it helps.

    DynamicBatteryStorage: A plugin that works around the problems of stock electricity consumption/generation at high time warp by monitoring electricity consumption and production.

    • Artificially and temporarily expands the storage of a EC containing part in the ship to buffer EC use at high timewarp if the total vessel storage is not sufficient (defined as total storage < total generation * current physics tick)
    • Enabled at 100x warp and higher
    • Debug panel with CTRL+SHIFT+K
    • Monitors EC draws and consumptions
    • Supports the following generators (modded in red): ModuleResourceConverter, ModuleGenerator, ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, ModuleCurvedSolarPanel, FissionGenerator, RadioisotopeGenerator
    • Supports the following consumers (modded in red): ModuleResourceConverter, ModuleResourceHarvester, ModuleGenerator, ModuleActiveRadiator, ModuleCryoTank, ModuleAntimatterTank
    • Aims only to support relatively high draws during non-physics warp, so no support planned for things like ModuleLight, ModuleCommand
    • Other power-consuming or producing module support to be considered

    I've mentioned this to Squad staff on more than one occasion, it would require a rewrite of the whole vessel resources system to fix it. Not on the table.


  2. Tac still seems to be ignoring solar panel input.


    Edited for details. 
    v0.13.3dev installed.
    Background Processing removed. 
    'Unloaded Vessel Processing' enabled.
    While vessel is in focus: no problems. Electricity duration goes up to max in sunlight, drains on night side. 
    While vessel is not in focus: Electricity duration drops, then into the red. If it drops below zero and focus is shifted to vessel before crew death, it doesn't come back into the black, even with full batteries. If you defocus, the crew will still suffer death from oxygen toxicity.

    Haven't tested with a constant power supply (fuel cells, RTG or reactor) yet

  3. And, in return;


    //---------------------------------- MOLE Brumby & Backseat ------------------------
    		name = Kemini_Module
    		abbreviation = Gemini Science experiment
    		minimumCrew = 1
    				type = KEMINI
    		name = ExperimentStorage
    		identifier = Kemini 1
    		chanceTexture = false
    		type = KEMINI
    		name = ExperimentStorage
    		identifier = Kemini 2
    		chanceTexture = false
    		type = KEMINI


  4. 3 minutes ago, rasta013 said:

    Generally speaking I've found it's always better to create a new template to do what you want for any given piece of WB that you want to add it to.  Modifying the original workshop templates ultimately will leave you hurting during update times and also means you're sometimes dealing with getting through all the connected pieces in other configs.  Having your own template is full control of everything leaving you largely unaffected by upgrade processes.

    Hmm. So I'm going to need something that works in:

    Manned Orbital Habitat
    Bigby Orbital Workshop
    Casa IHM
    Ponderosa IHM
    Hacienda IMW.

    This should be interesting...


  5. 7 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

    Correct. If that is not to your liking, you can change the ModuleManager patch. MM_Part.cfg. Equipment is more useful post-deployment because all templates require it to reconfigure the part and use it for repairs. RocketParts are used for new construction, but only if you have EL installed, unless you are making a Sandcastle base, which needs Konkrete. You won't be making a Sandcastle base until I get the parts done though...

    Thanks for the location. I'm running

    SSTU, which uses Rocket Parts for inflating it's inflatables.

    MOLE etc, which use equipment for reconfigurables.

    MKS, which has some parts i like (DERP!) but has side effects,

    And Extraplanterary Launchpads. 

    I'm thinking of trying to write a patch to get EL to run on material kits and specialised parts, without MKS

  6. 4 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    Thanks, I'll certainly see about including some EL configs as I keep working on the mod-integration patches.  Not quite sure how I want to balance it all quite yet, still need to play around a bit more with MKS/EPL to see how it all works in the newest versions.


    Thanks. I was trying to get this:


    to work and discovered that the inflatables aren't rigged for EL, even if @JoseEduardo had rigged them MOLE style.

  7. Also: 

            name = ExWorkshop
            ProductivityFactor = 1
            name = ExWorkshop
            ProductivityFactor = 1.5
            name = ExWorkshop
            ProductivityFactor = 2


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