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Posts posted by Sudragon

  1. @linuxgurugamer thanks for extending the life of this mod. Small request, could you adjust the file structure in the download so modulemanager2.8.0 isn't floating around inside the mod (NEBULA) directory? It just took me several hours to find this and get my copy working properly. (the latest iteration of SSTU was not loading properly, amongst other things).

    It's still a very useful add on and I hope it stays on your update list. 

  2. If there were, say, an extra copy of ModuleManager 2.8.0 floating around in a subdirectory....would that cause problems?

    Update: Grrr, One full reinstall and then I find the problem. Grumble. 


    Has a copy of ModuleManager 2.8.0 floating inside its NEBULA directory (\gamedata\NEBULA). This will cause problems.


    Update II: this has been fixed. Nothing to see here. These are not the droids you're looking for. We're all fine down here...How are you?


  3. 10 hours ago, smotheredrun said:

    @Angel-125  Thanks for reopening.  Also, thank you for updating your OP with the nice big friendly link to the manual.  Looks like I have some reading to do as there are now Tigers? - guessing that they aren't what I'm thinking of....  Upon reading a couple lines in the wiki and OP... Yeah not the tigers I was thinking of...

    I finally have a nice clean 1.3 up and running.  Going to drop this in with MOLE and DSEV..... ah I probably won't have it very clean after all, my essentials list is like 60 mods. :wink:



    Tiger Team: Group of engineers, technicians and scientists and one janitor. Assembled when Something Goes Wrong. The engineers analyse the problem and come up with solutions , the technicians work out how to apply the fixes and the scientists make the coffee*  and organise the donuts. The janitor sweeps up the donut crumbs and is the supply of common sense. They are issued black and orange striped overalls to override issues of seniority and jurisdiction.

    *This involves bleeding super-heated steam out of the secondary coolant loop into a pressure vessel. when this reaches correct pressure it ruptures the burst disk firing the steam through a titanium/platinum basket of well tamped grounds and out of the group head. The resultant brew is not radioactive.


  4. From over on: 


    May have a conflict: ModuleFusionReactor is the name used by Angel-125's DSEV for its fusion reactors. It seems that it doesn't cause any major problems other than the right click menu looking odd. It seems that reactors configured for DSEV still work properly though the new buttons like Enable Charging and fuel type do not work (because not configured).

    MM patch to add FFT features to DSEV's reactors or conflict requiring module re-naming or neither?

    @Nertea replied:




    Oh that's a big problem. For now don't used DSEV and FFT in the same install, even if you don't see any problems trust me, there are many going on behind the scenes. 


    I hope we don't have to resort to the Thunderdome to see who gets to use the module name. :/

  5. I've been messing around with the Knes K-IXV 'Patin' capsule.

    The capsule has a 1000L KIS bay that I've been trying to make convertible to KIS or MOLE experiment carrier (Science! mode), using WBIConvertableStorage. Is it possible to only change the 1000L of the cargo without affecting the rest of the capsule resources...like ablator. And Oxygen.

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