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Everything posted by randomness5555

  1. Hey, um, I had an idea for this as well. I thought of it a little while ago and wanted to make it as a mod-but upon looking into modding I found that I didn't have a clue what it all meant or where to start. My idea was, firstly, that you would start off with 'downgraded' versions of parts. These parts are super cheap, but heavy and/or fragile, with engines having less power ect. and different looking models for these parts. Then, you can unlock the normal versions, and then upgraded versions aka pretty much what you've said, but maybe also add pressurised tanks that hold more fuel at the the expense of weight but without increasing the size of the craft. This would allow the option of spending less money, but having a worse craft or having to spend more but getting an even better craft than the stock parts would give you.
  2. Guys, he's said that it doesn't work within 1000 KM of kerbin, but that's still inside it's SOI-therfore close enough to save a lot of DV going to and from high orbit around different planets. And there's one BIG use that none of you picked up on-Asteroid manipulation, those things are extremely heavy but if you can reduce the mass of them you can save a lot of work-so there IS at least one good use for this. Realism? I'm pretty sure there's an easy way to reduce mass using electricity, it's called cutting bits off with an ark welder XD . In all seriousness though I don't mind the idea of this part, it does seem like once you've finished the tech tree there should be some super effective way of getting around as a reward (But you guys feel free to argue about that) though it could also be a super efficient engine, a warp drive of some sort, maybe a device to open wormholes or whatever you like the idea of. Also, this seems suspiciously like the Mass Effect Element 0 (I assume the inspiration for this device)
  3. So like extraplanetary launchpads without needing poor looking (sorry fans but I don't like the look of them), bulky and heavy machinery and needing a massive amount of different types of resources to function?...Count me in! You could even have some rewards for contracts being to increase how many supplies your base get's delivered and thus increase the size of your base. And what if you could have multiple possible build sites per planet/moon that you detect with the scanners we got with 1.0? Squad, please, make this a thing!
  4. UFO's eh? I actually had something a little like that once. It was fairly late in the afternoon, and i'm looking out my bedroom window (after watering the plants on it). I'm looking around, and then I spot something weird. Up in the sky (about 50 degrees up) is a small black shape, pretty far away. It's moving very slowly to the left, and the shape appears to keep fluctuating very slightly, honestly looking like it was spinning a little. At first I thought it was just a helicopter but it's moving way slower than it should have been, and while it's impossible to work out exactly what i'm looking at, it doesn't look anything like a helicopter. As a BTW, i'm in England on the south coast so unlikely it's a freak rocket launch.
  5. Ahh good, i'd just made one after seeing that other post (before realising it was outdated) so here's my entry: Takeoff, flies fine and has enough fuel to happily reach stable LKO at about 100 KM (and then some though I've never bothered to see just how far it could go) Circularising, ordinary stuff blah blah blah... The pod (with de-orbiting engines), holds one kerbal in relative safety Dropping out of orbit, I went for a steep decent at 1400 m/s (though I find it highly likely it could do it much faster if launched from a higher orbit) Now you may be thinking-Randomness you madman, why have you got a nosecone where you should have a heat shield? Well the more observant of you (so most of you really) will notice what's directly behind the cone... Yep, there it is! Once the nose overheats and explodes away, the heatshields relative bluntness instantly slows the pod down and burns off just enough to stop the whole thing blowing up. ] Once near ground, deploy airbrakes (Only four, didn't want to go too silly on them) I didn't get a pic of the exact moment when it touched down-but know that what it will do is to destroy the heatsheild and front tank, bouncing a few metres back into the air before falling back down (stabalised by the fins) onto the surface safely (protected by the heavy girders). Approved by this guy (don't think it was jeb, honestly can't remember his name). Best not to bring anything fragile with you in the pod though.
  6. At point blank with no weapons I guess. Still, I'm pretty certain you could do this with pipes and pumps no problem (if you didn't mind having to refill some kind of venom tank manually)-but I don't know how you'd make YOURSELF immune to the poison. Anyone got any thoughts here?
  7. I'm personally pretty optimistic-Skylon's been developing steadily (Being british I will be very proud indeed when the first one takes off), Space X looks like they're going to go far indeed and I don't think public interest has either gone nor is it ever going to be gone-heck, KSP's popularity proves that. NASA does need more funding to get anything like colonisation done, but they're giving valuable help to other space programs so even they are still contributing. Personally I say it's probably best to not worry about the pessimists on the forums-because it will be progress that proves them right-or more likely (IMO) wrong.
  8. Anyone else had the bug where the jet fuel tank and structural version of the same tank have swelled slightly? (don't know if it's related to tweakscale which I also have installed, or possibly that i'm running version 1.0 instead of 1.02)
  9. I knew I heard that name somewhere! Your stuff looks great here too, trying this out just a soon as it finishes downloading...which it should have done by now but getting about a 40th full speed, belgh. Edit: oh, and here's a challenge/idea for ya, think it would be possible to get the smoke grenade launches to actually work?
  10. Simple as, the surfaces of most planets are fairly boring. I don't know if it's possible, but if it is I would very much like to see a caves mod, perhaps with procedurally generated caves though that's optional. It would be a fun challenge for rovers and even more fun for VTOL pilots, or heck even for pilots with very manoeuvrable ordinary planes. Anyone think it's possible?
  11. My land skid, a little concept that came from messing with some of the BD labs parts It went through a few versions, one powered purely by ions, one powered by ions and rockets AND those compressed air thrusters one mod added, but ultimately the biggest problem was the shrinking cockpit glitch Y U DO THIS GAME?! Still, I thought it was cool.
  12. Wait the ISS is visible at night? Why hasn't anyone told me this? To the nearest telescope!
  13. My sig. It's outdated now but it was functional...ish and had a wave gun that I made from a sunbeam tweak
  14. Somebody interested! Praise the Kraken! (Oh, and good luck, looking forward to seeing what you come up with)
  15. To put it simply, Not sure why this isn't a feature already. It should be.
  16. One Planet factory mod (could not tell you which, slightly forgot) did have a planet like that. Have a look around, you might find it.
  17. Sorry man, but uh... yeah I have no idea what you're actually challenging us to do. I hate to say it but do you mind explaining it again?
  18. Keep yourself clean, Listen to others (this works for everyone, not just a girlfriend) and try to be helpful. Worked for me in the end.
  19. KERBAL STAR RACERS! Now I don't know how well known it really was, but a little while ago there was a pretty darn good show named Oban Star Racers, a show about racing vehicles that flew along a few metres above the ground at high speed, racing around and even attacking each other with weaponry (there was a story as well, but we're not interested in that). The point is, I always wanted to build my own racer in kerbal and having discovered kerbal foundries repulsors, decided to give it ago. But I'm not just going to leave it there. I'm challenging the forums to build their own racers, not actually for a race (*yet anyway. Once multiplayer is out we shall see ) but instead to show off your building skills. If you win, you can have the kerbal equivalent of the grand prize (an unlimited amount of SRB's!) THE RULES Of course, some rules are needed. As for mods, you must hover using the Kerbal Foundries mod and no OP engines/drive systems-use your common sense for what's OP. A point system fits best for scoring, so here we go. You'll want a screenshot for each challenge achieved. We're at maximum speed!-One point for each M/S top speed you can reach across the plains (WITHOUT boosting-I'll explain in a sec) Booster drives enabled!-50 points for having some kind of booster/hyper drive system. If you haven't seen the show, the Hyper drive (and later booster drive) were an additional set of engines that could deploy to provide a massive boost to the top speed at the expense of fuel. For an example, you could use Rapier engines switching to Rocket mode to give a temporary boost. Star racers aren't meant to fly!-40 points for managing to ascend to 500+metres and come down without exploding Here goes nothing!-100 points for replicating either Maya's flying trick (from ep 11) or Molly's airbrake spin at the end of ep 13 (vid evidence please.) Airbrakes-20 points for being able to bring the racer to a stop while still in mid-air. Take that alien scum!-35 points for arming your racer and hitting a large target (such as a wall, rocket on the launch pad ect.) Target race-50 points for hitting three small (size of a single steel plate) targets in a row with an extra five for each extra target you hit. Vid evidence is good but if you're quick on the screenshots that's fine. And now for the bonuses based on your machine: Earth team standard-15 points for using the earth team layout (Single pod with short wings, two large engine pods. In other words, my ship) Nobody can resist the strength of the Krog's!-20 points for using the Krog Trident layout (Single pod with three forward facing blades attached around it. Look it up, you'll find it) If it's red, have another 10 points and if you can get those lightning blades working that's an extra 100 for you! That guy rides a bug!-35 points for an insect or bird like setup (See G'dar or Spirit) Pyramid of light-40 points for building a flying pyramid of light style ship. It's a flying pyramid shape, I don't need to explain that. How can something like that fly?-60 points for building a Cere's style ship (It's a little like a flying trombone and kinda hard to explain.) My ram's horn is always half full!-40 points for building a ship like the Storm Crusher (Rush's mining ship. Bonus 5 points if it weights over 40 tons) Minor character-10 points for a ship looking like any of the other vehicles from the cast (Ning and Skun's bikes, Flint's... train thing? And so on) Unique-An extra 5 points for something unique looking. Go wild! Of course it would be rude not to show my first effort, along with a good example of a basic ship. So here you go, the KSR Prototype 1! It fits under Booster drives enabled! and Earth team standard. Buzzing along, just thought i'd show it off in the air. And for We're at maximum speed! it earns 131 points. In total, a mere 196 points. You can do far better most likely so get out there and get building! I'm looking forward to the results and if I broke any challenge posting rules, let me know ASAP so I can adjust it.
  20. So when's somebody going to replicate this with RSS and Hooligan labs? (Before you say "Why don't you do it?", I will point out that I have tried RSS before. I couldn't even get off the ground! Real rocketry is harrrrd...)
  21. Seems cool. While I could try doing it myself, I probably wouldn't have as much success (not that that will stop me trying!), but I have had a thought. You say a mission could be a take-off, landing ect-how about one year long mission split into many parts eh? eh? Just a thought
  22. Was...was that platform moving... WHAT. HOW YOU DO THIS. Seriously, how'd you do that, that was awsome! If that was a mod, please tell me which one!
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