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Everything posted by Noname117
Thanks that actually was what I was missing
- 470 replies
- totm jan 2022
- bluedog
(and 3 more)
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So I set up a campaign a large portion of the way through the tech tree, and despite having heavy-lift hydrolox parts it seems that I can't switch tank fuels to hydrogen. Or anything for that matter. All the tanks with swappable fuels are stuck on Kerosene/Lox. Any idea as to why, or what tech tree node would need to be researched in order to fix this?
- 470 replies
- totm jan 2022
- bluedog
(and 3 more)
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I think I just identified the mod that's causing the issue. Either it's Modular Flight Integrator or something dependent on it. It should be noted I tested removing Ferram and Kopernicus separately and still got the bug, so it's neither of them. I am skeptical it's something dependent on it, as between the 2 mod lists I highlighted every mod that appeared in both, and in terms of mods that were verified to not be the cause of the glitch (assuming only 1 mod is) that appeared in both modpacks, there weren't any that included Modular Flight Integrator in their downloads (once Ferram and Kopernicus were removed separately and the glitch was still demonstrated). So right now I'm maybe 50% certain Modular Flight Integrator is partially incompatible with KCT. I also think there's a reasonable chance that glitching out Ferram and Kopernicus could've somehow fixed the glitch when creating new saves even if neither mod itself is the source. And there's just a chance all of this is flat out wrong like everything else I've tried because this glitch only seems capable of leading me on wild goose chases. It also seems like the work-around of removing it to create a save (and maybe build and spawn and recover a first ship), then adding it back in the modlist may work here. Sorry I keep pinging you @linuxgurugamer but if you're hunting this I want you to have as much information as possible. If it's MFI then that's bad. That's an effective partial incompatibility with FAR and Kopernicus.
Nevermind I just managed to get the glitch on a save with the contract packs removed. I'm once again completely stumped on what's going on. Removing and adding the contract packs back in one at a time produced inconsistent results with getting the glitch. Frankly it seems to be more consistently occurring when I play with the save settings. Except for the first test save I did in this thread, every one I've got it on has had custom settings and every one I didn't had default settings... So... I gave myself 500K starting fund, 2,500 starting science, and 50 starting rep, with science rewards down to 30% and funds rewards down to 80%. Allow other launchsites was turned on. Requiring signal for control and plasma blackout were each turned on. But where I suspect the problem could be, Collect Science, Grand Tours, Rescue and Recovery, Tourism, and VesselRepair contracts were turned off in the save. In the more recent one with the glitch without the extra contracts Collect Science was on. I also set an active contract multiplier to 1.50. I'm wondering if turning a specific set of the stock contracts off causes the glitch, and it was automatically done by a modded contract set, maybe one of the two in the previous save that were removed from the new mod list, then I happened to manually disable the contract type causing it? Or maybe I'm just going clinically insane trying to diagnose this mod incompatibility that only ever crops up when I'm either actually playing the game or verifying whether it exists with a certain mod set and never crops up when I start testing specific mods to see if they're the cause. I don't think there's anything else I can do at this point frankly. Just checked, couldn't replicate the glitch with just KCT and ContractConfigurer installed with the custom settings on the campaign. I think I'm giving up on chasing this one and hope I've given you enough information to crack it.
Ignore my confusion here I figured out the incompatibility!!!!! It's the contract packs. One of the contract packs is causing the infinite money glitch. I'm uncertain if this has to do with whether they're installed on the save when it's created or later, or if this is a problem with a contract being generated by one of these packs being available. This could explain why it didn't occur in saves which had the contracts added in after the fact, as it didn't have time to generate a new one. Here are the contract packs I have installed in my current modlist: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/206029-contract-pack-research-advancement-division-v121/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/111573-1101-contract-pack-field-research-v122-2020-09-20/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/224837-112x-contract-pack-constellations/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/156338-122-19x-contract-pack-exploration-plus-201-24052020/ And here's the set of contract packs in the previous modlist: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/206029-contract-pack-research-advancement-division-v110/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/111573-1101-contract-pack-field-research-v122-2020-09-20/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/156338-122-19x-contract-pack-exploration-plus-201-24052020/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174155-143-kerbal-academy-contract-pack-v12x/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/116789-13-14-15-16-17-18-contract-pack-commnet-relays-210-2019-jan-13/ Of which 3 are the same. I'm tired; I'll investigate more later, but I think it's narrowed down to just 3 mods at this point. @linuxgurugamer
After installing a new and different modlist and trying my before-mentioned work-around (of creating the saves with a shorter modlist and then adding the full modlist), and it didn't work. The infinite money glitch is back. I have no idea what's causing it and there's no way to brute-force discover what the problem is without creating a new save for it with every single mod individually in my modlist. I'm legitimately stumped. No wonder you can't seem to diagnose this one. It seems perfectly placed to prevent me from doing what I want to do in KSP whilst also being incredibly difficult to figure out what's going on. I may need to throw logs your way at this point. Here's the mod list that was initially added and the saves were created with: Here's the modlist that got added afterwards in 1 swoop: Here's the full modlist all together Put up 2 KSP logs on Dropbox here to send your way @linuxgurugamer. KSP1 log will be from Friday, the 23rd, with the full old modlist, where I didn't get the glitch in the test save that was loaded with the mods gradually added in, and then did get the glitch in the older test save which was formed with all the mods installed originally. KSP2 log will be from today, with the save with the new modlist that was initially formed with a much smaller modlist then had the full entirety of the rest of the modlist dropped on it suddenly. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/29anui420af45jevcfv5z/ACVvXaUiVMoD9lXynPvI2aU?rlkey=hxw78u9zg9qw8try9tyob1dll&st=xjbi5i6t&dl=0 Also, outside of switching out the tech tree, the only real difference between the 2 lower modlist starts is the inclusion of contract packs. Hmmmm, I might actually want to test something here...
So I just went and gradually installed my mods in batches of ~10 or so until I got the glitch again, and it got very weird. Simply put, I got my entire modlist installed again (except for the extraneous Gamedata folder), and was unable to repeat the glitch in my second test save, the one I had started to test with a minimal set of mods if I got the glitch or not. It was made to not have compatibility issues with the first test save from removing a bunch of mods. Then, without reloading the game, I went back to the first test game, started with the full mod folder installed, and was able to repeat the glitch, same as before. So whatever is going on is likely not only a mod incompatibility, but one that only crops up when a save is first made. And it seems as if a possible workaround is to start a save with a much shorter list of mods that are known to work and then add the rest of the modlist. I am unsure how to proceed from here in terms of testing mods. If you have any suggestions throw them my way. I could also try to throw both my Test and Test2 save files your way to see if you can spot any differences in them that could be causing the glitch. And a couple other things that I don't think are related but should probably be stated: For Test2 I had changed the default profile for KCT, where I modified the formula for funds per upgrade point to 1, so I could get 100 extra points to put into SPH build speed and get the test articles done quicker. Later reverting this back to default did not re-introduce the glitch. Loading my modlist by default would have 1 error on the load screen from B9 Part Switch, apparently on a Bluedog part. This error occurred again when the batch of FreeIva, ProbeControlRoom, RLA_Reborn, ThroughTheEyes, ThunderAerospace, Tokamakindustries, and FerramAerospaceResearch were added in. I don't think it's related, but if this is the moment the game's getting glitchy, and I can't tell which mod is causing the incompatibility... EDIT: I did decide to look in the persistence files myself for discrepancies between the two across the two test saves, given the different mod load orders. First thing I noticed was that the contracts in the ContractScenario and parts in the ResearchAndDevelopment scenario were in different orders. I don't think it matters, but I thought I'd list it here. Second thing I noticed, which I suspect may be the cause of the glitch, was that the KerbalConstructionTimeData scenario was further down the file in Test vs in Test2. In Test, which experienced the glitch, CrewRandRSettings, DMScienceScenario, FARSettingsScenarioModule, and KLScenario (Kaptian's Log) all appeared before KerbalConstructionTimeData, whereas in Test2 all occured afterwards In addition to this, the location is different in LoaderInfo. I'll list both Test and Test2's LoaderInfo's and bold and underline where KCT appears in each. Test: Test2: EDIT Part 2: I tried just having the 4 mods that appeared in the persistence file before Kerbal Construction Time with KCT and was not able to repeat the glitch. There's definitely more to it.
So I actually did have a bit more time than expected. I didn't get through testing my entire modlist yet, but I can confirm that this entire set of mods here works. Also doesn't error on load as far as I'm aware. I also tested the extra Gamedata folder that through my own modding incompetence made it in there and including it did not cause the glitch. Which narrows the possible list down to this set of mods: (Or some form of RAM or performance issue) Now I've got a Tomcat to grind out in War Thunder and some shopping to do, so I won't really be able to get to it until either tonight or probably tomorrow morning, and even then that would be interrupted.
Ok, so I don't actually know how to make test installs, but what I can do is start moving mods over to a different folder and run the game, and a new test save, with a more limited modset, to try to narrow down the incompatibility. So I'll just manual this. I ran this mod set, with just KCT, Scrapyard, Oh Scrap, Bluedog, Tantares, Probes Before Crew, and their dependencies, and did not reproduce the glitch when running this set. Which means there's an incompatibility somewhere in this set of currently uninstalled mods (please excuse the extra Gamedata not sure what that's doing I think I can just get rid of it). Might be a bit before I can get another test in, but I'll probably try to add the mods in small groups and see when the glitch happens. It's also hypothetically possible to be lag or performance-related, as the full modlist taxes my computer quite heavily, and it was weird seeing KSP load fairly quickly and run well.
So I had to slightly modify my test vehicle for this. This here is the Test 2. It has lost the forward of the 2 probes, and now has a milk stand to sit on so it can static fire (to burn all the fuel off). Full it costs 4601. Empty (which I call a Test 2E) it costs 3867. There also appears to be a second glitch where on the second spawn of the vehicle it spawns tipped over onto it's side, aligned with how the probe core normally is when placed in the SPH. It also does this in the SPH, but I'm guessing this one is simple. Anyways, I was able to record the full funds change of my test save for demonstrating these issues. Buying Test and the first 2 spawns were done prior to recording to confirm the glitch. Spawns 3 and 4 were during the recording. Something extra weird happened on spawn 3. First I built a Test 2 and spawned it twice without firing the engines to demonstrate the glitch works with it. Then I built a Test 2E, which is effectively starting with empty tanks. I accidentally did a normal recovery on the 2nd spawn, where Scrapyard seemed to work correctly on, then automatically applied the parts when I went to the Spaceplane Hangar. So I rebuilt it, built a 2nd one to test if the cost would remain at 7 (it did not) and if I needed a 2nd article to start fresh (I did not). I also built a regular Test 2 for the final 2 tests I then did 2 Test 2E spawns and SPH recoveries, to satisfy your first request Then I spawned in the 2nd Test 2 and lit its engine for a full duration burn, to burn off all of it's fuel. This should satisfy your second request. I did 2 SPH recoveries with this article Outside of Test SPH3 the glitch seems to be behaving predictably, with each recovery to SPH recovering the full value of the vehicle, independent of whether it's fueled or not, whilst Normal Recovery and even Scrapyard Override with it works as intended. If it's not occurring with stock parts and being the only mod installed then I wonder if there's a weird mod incompatibility somewhere. The only question then is "with what?" Unfortunately trying to narrow that down is going to be hell (especially since it takes KSP 10 minutes to load with my mod set), unless it's something obvious like Scrapyard or Oh Scrap.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wrrUjGGjaAsAA3J8ju0lkdXFmvPqSVFNaT4H2jhzerc/edit?usp=sharing This is my modlist. Made in late 2022, although with some of the mods (including KCT) updated since then. 2 or 3 part configs were edited in mods (changing costs only), and an older Bluedog part (the older Apollo command capsule) I had to manually add back into the mod from a backup of the old version. Here's what the Gamedata folder looks like inside KSP right now. CustomFlags is also not a mod but literally just a folder of custom flags I have added, labelled similarly to how mods do it. Since I've had this modlist running I've been able to repeat the glitch multiple times in multiple different versions of KCT. I think a previous separate modlist which I tried to do the same thing as this one also had the problem. So it's been an issue in KCT for years. Here is the test craft I threw together to test out the glitch. It's 2 Bluedog probe cores, 2 Tantares tanks, and a Tantares engine. Note this is loaded in "edit" view at the moment, which is why the cost looks so low. It would normally be ~7100 funds. The default KCT settings. And the video demonstrating the glitch twice. https://youtu.be/xZVZqr1QkuI
I set the options on normal for KSP and default for KCT. I did look them over to see if anything was changeable to fix the issue after verifying it but I couldn't find anything. There were no kerbals on the craft. It was a (modded) probe core, a couple fuel tanks, and engine. I have done this glitch before with similar uncrewed craft in the past. It seems KCT is not stopping the regular game recovery of funds but is still putting the craft back in the spaceplane hangar. I could get you my modlist later if that would help, although there's a lot of them. I am running with Scrapyard and Oh Scrap! too, if that helps.
So is this bug ever going to get fixed at any point? I want to try to run a reusable rocket campaign where I don't have to either pretend I'm reusing them, have multiple vehicles constantly spawned in close to the space center, or try to put all the pieces with exact usages back together using Scrapyard, but this bug is preventing me from doing so without cobbling together some spreadsheet for house rules on funding then running it in Science Mode. And yes I did check it is still there with the latest version (1.4.12). Started a campaign with 25,000. Built something in the spaceplane hangar. Spawned it in. Recovered to SPH. Still had 25K. Spawned it in again. Recovered to SPH again. I have 32K now. It would be really nice to get it fixed sometime. Also if anyone has a workaround with either mod settings or KSP settings I'm all ears.
I should've probably let you know earlier (like, I discovered this around a year ago), but the P80 booster with all of it's solid fuel removed is free. Going into the config file, it seems like you accidentally set the cost to 850, which is below the cost of the solid fuel in the booster. I think you intended to set it to 1400, which is right now set as the entry cost and would be in-line with the costs of the other boosters in the mod. Just a quick bug report that should have a quick fix.
Yeah, that might've happened. Anyways, reinstalling Firespitter and removing that file seems to have fixed this issue. Also just did another reload to fix a few more issues (why does Ferram have an extra Scale_Redist.dll file in it's plugins folder???) and everything seems to be running well enough! Thanks much for the help!
Thanks very much. I'll do and get back to you. Just wasn't able to find the most recent Firespitter link it seems and got an outdated version. EDIT: I'm actually now really extra confused how the rogue DLL got in there now. I have an extra folder where I basically got everything together and then copy+pasted it into the KSP GameData folder, and with only the Squad, SquadExpansion, Custom Flags, and ModuleManager files kept in the KSP GameData from my previous mod removal. I didn't find the rogue DLL in the folder I got everything together in, but it was somehow in the main GameData folder.
I do have Firespitter installed. Here's a screenshot of my GameData folder at the moment. Had to reboot to get another log, and it's certainly not the only error I'm getting, but it is the one that's forcing the game to close. The KSP Log
Tried to get this to work on KSP 1.12.5 with a fairly large modlist. Got an error on initial game load: Loading has failed due to an unhandled error Failure in subsystem : Part compilation Part: e50 Electric Propeller Engine (KAX/Parts/KAX_electricProp/KAX_electricProp/KAXelectricprop) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ModuleResourceIntake.GetInfo () [0x0002d] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 at PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (AvailablePart newPartInfo, Part part) [0x0024e] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext_Patch0(PartLoader/<CompileParts>d__56) at KSPCommunityFixes.Performance.KSPCFFastLoader+<FrameUnlockedCoroutine>d__62.MoveNext () [0x0006c] in <c08d6ea084ba41369dbf89fe1fba85db>:0 Any idea what is causing it, and how to fix it?
Spent several hours flying around not finding it (I wish I had brought a scansat) and actually had to have a friend find it on their save on a scanning satellite, then still couldn't fly it, had them confirm that it was it on their save, and even after having him guide me to the location I still overflew the area a couple of times before even seeing it. I kind of feel bad about posting it here since it doesn't feel legitimate, but hey, I put in the effort to get a propeller plane to Laythe safely from having not ventured beyond Duna before, so I'm still posting it for that effort alone. This was difficult to find. Not sure what I'm going to do for the others. Definitely will bring along a scanning satellite though. So, this one I planned better for. I was even building the scansat before the hint was given. I sent the scansat and lander on 2 separate launches with tons of spare dV at the right times. They launched 2 and a half hours apart and arrived 3 and a half hours apart despite a different set of maneuvers performed, particularly in regards to the Munar assist, for each craft. Unfortunately since I haven't done much with space outside of Kerbin's SOI I didn't realize the scansat needed a strong antenna or relay to actually scan, and although I could control it because the lander was always close enough for direct control it couldn't function as a relay and as such the scansat itself was effectively useless. I had to send a relay out over there, and my first try was actually going too fast to slow down. I thought getting there faster with more dV expenditure would be better, but it led to a 50 minute burn which had the spacecraft going so fast that it needed 10000 m/s of dV to slow down while only having 5000 m/s itself. Anyways, I need to make less mistakes with these hints. At least I can make a quick fix to the next scansat and get it to work. Honestly, it's weird. I'm not even sure I want a JEB plushie. I just want to do this for the fun of it, and because I watched the threads for the earlier easter eggs back when the solar system got expanded but never participated in said hunt. I guess it feels good trying this with new ones that are only *barely* spoiled. Alrighty I got the kerbal there now instead of just having the reaction wheel probe.
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I know the mod isn't updated for 1.11.1, but if you're using it there recovering a craft will give you funds no matter if you recover to VAB, the SPH, or just normally. With VAB or SPH recovery this basically results in free funds. The normal recovery only causes free fund issues when combined with Scrapyard, but that's a different mod and not an issue here. Did something change with the way recovered funds are given to the player in the recent version which renders old mods like this not working properly?
We don't really do anything as a squadron, but yes, it is possible to join.
Clan still exists, although we don't really do anything, and haven't really done anything as a clan.
[1.7] KVV - Kronal Vessel Viewer = Exploded ship view
Noname117 replied to linuxgurugamer's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
So I installed this mod along with it's 2 dependencies, and I'm not seeing it pop up anywhere in my KSP game when I am in the VAB/SPH. I'm worried I may have installed one of the dependencies wrong (there are several files in toolbar controller where I don't know where they go, I basically put the one file in the gamedata folder), or maybe there is a conflict with one of the other mods. Can anyone help me figure out what to do? I did not use CKAN for this (and the title page doesn't say this mod is updated for it anyways).