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Everything posted by PwnedDuck

  1. I play sandbox mode so every time I open the container I get a big ****-you for trying. So no, the goo does not matter much to me...
  2. Yes. By some magic, clearly, I am mature enough not to freak out if the announced date were changed...
  3. Nope. The fun of KSP is just as much in designing the missions to undertake these awesome things, with every realistic resource available to you. Some of us just maybe don't want to jump through hoops to unlock and afford our ideal missions, and simultaneously not have said missions amount to cheating our way around the system. Seems to me that Sandbox is survival, and Career is hardcore mode. Hyperediting and such amounts better to creative.
  4. Any game mechanic limiting player choice for reasons other than balance or a well crafted plot is a bad game mechanic, and should be, within the furthest bounds of reason, removed.
  5. I'd forgotten about all the hatred but now that I've been reminded I may start using comic sans just to stir it up. I barely ever see it used, it's clear and legible, and it produces humour like the above, and perhaps even below, so I'm all in favour.
  6. Honestly the devs may just declare .21 to be 1.00 and stop developing forever... In actual speculation, I expect about two or three weeks from now (sorry; I know that it's considered blasphemy to even vaguely think about release times here but I had to get it out there)
  7. When the thing we're freely screwing around with requires knowledge of concepts like delta v and phase angles I'd say that it qualifies us for some sort of reward besides satisfaction...
  8. Yeah, which takes at least some knowledge of Delta V concepts and general craft design (not that i'm excusing it). The point is that we shouldn't be told [b"]UUUUUUUUU; You're in sandbox, no finding out about the mystery goo for you!
  9. For those who have not seen, this (in the releases I've seen so far) pops up whenever you try to do an experiment, get a sample or otherwise science something in sandbox mode. This is concerning; there is obviously no need to progress in technology, but there's no particular reason to stop us collecting science points and data (simply to add to a never declining total), and while we're there there is absolutely no reason to throw such an immersion-breaking message at us. The least that could be done would be to give us the flavour text; finding out what the mystery goo does on the surface of Eeloo is a deserved payoff to getting there in sandbox as much as in career mode, and increases the sense that despite having all parts unlocked we are actually doing something...
  10. Resources and mining, or the celestial body discovery system (fitting in with .22's science), so we can finally get some new planets.
  11. Somehow the music lasted exactly the time it took for me to read it...
  12. Ooh, maybe we'll find out what how that derelict ship got there in The Space Race, instead of here...
  13. I wonder if there what exactly will mark the transition from not done to not not done... Will there be a 0.99 which introduces a whole set of super large size parts (not speculation, purely for example), and the 1.00 introduces super large size docking ports and tricouplers and civilian air traffic on Kerbin or something and then the game is 'done'...
  14. Not counting mistakes made during dockings, no...
  15. That "implies it'll have a large moon or two that we can visit." and that "It won't be a totally pointless addition."
  16. I really just name missions after what they do e.g. Eeloo manned return mission or Vall polar orbit probe. Stations are named after the planet they orbit then Alpha through Omega. Only bases have 'names', based on geographic features from the real equivalent of the body they're on e.g. tranquility base on the mun.
  17. Really? I did always expect BERTY to be loyal to the mission above all. Probably shouldn't have left that burn up to autopilot...
  18. To Jool. For science. Giving up now is just one more thing for KSC to be angry at them for.
  19. I prefer the grand tour but read both as soon as I see them.
  20. I don't understand any of these words but I feel smrter for listening to all of them. Seriously though, it is nice to see al the detail that ingame we just accept and don't see. When I'm playing, it's not triangulated quads with values of 1,2,4 or 8, it's just a place. I had wondered a little about the rails system with the orbits and how it worked with time, but it's nice to actually know.
  21. Genders would be fine, No genders would be as fine as it currently is. It's not a big deal, but I wouldn't mind either way.
  22. Why not leave it as a dwaf planet and add a whole new moon to GP2 instead? Doesn't that leave us with more possibilities in the end?
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