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Everything posted by PwnedDuck

  1. Early insertion burn with the option to Aerobrake (positioning for that by RCS) if the fusion cores fail.
  2. Jeb Flies the Proteus so fast that it goes back in time and they stop Bill and Gennanand from getting shot down and refuel the Laythe lander using the fuel meant for that and go back down to pick up Sid.
  3. Woah, those are pretty huge. I guess Proteus was just gigantic this whole time...
  4. There was nothing that could be done. Ned would just have died too. That said, just once, I'd like to see a successful EVA rescue. And while we're at it, to find out what that abandoned station was all about, what happened on Duna, and what happened over Bop.
  5. I just want to give Rozer a hug now. Probably only tall enough to reach my knee but still...
  6. I found KSP on account of Kurt, but it can be a little frustrating watching him detach parachutes while landing on Duna for no reason, etc. Danny2462 is hilarious. Scott Manley is awesome. Macey Dean is good, but I don't know if he is posting anymore.
  7. I'd say everything looks fine but that's tempting fate...
  8. Not yet, but it seriously deserves one. I guess it deserves a mention on the KSP main page under 'fanfic recs' or whatever it's called.
  9. Slightly connected to this but Ive ended up imagining a good few of the characters as female (not BERTY though) and just need to mentally insert an s in from of every "he" describing them. Not for any strong reason, but it does help to mentally empahsise their diversity of personality in more visual terms, and provides a wider array of voices to give them.
  10. "Wow, aerocapture directly at laythe sure does produce some flames" *Craft bends into itself and snaps*
  11. It's all about whether your language has a lot of inflection (e.g.Latin, Japanese, Russian), no inflection (e.g. Chinese), or is at some middle ground like English or Spanish; basically whether word order and choice determines meaning (less inflecting) or changes to the words themselves (inflecting). Going to a different writing system as well as different level of inflection really doesn't help either. But all the Russians I know living here in Britain do seem to forget their Russian whilst other expats remember their language more or less.
  12. I was landing a large rover, which in terms of propulsion only had inefficient engines, so only had about half the Delta v to land. I had to use the drive stage, which had more than enough Delta V, but not enough Thrust to weight, to slow down first. I took loads of tries trying find out just how much I could slow down using the drive stage before I had to switch to the rover in order not to crash.
  13. For testing purposes with new designs, and when a station in orbit around Gillyflowers mysteriously vanishes.
  14. Resources. Deep ship design-orbital mechanics multistage planning is not something that can be easily be coordinated with friends, and certainly not something I have the patience to introduce to my solidly KSP-disinterested, bumbling friends. Resources just makes the deep end so much deeper, even if it isn't something for ign to gush about. Edit: if I want mp games to mess around in there is no shortage. Here's hoping KSP stays, and grows as a deep experience I can enjoy alone.
  15. This, or new planets/bodies, is easily the most important feature-in-waiting. Every new update since .18 I've just been kinda disappointed with in waiting for it, and would really appreciate some kind of roadmap as to how far off/in this dimension or not resources are.
  16. The one part I most expected to end in tears and it goes off without a hitch...
  17. You ought to do A CK2-EU4-All the other ones AAR, that might work. Now, back to deconstructing the Norse Pagan, Ethnically East African Kingdom of Troy centered around The Aegean and modern Romania...
  18. I think we'd all like a lot of things that we won't be getting till March/April.
  19. The bottom of the Dres canyon might not be quite as notorious as Tylo or something like that but it's noting if not inconvenient.
  20. It's never this freaking dramatic when I'm doing my missions...
  21. I guess stuff just breaks in, on, or around Jool... Edit: 100th page is mine! Nothing can stop the power!
  22. I'm so goddam tired of career mode. I want more stuff to do and ways to do it, not hoops to jump through in order to do the things. Every update since 0.19 I've just played for an hour or two, then stopped because there really isn't that much more to do...
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