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Everything posted by Genolution

  1. A big thanks to KospY for one of my favorite mods and to the rest of the team for their contributions as well.
  2. Dude, love your precise node mod. Thanks for that. Just downloaded it. I'll be crossing my fingers this 64bit KSP wont give me much trouble.
  3. For the last six months I've been.....lets say "busy". I haven't played KSP since February. Today I log in to update and scan the forums and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!! What a difference! NASA missions, new parts, and what's this? 64bit Windows version!!!!??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! Windows 64 bit version!!! Squad, I love you guys sooo much!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!
  4. After debugging my new mods loadout I'm on my way to wherever 4500Dv will take me.
  5. What mods do you use and why? Tell us what mods have been game making and game breaking for you. I'm starting a new KSP build and have selected the following (RAM dependent of coarse) FAR Deadly reentry Kerbal alarm clock Procedural fairings Procedural wings (if FAR compatible) Visual enhancements Memory reduction Chatterer Kerbal attachment system Kerbal joint reinforcement Some kind of shuttle pack Some kind of station pack Some kind of life support mod FTMN atomic rockets Kerbal engineer redux Texture replacer I plan on spending a lot of time building stations and such since work has left only enough time for short missions. So how do you KSP?
  6. These don't look bad at all. I'll give you a bump.
  7. \o/ Thank you but I have yet to successfully get it outside the VAB or SPH. If I ever manage to fly this thing I'll need pretty much every cheat in the book.
  8. That looks really good MJ. Simple is elegant. Are you using FAR?
  9. Update: Trying to keep it simple to keep part count down but I managed to make the saucer section removable with a sr. docking port.
  10. A little too awesome it seems. Game crashed and wont reload. I think I broke the VAB. v0v
  11. I finally decided to make use of the RAPIER engines. How do you show imgur albums anyways? (craft) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1NeorjKSyhBYzA4X29IT1pUam8/edit?usp=sharing
  12. And thx Rune. Yeah my part count certainly took a hit but Majorjim pointed out an inadequacy with my lander and I felt challenged. I could not live with myself if I backed down from a video game spaceship challenge. What kind of man would I be? I'll have to make some time this weekend to try that N1 out. (1st day off in 3 months \o/)
  13. thx Gus. We need to talk a modder into making a IVA camera mod with a working radially attachable nav ball and other instruments for these types of crafts. How hard could that be?
  14. Very tightly and slightly off center. If I attach the LEM centered to the third stage the command seat on the buggy pokes through the fairing. May need to use a ladder instead. Just got home from work(13 hour shift). Need to work fast to explore my options before I pass out. Does the command seat even have collision detection? I'm not so sure.
  15. No feedback? My mother always told me, '' If you don't have anything nice to say then say nothing at all''. I guess I'm the only one who thinks this lander is an improvement.
  16. I Have been busy. It was a tall order but I managed to squeeze in a buggy. And for those willing to venture outside of vanilla... Are external command seat IVA's a thing?
  17. Just zoom in with the camera inside and click the seat.
  18. Stand by for new improved lander..... after I get home from work. Its my bedtime. or You guys decide.
  19. It's a single stage. Some comprimises had to be made to get every thing in the fairing. And given the choice between a decoupler and a waffle iron, well you know kerbals.
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