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Everything posted by Genolution

  1. I posted the craft file on the exchange if you're interested. Have fun!
  2. I always said KSP is the best dang Lego/erector set money can buy. So powerful for a young ones development. I'll thumb up his vid just to keep him playing
  3. An almost stock Dream Chaser shuttle. I'm using Restock, (which I don't think you will need) and Procedural wings, which (should be stock at this point) you will need. At launch the TWR is a bit low but there is plenty of DV to get you to a stable orbit. When starting your gravity turn, try not to stray too far away from prograde until the air thins out. Otherwise the drag created by the shuttles wings will flip you over. Following that one simple rule will result in easy and predictable launches. Important note: Parachutes are staged with the last decoupler for abort purposes. Once orbit is acheived with poodle stage, click and drag the final pair of engines down to be staged next. Reentry is even easier. This craft is very stable at high speeds. Staying true to the real life counterpart. When you have slowed down enough that you begin to loose stability, simply stage the parachutes for a gentle 10m/s belly landing. Simple. I have only tested with stock aerodynamics model. If anyone tries it with FAR or NEAR, let me know how she does. Download here Dropbox link
  4. Okay, who smuggled in the Stolichnaya?
  5. First stage was 2 full sized 2.5m tanks with a Vector. Second stage was the shortest 2.5m tank with a poodle. Each had a torque wheel. Shuttle was placed on top as originally planned for the Dream Chaser.
  6. I Built a Dream Chaser shuttle for future crew transfers on the station I just finished last night. http://
  7. An American treasure. For this loss we are all poorer.
  8. Was going to make him standing on a ledge of a building next to a window but my eyes are getting tired so this is as far as I go today.
  9. I found this channel on youtube that put a great big smile on my face. I think most in the KSP community will enjoy this.
  10. I'm not very experienced at pixel art, or any other digital drawing methods so I'm fairly happy with this.
  11. @N70 Thx for picking this up. And good luck with it. I know Kerbalism is a monster.
  12. Sorry I've been away for a while. What happened to Shotgun Ninja? I hope he's in good health.
  13. Every month I'm subscribed to cruchyroll.com they give me a free code for a 48 hour guest pass and since I don't have any friends... Enjoy KK76RTSCABQ I am not affiliated with crunchyroll and this is not an advertisement or endorsement. Just wanted to share something with my fav gaming community.
  14. I know what I'm doing this weekend. Who's with me?
  15. With faster re-entries what are you guys setting your re-entry heat at? My spaceplanes are getting toasted.
  16. @VoodoomancerYou mean that when standing on duna and looking at ike, ike appears to wobble or sway back and forth? I think thats normal and happens in stock only it's not as pronounced.
  17. Thumbing through the files of this mod, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. It would just require a manual install.
  18. Nah, I'm the "aggressive fanboy". I must have forgot to take my pill today.
  19. It's not agressive to point out how your behavior makes no sense. If you wish to appear as if you are going well out of your way to criticize for reasons nobody can even relate to thats fine. I'll just hang out and enjoy the show.
  20. I think I understand. Your a busy guy and can't be bothered. Which is why you took the time today to start a forum account and then post about how you wont use a mod because it's not exactly what you wanted with no effort from you. Ahhh, wait, what?
  21. Yup. But I never bothered using the other cfg's. When I used TAC in the past I would remove the need for water anyways so there is no point for me. If you cant get it to work someone else will have to explain how to set it up
  22. You do know there is a cfg to use TAC-LS instead of the default life support system. And kerbalism will detect if Remote Tech is installed and use it instead. So far you havent given any legit reason to not use kerbalism. But you're welcome to do whatever.
  23. @Nils277 I think somebody shoved some buckshot up my nose because my mind is blown. For you sir, I slow clap with a smooth transition to standing ovation.
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