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Ohm Machre

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Everything posted by Ohm Machre

  1. And a small revision already haha. I added the 1.25m form reactor from Near Space Electricity, and eight Small Thermal Control Systems to compensate for its heat. Now it has permanent power production that can feed the beastly six IONs. (They drain like a MOTHER.) Also added my now standard insignia, one of the OPT Aerospace Division, and one of good old SkaiaNet.
  2. Thanks to the Lack Luster Lab's mod being pushed to a 1.2.1 beta, I could create this FABULOSITY. A very nice blend of the 3x1 Hulls, the big Radial IONs along the bottom (for low-grav VTOL mode), and the very stylish Advanced Probe Nose, alongside the Hypersonic Mk2 capsule from Mk2 Expansion, plus the standard OPT parts we all know and love, this is quite the fast flier! (I don't know why some people have problems with overheating midflight, haha. I get away just fine! ) I don't have a name for this beaut, but I'm sure someone will figure out one. This is not really meant for more than exploring and setting flags to go settle at. I initially attempted to take nuke-engines for long-range transport, but they proved to be quite heavy and unbalancing, so I stuck with the two J-81s, and added a J-61 for atmo-oomph. Come to think of it, it's kind of like a Frankenstein-like shuttle. Also, at the back, you may notice the OPT Mk2 Hypersonic Air Scoop, but turned upside down. I think it tends to look much better that way when pressed into the fuselage, because the top of it is a bit long and shallow.
  3. Fair nuff! Yeah, at that scale, I think if you clipped 3 of the Junos together, they might create enough thrust to act as a small booster. I'm going to follow this thread, I want to see more ^-^
  4. That is one sly transformation! Sly as a fox!~ I wonder, could the design and engine be improved somehow? Perhaps a custom engine for the transformed state?
  5. Ah, good point. I installed GPP, and I'm rather enjoying it so far. Unfortunately, I upgraded my Legacy OPT pack and lost the Whale Class. WELP. Gonna have to start that one over.
  6. lol? How so, I'm confused. It works fine (enough) in 1.2.1 with Kopernicus, despite being a 1.1.2 mod. Its only problem is that the KSC is not visible in the post-start screen; it just points to the sky.
  7. Huh. I might try it out. I've been using the (slightly outdated) New_Horizons pack by KillAshley.
  8. @JadeOfMaar, what mod are you using for those pictures? Is it an alternate planet pack, or a "relocate KSC" mod?
  9. I think the first problem I had with it caused me to remove it, in that was ModuleManager froze the game trying to load it. I have since reset my cache, so I can try again.
  10. In what I'm dubbing the Whale Class Cargo Transport, I have made a very nice flying ship. I haven't tested it under load, but it uses the Humpback Legacy parts for cargo bays, and I'm likely to make ones using the J and K forms as well. Powered by two J-60s, four J-61s, and four J-81s, it's as simple as point at the 15, and fly. I prefer to put it at 50% throttle until ~300m/s, then 2/3s throttle thereafter. I also need to do some fuel balancing, as it's still rather light on just LiqFuel for how many engines are being powered.
  11. Estate isn't a bad name for it either, but I felt like being somewhat original lol.
  12. I think I can absolutely confirm that the F12 Aero Overlay has something to do with most, if not all, of my crashes.
  13. Well, I managed to snag this screenshot before the Aero Overlay utterly crashed my game. (Hint: do not hit F12 in this version of KSP, it crashes your game inevitably.) I call this an Estale Class ship, mostly a play on Stail. It's completely successful making it to Kerbin orbit largely in part to the four hybrid rocket J-81s. Those things are SERIOUSLY powerful, I hope we get a revised version in the main pack eventually. They kick butt. The other three engines are two J-61 Starwasters and a J-92. If anyone's wondering, I used the Stail drone core at the front, used a Stail-to-2.5m adapter, then a OPT-J-to-2.5m adapter and sunk the J adapter towards the front to get that ultra-sleek curve.
  14. I think the Beluga looks pretty rather close to the Bell's turbo intakes. However, it definitely shouldn't be left open like that if we're expected to surface plop it onto a flat surface.
  15. This is unrelated to this mod, but because you linked it, how do you get the Flag Decals mod to work? I know it's WAY beyond the last time it was updated, but I'm just wondering if you somehow have it working in 1.2.1.
  16. It might be KJR. I haven't noticed the problem myself, but that may be because I don't have either of the two mods that Viatic has. I have noticed previously that some B9 parts cause a huge midair 'bump' once I've taken off the runway in a previous install (before I curtailed my mods from scratch to eliminate bugs).
  17. A-ha! I may not have updated the OPT mod correctly. Reinstalling the packs, both standard and OPT_Legacy, seems to have given me a fix. I'd curtailed a number of mods previously, so I might try reintegrating them one by one. I also updated TAC Fuel Balancer, if that may have had anything to do with it.
  18. Nevermind, still got a crash. Darn it. https://mega.nz/#!Nhp3xJaQ!Cprbi8jOsJ4VyC6sYa0JoufwdhSoJn6_HkU77dwSbAU https://mega.nz/#!Y8x1DAbR!geys4W7Rb3KdNvfB6OCnr-3TwPGjriTwdx4CvtPlrGY https://mega.nz/#!pkoAGSJT!3CZlhbUmo9ssHU6Y8PLtOfi0L_HjrxJAWyUetqxj3s4 I realize I'm still using 'outdated' mods, but I haven't any idea what could be causing this crash beyond New Horizons, but that's handled through Kopernicus anyhow, so unless NH being 1.1.whatever REALLY screws with things...
  19. Changing the atmo FX setting did nothing. I'm going to mark this Solved and move on. Just no more using that cockpit.
  20. It has to be the Prakasa cockpit. And I think I know why, even though it makes no sense? It seems to happen when I hit a fast enough speed to start causing the mach effects. Interestingly, I had my atmospheric effects set to Minimum. But perhaps the cockpit is trying to generate it still? It is a 1.1.3 mod, so it could be doing weird things.
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