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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. Granted, you learned air is not a hard, rigid substance. Good for you. I wish I could find the time to feed the fish.
  2. Built the HK-9 "Octagon" satellite, based on the real-world Hexagon military observation (coughcoughspycoughcough) satellites.
  3. Or even hour-long burns for massive ships...
  4. My theory is that every time they die, that was just a simulation and their time MIA is just left to psych therapy...
  5. Early probe cores should be early on, I agree, along with the basic instruments. Maybe just with engine on/off at the start. It's silly to have the manned capsule first.
  6. It was because of the massive DLC fiasco. I didn't know him, but any fallout from that is unfortunate as always.
  7. I built a pie-oneer (Yes, I went there) probe that is just barely exiting the system...had to finish off the ejection burn with RCS
  8. Granted, however, you always forget the first bit. I wish I could find the time to play more
  9. Granted, but you can only transform into yourself. I wish the Mark 55 engine stopped being useless
  10. I've been skimping on Minmus exploration, really. I'd better send something over there.
  11. Granted, but ike is removed in 0.22. I wish for a fish.
  12. In that case, we have ponies on the moon. Unfortunately, I think ponies also need air to breathe. So there's that.
  13. Granted. At least, periodically. I wish I remembered to add a parachute...
  14. You could just delete all the functions you think you might not need. It's completely possible. The only tabs you really need are the info tabs, and maybe the maneuver editor. Ascent Guidance is recommended for your case, too.
  15. Introducing the Exercise in Absurdity! (ignore the typo Made of entirely stock parts and shorter and narrower than a Rockomax decoupler stood on its side, it clocks in at 6 tons (7 if you count the platform.) The catch? It orbits. Total Score: +116 for height +213 for speed +50 for time +60 for mass +100 for heights above 10km +200 for out of atmo +300 for orbit Total: 1039 points
  16. Duna, Vall, and Eve purely for looks, in that order.
  17. It would seem the other telescoping ladder is based off of one you could find on eBay...fitting.
  18. In general I think about what the public would think. They would not be happy if my Kerbonaut died. Especially not if they're important ones, like Bill, Jeb, Bob, Scott, etc. Therefore I go to decent lengths to have safety systems, escape towers and the like mostly.
  19. I like to think of science points as "public interest points." Satellite in space? Sure, great, but a kerbal in space? THAT'S exciting, and going to net you extra funding and scientists eager to work for you in building new parts. The data gathered will help as well, of course.
  20. Tried installing Kerbtown and Kerbin City to make it a little less lonely. It didn't work. All those empty streets...
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