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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. 1/10 I saw you once. Two minutes ago.
  2. Interesting enough. Bonus points for adding a pokemon. 8/10
  3. Nah. I'm not going to drink any old "water" in a random bottle. You get to taste the most wonderful food in the universe, but you will never be able to taste anything ever again.
  4. I also had the launchpad clipped sideways inside my craft in the VAB. Suffice it to say I deleted it...
  5. This would work ONLY if two other things happen. One, you can store rockets and subassemblies for later, and two, that running a space center takes money. You pay mission control, astronaut trainers, etc. for a reason, you know. That way it would be impossible to exploit the system by building infinite rockets forever, and at the same time have your rockets on-call. Obviously build times would be scaled down to account for it. At most on the order of a week for Whackjovian creations.
  6. Not only have I had a visit from the Grim Kraken, I have had the entire atmospheric system turn sideways. It was a weird day.
  7. Banned for running a good series of threads.
  8. Cause, blizzard? Get it? Activision-blizzard... I'll let myself out now...
  9. Waiting for the Gilly Explorer probe to finish it's mission so he can fly up to Denarius Station for its final huzzah. To be replaced with Drachma station, in a higher orbit.
  10. Why set a bone if it's just going to get broken again? For that matter, why build a house if you know it's going to collapse one day? Why even bother with anything when entropy will just make your efforts worthless? Enjoy the game while you can is how I look at things. On the topic of saves, let it come. My save's been around since 0.18, I really need to clean house and start again.
  11. Banned for following school rules.
  12. You burst into the sunlight, with the dirt exploding into raw energy as the atoms themselves are ripped into their subatomic particles. You set your sights on a massive rocket hurling itself toward your domain.
  13. (No, no you are not playing this right. This is not "thwart everyone at everything." Go play a text adventure and see what we mean.) Quickload to launchpad.
  14. Enter WAITNONOSTOP Kerbal Unreconstituitionator to provide fuel for the engines.
  15. 0. I'm just like NASA, but my space station has no crew. I'm thinking of recycling its modules into manned interplanetary outposts, though, so not all is lost!
  16. N-body is gravity acting on and from all bodies, not just from the one in your fictional "sphere of influence."
  17. 2/10 It seemed really cluttered and I didn't understand any of it. Points for effort, though...
  18. 345 for Dunebeam, currently my only 3-man duna-landing-and-return vehicle. It's also quite overbuilt. I could probably strip quite a few fuel tanks off it...
  19. Then, Stanley realized the hopelessness of life. It's so, so dark. It makes you want to c- Alright, who let the emoes get to the typewriters? *sounds of punches, shouting* Ah, there we go. Let's try again, shall we? Stanley was badly injured and could barely walk. He stumbled dizzily toward the massive door marked "mind control facility."
  20. I run up and push you off. My hill.
  21. Stanley crashed into the bottom of the game world and-- Wait, Stanley, this isn't right. We haven't finished developing this bit of the map yet. We haven't even put in any kind of puzzle or moral dilemma. Stanley, you may in fact be trapped here.
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