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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. I would love it if there was a cave system on Moho, next to a large crystal-like formation. Kudos if you get the reference
  2. If a game matters so much to you that you quit it, it's not a game. It's a job. Games should not be jobs.
  3. It's not like you're going to make money off it. As long as you don't take something that was made by someone else and say it's your own, I say that it's all right.
  4. Build, Fly, Dream is a classic. Nassault's videos are gold, recommend them to show people just what KSP can be.
  5. I believe that they still have the old SAS module included in the game, you just need to edit the config file for the avionics nosecone.
  6. Eh. For an orbital bombardment satellite, you'd actually WANT to point at the ground and fire-Higher velocity means more damage.
  7. They smile all the time. Except if their ship is exploding.
  8. Generally, the ruggedized wheels are better than the really super hugeâ„¢ wheels, unless you're planning to build a mobile launchpad or are Whackjob. Your design as it stands seems alright.
  9. In my experience you should keep pointing in that direction without changing your attitude.
  10. Kerbal Protractor should tell you the planetary angles...correct?
  11. http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ A fairly simple tool for figuring out transfer windows. Sorry for piling another tool to decide by, but I've seen it work really well. It's often imperative to transfer ASAYOTWO (As Soon As Your Optimal Transfer Window Opens,) and missing it by a few days on either side can be disastrous. Just remember that mods are often slightly inaccurate and what's best is to learn the angles
  12. Tested a prototype for my DUN-B "Curitunity" rover (hybrid Spirit/Opportunity MER-A/B rover and Curiosit MSL.) First landing test ended in the skycrane flipping end over end when I tried to land...Dammit, KAS! Pics when I get on my PC.
  13. Organ Kerman. Dilorf K. Doke K. Munman K. And the two guys in my signature as well
  14. Text adventure, Interactive fiction, take your pick.
  15. It looks like BARIS... I wonder if you could make a skin for BARIS with KSP images?
  16. I believe the word is Kessler Syndrome, and it's effectively impossible in KSP. Unless you tend to build crafts out of Oscar-B tanks... I usually leave a probe core on the upper stages, so they can deorbit safely. However, in my career save, I once had a bit of debris come at me so close I could see it, and so fast I nearly didn't...That was scary.
  17. 0.17er here. I can't really talk, though, since my interplanetary missions were done by MJ Not having maneuver nodes was a real pain in the arse, though. I was very excited when docking came out, but wasn't able to until 0.19... Such is life.
  18. "Approaching the runwaOH !@#$ WHERE DID MY WINGS GO?!"
  19. Wait, I forgot to quick save!
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