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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. Maybe. After all, the connection between windjammer and Mainsail is strong.
  2. I actually think that Kerbals are basically sponges with green skin. My pet theory is that their huge heads contain lots of air pockets, which they can use to store oxygen and that that spongy casing protects other vital organs they have in their heads. Not only does this allow them to go for a good long while without apparently breathing (as they so often do) this also explains why they're so resilient falling on their heads-their sheer sponginess protects them from falls.
  3. You could use a pusher-type asteroid interceptor instead of resorting to RCS. I moved an E-class with a pusher tug, you just have to have a low amount of thrust.
  4. Pretty much all I build are replicas. A couple manned Duna missions, an Eve flyby and a Jool mission are my only departures. I also have never touched Minmus, Ike, or any of Jool's moons yet... I care too much about how the craft looks, as opposed to how well it works As long as it looks pretty and has roughly 200% more weight than it needs to, I'm set for life... Ascent Guidance Don't get me wrong, I know how to do it...just not very well.
  5. They count up until the devs say "done!", then they go from 0.xx.xx.xxx to 1.xx.xxx. Then they start counting up from there, if they add more content.
  6. Not mine, but from the KSP reddit: http://m.imgur.com/a/vM2zY This guy made orbit.
  7. Everybody in the room stares at him a second, the they run as he destroys the entire universe with a single breath.
  8. All you need is to meet it far out, then push it so it aerocaptures into a stable orbit. The second and third bits are hard. The first is nearly impossible
  9. Saved Kerbalkind from a deadly murderous asteroid.
  10. There's a forum for that But in other news, I have no idea what might be causing this. Try downloading it again from the site, and if that fails then try downloading the entire package and running it from there if it's just the files in your ksp folder. And if all else fails, turn your machine off and back on again.
  11. I found a neat trick-If you release a command module (a cockpit, decouple a probe core, EVA a kerbal) then you can easily switch between them. It's a bit hit or miss as to whether the craft in question disappears though...
  12. I can finally fly IVA in the mark 1 cockpit...Thank you, Unity and Squad!
  13. The old planets are nice, but it would be nice to have a new place to explore, especially if its moons weren't airless dead rocks. Maybe a moon within a ring or one with a low but dense atmosphere, that was right next to the planet.
  14. It looks like that's a bug with the new engine-it'll be corrected the other way around before the big release:wink:
  15. Especially with the tinted lights. You could make the eyes red and it would be very cool.
  16. Timidity, introversion, and a whole lot of duna missions.
  17. In 1.7 I used a Tiberius spaceplane to get to orbit. Timewarp for a while...the nose falls off. Leading to a lack of control, leading to a spin in the atmosphere, leading to a nice fiery ball on Kerbin's plains region...Crew survived though:D
  18. IIRC, the last time they did that with 0.18, their servers melted into a nice reddish glowing puddle on the ground. I was backed up in server traffic for three days.
  19. It's not like they could make a better model for a fuel tank. It's a cylinder that holds fuel and sometimes has paint on it! What did you expect from a fuel tank?!
  20. Is it bad that I think that the new SLS parts are okay? Because I think they're okay. Not amazing, but okay.
  21. Built a big 3-man Soyuz replica. Just a little tweaking left until it's ready for its first fully crewed flight!
  22. It's a tie between Munman Kerman and Patton Kerman-the kerbal that's afraid of everything
  23. Here are some guns and missiles. Sorry if these aren't the weapons you're looking for, but they're something.
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