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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. It entered a stable orbit when it entered the sun's orbit. And before you play the "but it didn't" card, had you waited a little longer it would have. Add, "Must NEVER enter a stable orbit," or something.
  2. Exactly. With realistic orbital parameters, most of the movie would be talking about orbital mechanics and not, you know, George Clooney and Sandra Bullock trying to survive a hail of satellite bits. But, on-topic, the closest I've been to collision on-orbit was 2 km, which was plenty close for me. I moved my parking orbit up from 75 km to 100 km and decommissioned my old space station.
  3. ... Hey, guys, did you hear that this challenge refers to rockets on a sled, not planes on sleds? As in, no wings.
  4. I think that for payloads over 9 tons, it's best used, but for 9 tons and under you're better off with the 48-7s.
  5. They do add a little stability, but with reaction wheels you could do the same for your whole vessel and not just for your boosters.
  6. Enjoy getting liquid fuel scot-free while you can. Personally, I use SRBs for small boosts to TWR and delta-v if I need it. If I have to add liquid boosters I don't use asparagus because RP and fuel pumps and that kind of thing.
  7. An Apollo style direct ascent lander...its engines broke off during launch and the rocket fell from 3000 meters up.
  8. Moho for me is one of the most awe-inspiring planets out there. The sun takes up so much of the sky...It's awesome (causing awe)
  9. Lazro

    Happy New Year

    Happy arbitrary set of 1 points in the Earth's orbit which we have decided delineate one set of 365.24 periods of 24 hours!
  10. Mountable camera. For science and taking pictures, etcetera.
  11. Think CubeSats, or the pale blue dot, or just a successful mission, or something like Chris Hadfield's Space Oddity. I'd imagine you'd get more for manned missions, and sometimes it could happen spontaneously, but it would always be a minor byproduct of a mission.
  12. "Rockets will revolutionize air travel!" Plane rolls sideways upon takeoff and explodes.
  13. Built a Viking look-alike, went for a shakedown mun landing, and then landed on a 60 degree slope at 10 m/s... I felt lucky to have three legs and most of the craft remaining
  14. I love how they added references to the ISS and Mir: Along the bottom rim it lists their names and along the top rim it gives the ID for Mir. Neat!
  15. LV-T30. Great, useful engine. 48-7S also wins some merit, but I'm not that fond of its model. Best mod part: Does the Rockomax "atlas" from KSPX still count? If not, firespitter parts are pretty cool looking, if not completely useful
  16. I have Doke "Okay" Kerman. The pinnacle of stupidity, mild courage; a backup for when Bill is out.
  17. The atmosphere was quite thick at the time. It was, as I understand it, like trying to fly through frozen pea soup. The atmosphere is much thinner now, though!
  18. QS: Questionably Stable EX-D I-IV: Extremely Dangerous I-IV PRX: Probably Explosive Also the PanchoCom tv and communication satellites, who holds a monopoly in satellite TV and internet. Suffice it to say that everybody just uses cable.
  19. I remember how I felt when I first did that...much happiness was to be had. Congrats!
  20. If you really think so, check your settings for your older save and see if they're the same. If so, then try sliding your physics delta-t up a bit? For smaller ships particularly I've found this can increase framerates.
  21. Higher physics delta-t means physics calculations tale longer and thus take less cpu resources. However, fps goes to shizch. I slid my delta-t down all the way a long time ago. EDIT: That said, a weak CPU should not play with low physics delta-t. Giving your CPU more time to think allows for better performance in some cases.
  22. Fuel lines cannot transfer solid fuel.
  23. Replay career mode. Preferably with a tech tree editor, it really makes the experience much tougher. Plus with the new science mechanisms it would make things a lot harder, on top of that.
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