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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. Kerbalnauts are Kerbal Astronauts. Kerbalnaughts are when you've run out of Kerbalnauts.
  2. Come with me and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination.
  3. Also, helmets have lights, so you don't need them on your craft.
  4. Well, back to the drawing board.
  5. Just the 0.18.3 demo. You should just be able to import the time to 0.23, I got craft files all the way back to 0.18.0.
  6. GASA-EPL Career: Modded tech tree Destructive Testing: Unmodded tech tree Lazro's Refubished Spacecraft and Junkyard, Co.: Sandbox
  7. This is extremely odd and 100% should not happen. I've never had this happen to me, are you sure the ports aren't on backwards?
  8. Unfortunately not. It's more of a St/Vl, due to the aerodynamic surfaces, but it can hover in the air if you're careful. Also, I don't really think it can land horizontally. I'll probably post a tweaked version later.
  9. "The Focke-Wulf Fw 61 is often considered the first practical, functional helicopter, first flown in 1936. It was also known as the Fa 61, as Focke began a new companyâ€â€Focke Achgelisâ€â€after development had begun." -The venerable Wikipedia. This craft has very specialized controls, and it is imperative that you read the craft description for proper flight. I'm serious. It took me 30 minutes to figure this out. Not for the faint of heart! If you're brave (and have Firespitter,) download Here. Proving that this can land.
  10. The reason that people use rovers is to move extremely long distances, but with Minmus only having one biome that is easily reached by rover they're a bit pointless unless you have two bases that you need to go back and forth quickly from.
  11. I like building! Building is the most fun in the game for me. If I can make it look good and be functional, then I've done my job.
  12. Built a low solar orbit probe, ditched the transfer stage, and prepared to use the RCS engines to drop my periapse... ...and so, another mission failed due to my strong sense of RP. D'oh!
  13. Shift-tab to scroll focuses (foci?) backward. Just de-activate your engines...
  14. Munman Kerman. Ironically, has never landed on the mun.
  15. When making a challenge, please keep these in mind: Is it hard? For yours, not really. All you need is two engines, or even just a backward-mounted probe core or docking port. Retrograde is entirely relative. Are the rules clear? Does Retrograde mean "on the retrograde marker?" Does it mean in the retrograde half? Also, any mod could be a God engine, thus breaking the challenge. Can you win it? Technically yes, but no scoring system makes for a lack of competition. So, while a valid idea, it is only a valid idea at best. Please think more about your challenges and test whether they're too easy or too hard yourself.
  16. Oh, another thing. You can't decelerate using the main engines upon encounter. You have to jump out, use the EVA pack to decelerate and get closer to the vehicle.
  17. Jeb: An early hero of the space program. In his prime, he was a daredevil, riding three SRBs and a liquid rocket into orbit regardless of his face being pushed into his skull, and being the first kerb on the Mun doesn't hurt his resume either. Retired, but ever so often manages to sneak into a launch. Which nobody really minds. Bill: Another early hero. A level-headed engineer, he got his legendary reputation by fashioning a radio out of spare parts lying around the capsule once the on-board one failed. He also pioneered the "get out and push" technique. Now, as a head designer, he has designed the Soy-udz Capsule and the to-be-launched Project Mirror Eve flyby mission. Bob: The Michael Collins to the Orange-suited trio. A shy, easily frightened geologist, he nevertheless managed to pass the psychology tests and landed a couple Mun Missions. He currently is retired in Kerbin City. That's all for now, I think.
  18. Fair enough. I think that this challenge should have some point system (have return ship in (x)km orbit, highest orbit for "stranded" ship wins or something.) However, the challenge calls for you to encounter and board the second ship. If you just returned the first ship, then you would have done neither.
  19. To give you an idea of what the OP is talking about: If you have seen Gravity, then you know the bit where Sandra Bullock jumps out of her soyuz capsule and grabs onto Tiangong without decelerating the capsule, and instead using a fire extinguisher to do so after exiting. The challenge is to re-enact this scene, except to have one ship at a higher orbit, another at a lower orbit, and make an encounter with it, then jump out and board the second vessel using only your EVA pack.
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