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Posts posted by Climberfx

  1. 21 minutes ago, Gustavo6496 said:

    160 mil :( , poxa vou ter de fazer doutorado. Uma pergunta pra vc climberfx vc parece ser bem sucedido, to qrnd fazer física e pelo visto terei fazer uma pós graduação e doutorado em uma área que n defini ainda. Eu terei garantido um emprego em alguma universidade ou coisa do tipo?? Ou terei de trabalhar duro pra isso??

    Ih mano, não sei te dizer. Eu sempre to estudando, acho que na real é tudo mais ligado a quem você conhece, ou vem a conhecer, sua network.

    Então, fique perto do que gosta e das pessoas que tem afinidades contigo, se quer uma carreira, a construa sob uma base forte, parceiros fieis e preferencialmente amigos.

    O resto é consequência. Mas acho que com as especializações, tua chance de embarcar em grandes empresas, multinacionais começa a se tornar uma realidade.

    Boa sorte.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Enceos said:

    @Climberfx Interesting, I wonder if it works with all material properties this way. The current color animation tool from Squad works flawlessly for such small tasks in Unity 5. My material animations have too many variables, I couldn't do them with the tool.


    Well, i use this method (the one i showed) for a bunch of different types of animation, but not all.

    Never used this Color Animation Editor.

    So, have a try and let us know!

  3. 32 minutes ago, Enceos said:

    @Climberfx Yeah, you're right. I probably used Unity 5 at some point, but had to revert to Unity 4, not only because of emissives. Unity 5 doesn't support any material property animation at all. The curve tool which comes with the latest PartTools for Unity 5 is very basic and is good for lights only.

    Sometimes I use the Ctrl+D hotkey to extract the animation from the model file. Animations extracted to a separate file are editable. I optimize these animations, manually delete all the extra keyframes Unity creates, and reapply to the part. One can make several different animations for a model in Blender and save them all as separate .anim files in Unity.

    There are some workaround for any material animation. When you got used, is super simple.

    I don't remember the link page, but you can find it with a goggle search. It include some edit on the anim file...

    Edit: found it:


  4. 3 minutes ago, Enceos said:

    MacLuky you can animate things in Unity. The legacy animator is not very intuitive, but it works. You can create as many animations as you want without having to bother splitting this stuff. Doesn't work in Unity 5.

    It works in Unity 5. I use it, i did all my mod with it. It have some minor B turns for emissives, but it works.

  5. 25 minutes ago, MacLuky said:

    Sorry to necro this, but does this implicitly say that the creating a sequence of animations in blender is not the way to go? I find the second animation automatically continues where the first one left off, while I would like them to be independent.

    I found some blender examples that play all animations simultaneously, but in ksp are separate (eg. ladder and landing gear on the dragon) However i don't know how to set it up in unity.

    Animate separate, you can do it on your 3D program, but it is better to animate on Unity.

    There you can have each animation on an exclusive channel. In the 3D program you have only one time line, so, you would need to do one animation for each step of time, like 0 to 5, 6 to 10, and then separate each on Unity, so, do in Unity is so much easier.

    Then to have the animations play simultaneous in KSP, generic animation stock don't do it. I use the animation module from firespiter, because it have a way to associate soundfx too.

    Hope that helps.


  6. Penso muito em fazer um game com física mais real, tamanho humano, para vr, jogar em primeira pessoa e tal, ter a mecânica dos planetas e gravidades de tudo relacionadas, veículos muitos, mesma modularidade possível no Ksp, mas me falta conhecimento e tempo (dinheiro).

    Mas quem sabe como hobby começou com mod para Ksp, com o futuro evolui para algo em VR...

  7. On 2/7/2017 at 6:33 PM, sarbian said:

    I ll need some exemple of engine / mod that does that.


    2.7.2 Fix a performance problem with 2.7.1

    I may have to look into it more or test other ways of doing it since I am not really happy with that code. I ll need some feedback on the performance of that version in the meantime.

    Download : SmokeScreen-



    I believe that happens because i was using a particle form B9, and it was working only on red/yellow color before 2.7.1, so, when i put 2.7.1, i believe it got back all the colors and intensity of the original that i didn't new. So, i manage to made my own particle.mu, and know is all fine!

    Thank you any way!

    Here a pic from how it is now, using 2.7.2


  8. 12 hours ago, MKellerBR said:

    @Climberfx cara.. tu tá de parabéns! 

    O melhor Mod de TODOS da comunidade! O melhor e mais versátil veículo multi-uso pra KSP!


    Valeu MkellerBR pelas palavras carinhosas. 

    Que bom que está gostando. Ainda vem mais por ai, só sobrar mais tempo do trabalho aqui  que vou completando o pacote.

    Ainda faltam muitos detalhes e terás boas surpresas ainda.

    Grande abraço.

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