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Everything posted by UAL002

  1. I was thinking more like 1km, but yea, sure whatever floats your goat.
  2. Another feature request: Ability to enter in exact coordinates for landing/hover sequence for land based construction facilities.
  3. Feature request: A button to re-scan mass. If I dump a bunch of fuel prior to launch, I want that accurately reflected.
  4. Any plans to make this an EVA Activity?
  5. Hasn't worked for me since the post was new. EDIT: No one has mentioned this in the initial post. Hope this helps. "Place the "DYJMisc" folder in GameData, users of pWings delete one of the DYJlibrary.dlls . Always keep the newest."
  6. Could this mod conflict with others? Ive been adding a 2.5ish stretchy tank full of monoprop with the secondary texture to a rocket. When i go to launch pad I'm all of a sudden in hypervelocity leaving kerbin orbit with lots of wind noise. Narrowed it down to the tank causing it. EDIT: a thin 2.5 of mono-propellant causes it, liquid/ox mix doesn't. EDIT 2: I see a hotfix. Might wanna put release notes on frontpage. Just a friendly suggestion. Cheers, I'll try the fix.
  7. Yes, but make the window truly realizable all the way up too fullscreen.
  8. I'm sure like many things here, track IR has been discussed, however does anyone have an update to word on possible integration?
  9. False alarm, I'm waiting for it to boot now, but there was an old MC folder in my gamedata that must have been conflicting. I use JSGME so I'm not sure how I missed it. EDIT: Nevermind, it was just the folder with the leftover savefile info. Its still doing it. EDIT 2: OK, I think that I was having my issue thanks to writing out the insurance line for Kerbals with a comma in it. Don't do that.
  10. This is what my window looks like. Same thing pre-launch. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/902126078585228131/EA37B161D4C02DCC6A73527B296ECAF3F85357DE/
  11. Ill play with it more tonight and report back. At least I know this was not intentional.
  12. Win 7 x64 16 gig ram, core I5, Dual 560gt SLI. I did hit space-bar. Could alt tabbing out during KSPs initial load still cause problems?
  13. Yes, my MC window was not working in the builder or on the pad before launch. Only after launch or in the space center did any info show. Also, when launching, it does not subtract costs of any type. I was on my ascent with 50k. My funds just kept climbing if I completed mission and stayed static if I failed them. I either installed it wrong or its conflicting with something. Any ideas?
  14. Oh man, I hardly use anything but stock, KSPX expansion and B9. I liked the costs. I have other single part mods here and there but they all seem to have reasonable costs. The costs are the whole reason I LOVE this mod.
  15. You people apparently don't care much for puppies. Always rockets with you guys. Anyway.... I'm glad this is taking off the way it is. You guys are both doing great work. Keep it up. I'm currently taking a break while the Mission Controller mod gets a few more versions ahead, I keep having to restart my game. But when I'm back in space I'll test out your progress and report back. Cheers, and blue side up!
  16. So I should ask, Interfect, are you working with EvilC now? If not you should, he made a lot of progress while you were afk. This mod has tons of potential. Specially with 2 guys working on it. EDIT: If that sounded bossy, please enjoy this puppy
  17. Lol, I love this place. A whole bunch of amateur rocket scientists fumbling over themselves! Cheers!
  18. I'm thinking someone should start a user mission package thread for posting those, using the version number they work for. Also, I think our fearless leader here should link it at beginning of this thread. Someone take some initiative, I'm at work!
  19. Nice lookin F4U... better be the charlie model, that had cannons.
  20. Ooo, just noticed that when you hit F2 to hide gui, your icon stays.
  21. Is there a way to "reset" the MC mod? Also, after updating all my missions disappeared. And... the answer is midnight.
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