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Everything posted by UAL002

  1. My 2 cents: I like "Undecorated" as it is descriptive and to the point, however "Candidates" is ok but I think "rookie" is a step back, no offense intended. I honestly can't think of anything better than "Undecorated" so I have no suggestions.
  2. I might be wrong but a good way to test would be to use the mod to paint a rocket and save. Then remove the mod. And try to load up your rocket. I think you should be fine though. I might have to drop the mod if some of the little bugs don't get dropped or more parts get added soon anyway. I'm thinking the mod author has moved on to other things like many of us do from time to time.
  3. Im an idiot. I guess you mean the easter eggs hidden all over all the celestial bodies. How did I not understand this?
  4. Ive got the 6 Service modules working. @PART[serCom1m] { MODULE { name = ModulePaintable Texture = 6comp Shader = BumpSpec DeepReplace = true } } @PART[serCom2] { MODULE { name = ModulePaintable Texture = 6comp Shader = BumpSpec DeepReplace = true } }
  5. Also would like to suggest support for the 6S Service Compartment Tubes. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61040-6S-Service-Compartment-Tubes-Design-smooth! And don't forget Procedural Fairings. One last thing, is there a tutorial on how to make your own support? EDIT: Found some instruction in the first post.
  6. Its not doing it since I turned off the camera FOV indicator on the Rasterprop cameras. May have had nothing to do with toolbar or MC. If it happens again I found the output log location. I'll PM you.
  7. Its not generating a crash dump. But I can hit alt F12 while its starting to grind down and I can see a bunch or RED entries about stack something or other. I'd have to do it again.
  8. That and either this or the updated toolbar 1.40 is slowly crashing my game after Ive been in the VAB a while.
  9. Yea boss, I think my resolution was all the way up when I took the shot. That's was probably causing it. And it does crash sometimes also now that I've tested it more. The resolution slider determines the size of the output jpeg then?
  10. I would love to see this incorporated with a module manager patch... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603-0-23-RasterPropMonitor-make-your-IVA-a-glass-cockpit-(v0-12)-25-Dec EDIT: NEVERMIND It already is! Sam Hall , update your first post buddy!
  11. Yea, I haven't been crashing, but I've had this wierd bug where i get zoomed out real far and the camera gets "wobbly" I think it takes the picture though. The folder has got some pics in it. But I cant seem to find the feature that knows what Im looking at for science. When I do "snap picture" i still get the "above biome" science.
  12. I think it is still useful to add it to a pod to have the ability to add a second experiment to one already in your command pod. Just make the experiments addable and removeable by Eva in addition to its current "suck all data" function.
  13. I'd love to see this integrated into the community toolbar. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60066
  14. Can you make an exception to the code algorithm specifically for that mechjeb part? Make it cost a community agreed upon amount? I'm thinking 10-20g range.
  15. I second that node request. Couple of questions, does the telescope have animations?
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