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Everything posted by UAL002

  1. Nereid, I don't want to sound like a broken record but I want to make sure my post doesn't get buried. Please check the functionality of your Permadeath button. I explain a few pages back.
  2. SmarterThanMe, add my issue mentioned in the last page if you get a chance.
  3. I noticed that. That's what tripped me up. I found it on one of your DMP pages that had the links to the development build.
  4. So, did you kill the server DL? I was running a private server, It was buggy as hell but working. I went to go DL a new Server version and cant find it. EDIT: NM I found it
  5. Nereid, check the functionality of your kerbal permadeath option. If I set MissingCrewsRespawn manually and I even touch that button ingame it resets the setting back to "true" no matter what state i leave the button in. Jeb keeps coming back like some sort of astrozombie. Cheers, keep up the great work. I CANT WAIT for an update.
  6. Its rough, I'll admit, and it seems wonky with DarkMultiplayer. Hell, a coworker friend of mine who plays got it in a MODPACK I made him. First thing he complained about. To hell with him, he's a dolt, he doesn't even like career mode. It's all about immersion for me. I'm really liking the contracts system, as it doesn't allow me to spam missions for money and some are worth a handfull of science too which is nice, then other are science motherload and it's all chance. Personally I think that should be your focus. Hell, make it the core and get rid of the other style missions outside a basic start up program to get you going like you have with "Stock". I'm thinking the mission package needs an overhaul yes, but in due time, lets see what .24 brings and how many headaches it causes you. In conclusion, I say focus on refining the contracts system and add as much reasonable randomness you can without it being to restrictive and make it fun. I think this mod will take off with some polish and trimming of excess. Cheers. Keep up the great work.
  7. Malkuth, since you're the current frontrunner for authoring/keeping alive a mission control mod, has Squad approached you for input in any regard, in terms of implementing your missions into their system or tailoring their system with any pointers from you? Just curious, becasue if they didnt they missed a golden opportunity. keep up the great work.
  8. Hey, Just noticed the "accumulated mission time" is given in earth units. Any chance we can get a feature to display in Kerbin time?
  9. I just did an orbital research contract that was supposed to last "1 day" I had assumed a 6 hr kerbal day but it was in fact 24 hours. Is there a way to make this more clear? Just make it say 24hrs maybe? or convert to kerbal time? PRE Dev version mind you.
  10. I cant seem to login. My login keeps saying I didnt verify my email, but I dont see an email. What would the email say and who would it be from?
  11. Come on StarVision, we miss you. You can do so much more with this since your last update. We definitely need PNG transparency support. A single scaleable/tweakable part would be nice too but not as important.
  12. I would love to see an update to this. Something that has a white background for transparency and maybe one part in the procedural style with tweakables.
  13. My hero. I'll start in on it now. EDIT: I got it working. Its rough, but wow. This has tons of potential.
  14. Nogo. Running Freetrack first? I never see that the freetrack camera window sees my trackclip. My only dropdown menu item is the demo video. Moved over TIRviews.dll too.
  15. Ok so I have TrackIR 4 hardware, I have the older version of Freetrack thats supports it, now what?
  16. Track IR in IVA in a spaceplane is absolutely needed. Ill continue to use mouse look for everything else.
  17. Looks like the syntax for the "IceCaps" Biome is wrong for the Random Mission polar region exploration mission. Just a heads up.
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