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Everything posted by UAL002

  1. Hahaha, the music made it that much creepier. Your personal build looks nice. I like your toolbar setup. On another note, I'm giving up on streaming my Linux build. I cant figure out dual sound sources (mic and game) to save my life. I kinda rage uninstall all the **** I was using. If someone else can take vid of the center of gravity bug for sirkut, that's be awesome. I think they might be related.
  2. No worries, I'm sure most of us have to get some sleep for work. You got this. All you need is some time. And sleep.
  3. Sorry, didn't try to cause a mutiny, just trying to keep everyone positive.
  4. Yes... Tweakscale, answer to first question. Assuming that is part of your 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 parts. As a side note, I have a rocket with some parts on it that have the weird center of gravity issue as well, do you need a vid on that? If this is indeed an issue with your mod...and you squash it. Please call the next patch the "Floppy Fix Update"
  5. This happens to me as well. sirkut: here is the video of it. http://www.twitch.tv/ual002/b/540972750
  6. damn. ok. i'll have to figure out how. this might be a while
  7. So why do the parts get "floppy" after i go visit another vessel and then come back? Am I dense and missing something? I'd be happy to make a video but game capture software on linux is... well to complicated for my linux skill.
  8. I get parts acting funny after a reload. like a quickload or revisiting a vessel. this was happening is 161 and apparently in 162. Im on linux 64 EDIT: I read back through the thread and noticed I am also having an issue with my center of mass. Question EDIT: Is 1.6.2 supposed to be for the new part models in the WIP thread or are the ones that come with the DL still good?
  9. Kerbal Space Program/GameData/MissionController/Plugins/PluginData/MissionController/thenameofyoursave.sp
  10. Ive been recently thinking about this mod and ways to trim it down and streamline it. I think you could get rid of the old stock /bootstraps missions that play the same way every time you start if you could do the following: 1. Implement more contracts that randomly appear at more frequent intervals. 2. Have the contracts that appear, based of the parts you have available. Assume stock or near stock tech tree. a. IE if you just starting out, and have no probe parts, you have gemeni and mercury style contracts. b. When probe parts do appear, make short time frame missions until solar power is avail. c. When any of the stock docking ports come available make dock Testing contracts. (i redesigned my tree so I can get the dock port jr. first.) d. Implement missions to explore parts of kerbin by any means when plane parts come available. Flyover or landing missions. e. add you idea here
  11. I've got a tower in the middle of KSPs runway. I'm not sure I installed this stuff right. Most of those DLs don't come with instructions. Also have no idea how to spawn at the other launch sites.
  12. From this thread I learned kerbals are fat and like pudding.
  13. Heads up though. I can "edit" my fuel with Fuelbalancer anywhere on the surface of Kerbin to my knowledge. This update is good, and as long as I don't cheat with Fuelbalancer I'm ok, but just FYI. Haven't tested it with your new update but I'm assuming it will still work. I've been thinking recently that Fuelbalancer might be a little OP now anyway with how career mode and realism mods are progressing. I'm looking forward to the new contracts. I cant wait to see what else you got coming. Suggestion: Change the repair goal to not require the docking. With KAS, I can write a config that makes the repair can attachable on EVA, making the docking pointless, I can share that config if needed. Its super simple. Final Note: I've considered starting up a free 3DM program to flesh out some models for your parts, especially the repair panel. I'd be learning as I go so don't hold your breath.
  14. Nereid, I just want to say what a pleasure it is helping brainstorm with you and the others. This mod is so simple but yet one of my favorites.
  15. Shoot, I hate to add more crap to the list, but I'm sure your keeping track. - Persistent Hall of Fame Kerbal Filter buttons based on the scene. I like to see active kerbals on missions, available kerbals at the space center and turn on and off the dead kerbals if I want to honor the fallen. Now I'm sure if you just make each different scene's filter options persistent that would work fine.
  16. "@ Retirement of Kerbals, removing them from the pool (and reactivation?)." SO MUCH YES. Also, is there a way to randomize the list of active Kerbals. I'm getting tired of Jeb always automatically jumping in the first ship that's ready for launch. The guy wont let any other Kerbs get a shot into space without a fight.
  17. I've had a problem with this mod that has plagued my window size since early on. I never mentioned it but I will now. Something triggers my MCE windows to be super wide. Like I have to use the scroll bar to scroll way over to see details of missions. I don't have a screen capture yet, I'm not home but does anyone else have this issue?
  18. I'm thinking the next version can use some GUI love. Can you add sort options for the hall of fame for number of missions, mission time, time since recruitment and number of total ribbons? Also can you add window resize options?
  19. How stable is this? Is pretty clean or is the presentation still a bit rough?
  20. Do you have the ability to auto award flight wings when conditions like "Aircraft never leaves atmosphere" or "lands on runway" or "has minimum lift value" have been met?
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