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Everything posted by sarbian

  1. Yeah, I know about this. A while ago someone submitted a patch that improved the airplane landing and changed a lot of the airplane code. The old code was actually better at handling the in flight control for all planes. The new code shakes some planes a lot... If someone want to take some time to merge and or revert some of it I would welcome the help because I know I won't be able to look into it for a while. Those where the PR #937 and #938 (and #991 ?)
  2. I guess I'll have to revert some of the landing AP recent changes. I'll try to find some time this week...
  3. I did not say I had any proof. I said that if you want to complain you need to show some. So I will (again...) post some trace of the traffic on an issue I do not care about anymore since they removed redshell and implemented the official Unity GDPR opt-out. But first let me remind you that the Unity opt-out is not a "never sand anything anywhere" but a "Dont' send private info in the analytics". If you want to see the difference then look at my previous capture and compare with the new one. Capture from a KSP 1.4.5 with Unity Opt-out active. Response header removed because they don't provide anything useful. Response not included when it was empty. First Unity checks if Analytics is active globally (I guess it's a kill switch on their side) Request: POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: config.uca.cloud.unity3d.com User-Agent: UnityPlayer/2017.1.3p1 (UnityWebRequest/1.0, libcurl/7.51.0-DEV) Accept-Encoding: identity Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json X-Unity-Version: 2017.1.3p1 Content-Length: 355 Response: { "prefs": {}, "analytics": { "events": { "custom_event": { "max_event_per_hour": 350 } }, "enabled": true } } Then it checks the optout and analytics status for the game/device/user. Request: GET /player/opt_out?appid=39811e89-d29d-4faa-bb01-997f3cda24f0&userid=<hereismyuserid>&deviceid=<hereismydeviceid> HTTP/1.1 Host: data-optout-service.uca.cloud.unity3d.com Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: identity User-Agent: UnityPlayer/2017.1.3p1 WindowsPlayer/2 DataPrivacyPlugin/1.0.1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded X-Unity-Version: 2017.1.3p1 Response: { "request": { "date": "2018-08-17T18:07:07Z" }, "status": { "analyticsEnabled": true, "deviceStatsEnabled": true, "limitUserTracking": true, "performanceReportingEnabled": true, "optOut": true } } Then we have the events call I finished loading the first scene and it took forever Request: POST https://cdp.cloud.unity3d.com/v1/events HTTP/1.1 Host: cdp.cloud.unity3d.com User-Agent: UnityPlayer/2017.1.3p1 (UnityWebRequest/1.0, libcurl/7.51.0-DEV) Accept-Encoding: identity Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json event_count: 4 data_block_id: c54d789f084d010e85de13913856c538 expired_session_dropped: 0 data_retry_count: 1 continuous_request: 1 X-Unity-Version: 2017.1.3p1 Content-Length: 861 { "common": { "appid": "39811e89-d29d-4faa-bb01-997f3cda24f0", "userid": "<stillmyuserid>", "sessionid": 3452760274898692909, "platform": "WindowsPlayer", "platformid": 2, "sdk_ver": "u2017.1.3p1", "localprojectid": "5be2ef0cdad9b1344ae103b0d475456b", "build_guid": "eba88140f461ac641a4d396bcab20931", "deviceid": "unknown" } }{ "type": "analytics.custom.v1", "msg": { "ts": 1534932065158, "name": "unity.sceneLoad", "custom_params": { "level_name": "ksploading", "level_num": 0, "total_levels": 18 } } }{ "type": "perf.sceneLoadingTime.v1", "msg": { "ts": 1534932065166, "scene_name": "ksploading", "scene_index": 0, "background_time": 2415221760, "integrate_time": 1340646912, "ts_integrate_time": 52750280, "total_time": 3837266944 } }{ "type": "analytics.appRunning.v1", "msg": { "ts": 1534932079004, "duration": 15, "local_time_offset": -3600000 } }{ "type": "analytics.appStop.v1", "msg": { "ts": 1534932079005 } } Hey, it's me KSP Request POST https://cdp.cloud.unity3d.com/v1/events HTTP/1.1 Host: cdp.cloud.unity3d.com User-Agent: UnityPlayer/2017.1.3p1 (UnityWebRequest/1.0, libcurl/7.51.0-DEV) Accept-Encoding: identity Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json event_count: 1 data_block_id: 10ea04242e3fdff2c2fde2c35ffa5003 expired_session_dropped: 0 data_retry_count: 1 continuous_request: 2 X-Unity-Version: 2017.1.3p1 Content-Length: 383 { "common": { "appid": "39811e89-d29d-4faa-bb01-997f3cda24f0", "userid": "<stillmyuserid>", "sessionid": 3452760274898692909, "platform": "WindowsPlayer", "platformid": 2, "sdk_ver": "u2017.1.3p1", "localprojectid": "5be2ef0cdad9b1344ae103b0d475456b", "build_guid": "eba88140f461ac641a4d396bcab20931", "deviceid": "unknown" } }{ "type": "analytics.appStart.v1", "msg": { "ts": 1534932375151 } } How much time was spent on scene so far Request: POST https://cdp.cloud.unity3d.com/v1/events HTTP/1.1 Host: cdp.cloud.unity3d.com User-Agent: UnityPlayer/2017.1.3p1 (UnityWebRequest/1.0, libcurl/7.51.0-DEV) Accept-Encoding: identity Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json event_count: 1 data_block_id: 93a36dd065228301af6b9944a0a959e8 expired_session_dropped: 0 data_retry_count: 1 continuous_request: 3 X-Unity-Version: 2017.1.3p1 Content-Length: 462 { "common": { "appid": "39811e89-d29d-4faa-bb01-997f3cda24f0", "userid": "<stillmyuserid>", "sessionid": 3452760274898692909, "platform": "WindowsPlayer", "platformid": 2, "sdk_ver": "u2017.1.3p1", "localprojectid": "5be2ef0cdad9b1344ae103b0d475456b", "build_guid": "eba88140f461ac641a4d396bcab20931", "deviceid": "unknown" } }{ "type": "perf.startupTime.v1", "msg": { "ts": 1534932373298, "gfx_done": 197202, "first_scene": 233614, "scene_init": 2589251, "scene_done": 3792520 } } Now if you compare to my previous capture you ll see that a few less things are sent. The analytics still runs but now they comply with the GDPR. And of course if you do not want Squad or Unity to know ANYTHING about you then you should block the game traffic with a firewall. And not post on the forum. Edit: no idea of the source of your amazonaws. I did not get any sent by the KSP process.
  4. Do you have concrete proof of what you are saying? Because I don't see any network trace in those posts.
  5. It depends on the exact effect you want but the logGrow and logGrowScale curves are most likely what you want. The Smokescreen post has the info.
  6. No new build. Not much time/will on my side, no need for the KSP patches and no one else contributed.
  7. Hi and welcome. Unfortunately translation is not really possible with MJ currently. The current old UI is already bad for performance and adding the translation on top of it would make it worse. I have been working on a new UI but it is going on very slowly and I do not expect it to be out anytime soon. When this new UI is done it will be easy to translate MJ in any language.
  8. https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/15434/cannot-find-wrapper-assembly-for-type-library-envd.html
  9. I forgot how complex it is to do simple stuff in this game sometimes. Did you try something like this ? ConfigNode configNode = GamePersistence.LoadSFSFile(saveName, HighLogic.SaveFolder); HighLogic.CurrentGame = GamePersistence.LoadGameCfg(configNode, saveName, true, false); HighLogic.CurrentGame.Start(); I guess KSPUpgradePipeline should be used somewhere too. It seems loading a game is not as simple as it was...
  10. For some it seems the PlayerConnectionConfigFile I provide does not work. Launch Unity with an empty project, find the build game menu (File I think ?) set the build to dev, launch the build and save somewhere. You should have a PlayerConnectionConfigFile somewhere in there that hopefully will be better tailored to your PC.
  11. Hum, the mod should not change the displayed level so if you have that I guess it's most likely related to an other mod
  12. Given for how long we have been complaining about this and the total lack of official response (beside the "this deserve it's own thread") I guess his nick will be relevant for quite a while.
  13. Well... I have no problem with the exe and link naming in my debugging install. Your problem looks like what happends when the debug file (PlayerConnectionConfigFile) is missing.
  14. Stock. I am sure it could be fixed but ATM I can not work on my mods. If anyone want a go at it feel free to submit a PR.
  15. Private parties files to their country privacy agency. The agency then review the complain and decide what to do with it. And said private parties don't benefit financially if there is a fine (some poster in the other thread implied it...). No need to burn bridges for now. Squad/T2 is not the only company who is late on being compliant. We ll see...
  16. Thanks @Deddly So now that we have a proper thread can we have some official reply?
  17. Thanks. This makes things a lot more clearer. I guess I clicked by pure reflex...
  18. So you think that if I get you to agree to EULA v1 I can then change the term to whatever I want in v2 without informing you and it is still binding ? I would love to see that in a court. (I would love to see any EULA in court).
  19. I will agree that I have a hard time understanding how the GDPR could actually claim juridiction in a foreign country. However plenty of US(+others) site clearly think they could be subject to sanction and made changes. And if they did it then it is most likely because their lawyers think they could be hit somehow. Well not anymore. The R of GDPR stand for Regulation and those do not need to be transcribed in local law. UK is still a EU member for at least 9 month so since last Friday an IP address is now a personal data.
  20. lol. I am perfectly calm. I know what I put in my whois. You are not the only person around who know how the net works. I never say I want to hide my identity. You can easily find my real name in my mods licence and my address would take a few more minute on the not. That's a choice I made willingly. The game suddenly changing its behavior and not honoring anymore its own privacy option remove the player consent. And as far asI know someone who bought KSP 1.0 on steam and who does not have forum account never had to accept the new TOS/EULA. I don't remember having to validate a new EULA when launching the game (I may be wrong here, feel free to enlighten me)
  21. Yeah, please keep your interest for post limited.
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